Avatar of lydyn
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1197 (0.29 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. lydyn 11 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current I just realized my name is uncaptialized from before we moved. Apparently instead of being an important person, I am now just a random NPC... *sad panda*
10 yrs ago
I should clarify my previous status - my 1x1 interest check has new fancy graphics. :p
10 yrs ago
Updated my interest check with new fancy graphics~ <3
10 yrs ago
Been a while, but let's see what trouble I can stir up on RP Guild. ^.^


"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead." -Oscar Wilde

Onwards to a new bio!~

So, the types of role-plays I enjoy most? Romance first, adventure second and if you can mix the two together - you're my hero, forevers. I also love fantasy, enjoy sci-fi, interested in steampunk, and can usually find my way around 'slice of life' types.

About me? Very, very simple ... and pay attention; I am a lesbian, girly-girl, nerdy gamer. However you feel about that, that's who and what I am. So in turn, my personas (or characters) are also lesbians, more feminine / submissive, and if in modern or sci-fi RPs, usually a gamer of some sort. \(^.^)/ Also, I love and adores kittes. <3 So sometimes I like to play cat girls, but worry not for I consider myself someone who skirts around causal to advanced. Character development is my world, yo.

Also you might hear me talk about my wife from time to time, but I'm also polyamorous, so there's that as well. In short I don't judge and I'm open to friendly chats, RP offers (if I have room) and otherwise any other questions or comments. <3

RP Guild Family
Wholockgal - My wife! Who is a huge Dr. Who & Sherlock fangirl.
Nallore - Invited me to an awesome RP and became my friend. <3 (Always asks me what I want to talk about. xD)
Caits - My unofficial sister. She doesn't know yet, unless she reads this. =3
Soufflegirl123 - Lover of Dr. Who and always says hi to me whenever I join chat. ^.^

Most Recent Posts

@Scio - As much as I adore this role-play and this group, I fear the posting speed was WAY too fast for me.. so I probably couldn't keep up with it, sadly. As much as I wish to join again.

For clarification, this is a FxF roleplay interest check, thank you!

Hello all my fellow role-players! Let's get right into it, shall we?

  • My posts are usually anywhere from 2-4 paragraphs, but I can do more with more time.
  • Please spell check.
  • I typically write at an advanced level, though I feel more comfortable in high-causal. I'd prefer a partner anywhere from causal to advanced.
  • I'd like maybe a post or two every week or so, but since sometimes life can get in the way, I understand if it's delayed (sometimes I may delay too, haha). ^-^ However if not contacted and there's not been a post in two weeks, I'll consider the role-play dead.
  • For main characters, I tend to only play one and they're always submissive females. Luckily for you, I don't care about your real life gender. ^-^
  • I'm a big romantic so it ends up being something I really crave in almost all my role-plays. However I want more than just romance. <3

  • Romance - As mentioned before, I'm a huge sucker for romance!~ No matter the setting or overall plot.
  • Adventure - I like to balance my romance with some sort of adventure or quest. Honestly really any conflict will do however, even if it's drama, though I prefer adventure.
  • Epic - I tend to gravitate towards epic tales, not that I don't mind more mundane, down-to-earth stories however.
  • Fantasy - I have always loved and adored fantasy! ^-^ This can be anywhere from low or high magic, lighter settings or even a little gritty (but just not full on dark). Also no historical type of fantasy. I don't like history much.
  • Steampunk - YES PLEASE. O.O Preferably mixed with fantasy. :3
  • Modern - I must admit it's a weakness in most cases unless paired with another genre. If not paired with another genre, I usually feel lost and wondering what the main plot is, even in a college setting or some sort. Slice of life with two people is another weakness, but I'd be willing to try!
  • Sci-Fi - Not super strong in this type of setting, but I can definitely pull it off, more so if there's an adventure or quest involved. I do really like sci-fi though.
  • Superheroes - Love, love, love super hero settings!~ Whether this is original heroes and setting or using the DC universe and revamping / revisions of iconic characters.
  • Supernatural - Never actually tried this, but I have once in a group setting. I don't think I'd do terrible in this setting. ^.-

I cannot stress this enough though - I know we all get excited and motivated by new ideas and hit the ground running, but I also know a lot of us lose that same motivation once the initial rush is past - so please, for the sake of my sanity, make sure you're willing to role-play for some time before PMing me.

*Offers cookies and brownies*
I have a wonderful idea for the princess/knight, so shoot me a PM if you're interested! We can hash out details there and what I usually prefer. :3
(Interacting with: @Baklava, @Zero Hex, @Lord of Evil)

Looking between Gale and Rhian, she pursed her lips, letting out a light sigh. "It's Rosaleen.. or Rose.." Despite her mild annoyance at her name being forgotten, she also recognized how annoying this must've been for Rhian, not to mention she was the type of personality that was more inclined to follow orders than give them. So as she waved her hand in the direction of the school, she silently agreed to lead Rhian further along - and anyone else really.

She glanced back to the pink owls who had been gliding in circles for a couple minutes now. They didn't seem harmful anymore, if a bit odd and out of place. However Rose figured that she might as well assume that this sort of thing was to become more regular as they were welcomed into the school. In truth, she wasn't sure what to expect besides other students trying to learn and control their own powers. A thought then crossed her mind, 'are there others like me?' It wasn't so much of, are there other magic users, but others that had a hard time making their own magics 'safe.' Or other energy users mayhaps. It was a nice curiosity to indulge in as she hiked up the mountain.
@Baklava probably going to reply today. Still around! :D
(Interacting with: @Baklava, @Zero Hex, @Lord of Evil)

"Your hand is glowing. Is it supposed to do that?" That's when she glanced over to the newcomer again and then over to Rhian, who had shuffled back a little. 'Ugh.. even with it being small.. it's already so noticeable. If only they knew how bad it got.' Her eyes went back up to the owl who seemed fairly harmless at the moment before clenching her hand and diffusing the ball of energy.

With a gentle sigh, she decided it might be best to avoid talking about her magic just yet. She quietly wondered what the instructors themselves might think - would they keep her away from the others then? ".. sorry, I didn't bring any food.. I really didn't bring anything. I just... kind of wanted to start over. I mean... eh.." She paused deciding not to put her foot in her mouth. "Anyways, I don't think the school is far, but this swarm of.. pink.. owls..." Again, her focus was on the horde of flying pink objects in the sky. It didn't seem the others were quite as concerned about it as they were each other. While she wanted to make friends and get to know the others, she couldn't help but wonder why they had appeared. If it was a trail of some sort, already, she wanted to be ready for it. Of course, the tree-stalker guy was jumping up and down trying to wave them off like they were bugs. He seemed quite strange.

Just an FYI.... I was locked out my apartment so the post will be tomorrow. Sorry!
@Scio I'm still here. Life is just super busy all of a sudden. I want to post tomorrow though! If that's okay. :) if nothing pops up anyways. >.<
(Interacting with: @Baklava, @Zero Hex, @Lord of Evil, @Scio)

Rosaleen was glancing between the two before gently hopping after Rhian, who was urging her to continue leading the way. She was happy to assist, but the apparent swarm of PINK owls sort of distracted her. Of course the biggest distraction was the out of ordinary appearance of such a large group, but it was also partially due to the fact that pink was her favorite color. While she wanted to marvel at the pure awesomeness of the sight, it worried her just enough to give pause and clench her fist. Her eyes glanced again to the others and the new comer to the situation.

She suddenly felt a mixture of nervousness and caution. She wasn't sure if the pink owls meant a certain danger or distraction but at the same time, she was somewhat afraid of releasing any magical energy. She had been judged so many times before in her life - even by other magi. It was unstable and hard to control, even if she had learned to keep it from randomly exploding now. It was enough to make anyone scared and she didn't want to alienate people from her. Regardless, she opened her hand and summoned just a tad bit of energy, the tiny ball swirling like a hurricane in her hand. It wasn't enough to make her hand shake - yet, but it gave her enough of a head start to shoot one off at a moment's notice if need be. ".. maybe.. someone is helping lead us to the school? Or this is a test?.." She hadn't a clue. She was only guessing.
(@Baklava, @Zero Hex, & @Scio)

So so so so so sorry that I haven't posted yet! Real life hit me like a semi!! I should have time tomorrow morning or maybe if I can squeeze it in tonight. Again, deepest apologizes!
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