Avatar of Scio
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    1. Scio 10 yrs ago


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@duskshine749 Yeah, sure thing. Once I get the character sheets out, just tell me if you wanna get some random stuff. Any themes or type of abilities, and if you wanna have it before or after making your character and stuff.

As for another GM, maybe later down the line if this thing lasts and things get a bit messy with the whole world building thing.
More than I expected, but cool.

@duskshine749 I'm all for the idea, but won't require it. The last thing I'd want is someone to leave out of the blue because they aren't happy with their ability. If anyone wants to get stuff at random, they can request for it along with how random do they want to get with it. Giving me a theme to work on is fine too.

Anyway, I'll see how much more I can flesh out before starting the OOC thread. Just so you guys know, this'll be more of a stress-reliever for me. I'll try to keep this alive, but when I get swamped with work, me being MIA for a few days to a week would probably something to be expected.

Think of this alternate reality as the lovechild born from the tropes for both magic and professional heroism. To give you a better idea of what I'm trying to go for, I'll be drawing inspiration from various manga, but core concepts will potentially come from My Hero Academia, Rave: Groove Adventures, Onepunch Man, and HunterxHunter. Hopefully, you've got a better grasp on the foundations I'm trying to build off from. It's kinda necessary later on once we go into more detail with the world building for this story.

For now, let's just settle for the gist of things. The year is 2020 and the world has been co-existing with magic for over 300 years. The reason behind the relative peace that's currently being maintained around the world is primarily due to the strict magical energy regulation laws observed by most countries. In this world, people with superpowers (referred to as Peculiarities) are the norm, and being a professional hero is a dream commonly strove for by many; and if it wasn't that obvious yet, you will be playing the role of one of these individuals. Cool, right? Or at least kinda interesting, I suppose.

By now, you probably have a vague idea on what the setting for this story. Next, we can talking about magic a bit more. When I say magic, it's more of an ambient energy that exists throughout the world. How it translates into Peculiarities is less spell conjuring and sorcery, and more of biological mutations. Peculiarities are special, superhuman abilities an individual can possess and are generally unique to their user. Aside from the occasional alteration and mutation of peculiarities, they are inherited genetically and typically manifest in children by the age of four at the latest. There are several laws and procedures to ensure the conscientious use of peculiarities. During elementary school, children receive counseling, in order to learn how to use and moderate their powers responsibly.

Aside from Peculiarities, magical energy is also used to fuel and create various artifacts, be it a common household object like a self sustaining lightbulb or kitchen knife that never goes dull, to prehensile and indestructible cloth bandages or a sentient mallet. Yeah, things can get weird here.

Anyway, before I go any further, maybe I could get a show of hands on those who wanna join in?
@GreenGoat I guess that's my bad. No need. I'll just edit it from being the only way out to the only door instead.
Running for your life is a legit course of action. If I was in such a situation, I would. By the way, I edited this in: the fire is spreading to the only way out.
@Polaris North You can either go for something mild or massive. KimmiNinja's character seems like she's staring blankly into space since she's interacting with her quirk, who kinda sentient. WXer's character was just shaking. Story-wise, your character would find it difficult to find out what his ability is.

You could go with suddenly creating portals out of nowhere and he wouldn't know what it was. Or maybe just having some weird epiphany?

@Rex Nope, but you can if you want to. The premise is just everyone being quirkless and being given the chance to get a quirk. Whether your character decides to be a criminal is up to them.

@GreenGoat@Polaris North@WXer@KimmiNinja
Although appearing introverted, most of those who had gathered had eccentric personalities. Soon enough, the tension and ackward silence that was building up in the room would eventually just vanish. This was simply in their nature. It might have taken a few minutes, but things were finally picking up.

"Old man, why stop at a country? Why not the whole world?"

"How do you even plan on taking over the country with all those heroes littered around in this country? And do we owe you our loyalty because you gave us these? And if so, what do we get from it besides... whatever is in these?"

Appreciating the inquisitiveness that was being showed, Jin wasted no time in addressing the questions thrown at him.

"Easy now. " Jin chuckled as he slightly raised his hands, as if trying to pacify the eagerness everyone was showing through their inquiries.

"I did mention the country, but feel free to assume that we'll be going for much more as our influence expands. Baby steps, Miss Akane. Baby steps."

Jin then turned to green-eyed young man. "I have to apologize, but given how small our numbers are, our boss prefers keeping things underwraps for now." The tone of Jin's voice along with his demeanor momentarily shifted, turning stern and serious. His visor suddenly began emitting a faint pulsating red-hued glow.

"A goal without a plan, is just a pipe dream. And what we have is definitely far from that."

Taking his time and calming his nerves, Jin sat back and enjoyed his drink before continuing; the light that came from his visor, slowly dissapated.

"An excellent question, Mr. Kazuhiro. We believe that loyalty isn't demanded, but earned. So, consider those to be nothing more but gifts. Whether or not you choose to walk out those doors is solely up to you."

Given what Jin had said, the chances of it being deemed as an unsatisfactory answer was relatively high, but he was a difficult and confusing individual; he was a pain to deal with, and he was well aware of this.

Despite how vague his answers were, Jin wanted to talk some more and share information regarding their organization, but was distracted by the few who had decided to just take the drug.

"Alright, let's get this over with."

As much as he enjoyed a good conversation, Jin had no issues with individuals who preferred action over words.

"Somehow, this won't be the first thing that changes my life dramatically that I've gotten in a mysterious case, so I won't doubt its potency. However, I do have a question about you, Jin. How come everyone else, including your buddy Takeshi, looks like a freak to me... but you, somehow, look normal?"

Leaning backwards and instead of talking, Jin just watched and enjoyed the show that was about to come. He'd seen it on several occasions, but it was always amusing, the way the body responded to the little gift they had to offer.

Reactions usually appeared mild; people would just experience minor convulsions, transiently lose consciousness, or just end up blankly staring into space. However, not everyone was as fortunate. At one corner of the room, a flickering flame had suddenly appeared. At the edge of the table, opposite to Jin, was a middle-aged man. He bent forward facing the table, and apparently growling.

With drink still in hand, Jin stood up and started to walk away. He was well aware of what was about to come, and decided to distance himself a bit from the inevitable commossion.

"You guys better prepare yourself. Things are about to get rough."

A massive fire had appeared from behind everyone, and within it was a man kneeling and screaming in pain. Another individual fell on the floor, restless and wailing in agony. His limbs started to gnarl as his muscles were tearing through his blood-red skin, causing him to increase in size.

Their calm and casual meeting immediately turned into some kind of death trap. Smoke and smoldering flames were surrounding them, and if that wasn't bad enough, they now had to deal with a rage-filled ogre of a man who had began lashing out.

The ogre is around seven feet in height, extremely muscular, and crazed in every possible way. No clear vision of the guy on fire. Sadly, he's just there screaming and keeps on producing more fire.

@Rex Definitely accepting. Bring on those characters.
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