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Lorne was not one to panic, his job wouldn't allow for it. But when Lorne saw Soreth take some of the red substance and stick it into his mouth as if it was nothing, Lorne about had a heart attack. He thought his heart did skip more than a few beats when Soreth started gagging. Lorne could only stare blankly at Soreth finished discussing matters with the other demons before flying down to head to his room. Once Soreth was out of his sight, Lorne took a deep breathe to help get him back on track. He turned to the other demons, who were giving him a kind of "good luck with him" look, and also gave them orders regarding security and the investigation. Then he flew down and headed towards Soreth's room, to both make sure he was alright...and yell at him for doing that.

Wrenna continued to watch the servant, hoping she would finish quickly, when she saw something that turned her blood cold. The servant found her sword. "Dammit Qrena!" Wrenna muttered quietly. She could only hope the servant knew nothing about swords and thought it belong to Soreth so she wouldn't do anything with it or tell anyone about it...
"Thank you for your insight your majesty."Lorne replied with a slightly bigger smile when Soreth gave him that compliment, trying to be somewhat discreet since Soreth was trying to be as well. "Well even if it was human blood, you would have to assume they were trying to leave a certain more "read between the lines" message, but since the Red Dawn Brigade isn't a fully human group, it's hard to tell what it would be. Animal blood would be less complicated but still, what else are they trying to tell us with it?" You tell him before he flies up and you follow him. "I will admit, they're pretty brave. To stay here long enough to set all of this up, the person or people that did this was not afraid about getting caught. If I may say, I think that's what makes this group particularly dangerous. They don't seem to have any fear for themselves."

Wrenna was so glad when she saw the servant walk away and go about her duties, and she almost went back to watching Soreth when she noticed the servant come back over to the door and heard her call in again...'oh for the love of the gods why won't she go away...' Wrenna thought quietly as she continued to try and not make a sound.
Lorne looked at Soreth with a kind of poker face that didn't give away whether or not he believed Soreth. "Ah, I see. Bad timing then is it. Quite strange that they would go on with their task when there was obviously so much amiss yesterday. But obviously that's not my call. And yes, I was one of the first to go up there, namely because I was one of the first with wings that managed to get here. They're still trying to figure out what it's made of I gather. They're speculating that it might be human blood but that wouldn't really make much sense now would it?"

Wrenna was keeping as silently as she could, sweating nervously as she watched the servant come over to the door, inspect, and start to raise her hand to knock on the door. It was true that the servant couldn't get in...but if she got suspicious enough about the noise, she could certainly go tell someone that could do something about both the physical lock and the magical one. Wrenna could only hope that the servant would simply think that it was her imagination and move on....
"Oh trust me Soreth, there's always a more "Unappealing way" than this. No this was attention grabbing, but I don't think they're desperate yet. Desperate isn't rose petals that's for sure." Lorne gave the smaller demon a smile in return to try to show he wasn't be condescending. "And yes...it's going to take a bit to understand them, we're all trying to work on it. As for the servant, one of my men are interviewing her right now. But there's something I'm interested in first." Lorne leaned down closer to Soreth. "Who was your visitor the other day? the one that messed up your throne room."

Wrenna looked up from the mirror, confused. Soreth was still talking to some green clad demon, so that couldn't be him...she took the scry off of Soreth and into his room to see...a servant. Oh thank the gods it wasn't people looking for her...but it could become that if she didn't do something...she quickly rushed over to the door and locked it with the manual lock, hoping the servant would go away sometime soon...what would she do if the servant got into here? Despite not killing Soreth, it wasn't like Wrenna was against killing and hadn't done it before. She had and she could...but a servant wasn't an enemy. That would sound weird to most humans, seeing how demons were THE enemy...but Wrenna couldn't really bring herself to hate an entire race when her own wasn't pure and innocent. And a servant was just a person trying to get by in the world..."Oh please get back soon Soreth..." Wrenna whispered.
"With the new Dawn comes New Awakening." a voice behind Soreth said as a demon with green wings stepped up to him from behind, smiling a friendly smile. "Either that's a not so thinly veiled threat, or someone is trying to tell us when to wake up, no?" Lorne chuckled. "They're getting quite creative aren't they? I mean, the rose petals are a nice subtle touch. Completely ruined by the giant X burned into the floor. Their artist direction is everywhere. At least they didn't use actual blood. That stuff is hard to clean up. Anywho, what's your take on all of this your highness?"

You sigh...more and more talking that you couldn't here...You couldn't even see what was on the ceiling thanks to not knowing how to control the scrying completely...but there was something red dripping onto a giant X and rose petals...so there was that.
Wrenna nodded and quickly closed the door behind Soreth, but noticing the lock clicking close as a precaution on Soreth's part. Well, at least no one would be able to get in here now...well almost no one. Wrenna pressed her ear to the door, hopping to catch what was so important that they came directly for Soreth. She couldn't hear much. In fact, all she could hear from the guards(?) was something about a mess, and then Soreth saying he was going with them. Then he directly talked to her and gave a vauge description of what was going on...With a sigh, Wrenna knocked gently to let him know that he heard her before going to the mirror. It was time to play her least favorite game of Scrying on Soreth and having no idea what was going on really as he and others talked to one another...Lovely. But it was all Wrenna could do so she put her hands on the mirror and started the scrying, watching as Soreth came on the mirror's surface again as he quickly followed the guards to where ever it was that he was going.
"It's never really been about what I want...but if I get through this fine, I'm going to make the rest of my life more about what I want to be sure." Wrenna told him as she took her hands away from the mirror and her home faded into her own reflection. She looked back at him when he made the suggestion of going to her home when everything was sorted all out. "Oh? That would be interesting to be sure." She smiled. "I'd have to teach you how to cast an illusion on yourself, or maybe I could do it for you. At least you won't have to worry about being cold as I'm pretty sure the area might be too hot even for a demon at times." She chuckled. "Desmond would most likely be interested in meeting you. I don't think he would really care if you were a demon though I don't know if we'd want to startle him with a big reveal." Wrenna was pretty sure that all this talk was just fantasy...but it was nice to dream.

Those thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door though. "I thought you said they weren't going to be coming until later!" Wrenna said as she looked for a place in the art room to hide just in case.
"It's really not the same, no. I would like to go back there once we sort all of this out...I wanted to settle down some place nice once all of this was over. That town isn't exactly the easiest place to live, but it was my home so I'd like to go back to it. And yes...Desmond would be about the only one who would support me for the decisions I made." Wrenna smiled a little.

Wrenna smiled dropped a bit when Soreth mentioned traveling. "Yes, I've been mostly traveling. We'd stop for a little while every now and then so that I could be trained. The training didn't happen right away. There wasn't a lot of people that wanted to teach me for free in the beginning and Father didn't think we should have to pay for my training. I had to prove myself to quite a few people before they would teach me things. But once I started getting famous, more and more people wanted to teach me, up to the point even people affiliated with royalty were teaching me things. They said I was something of a prodigy since I learned so fast, but really there wasn't anything else for me to do but learn...That sounds like I'm saying I don't like learning, which isn't the case. I would like to learn other things, maybe once this is all over...Anyways, that basically how my training went...if that all made sense. I never thought I would have to explain my life to someone..."
"Yes, him." Wrenna chuckled as she held out one of her arms in case he did fall. "Well, sometimes they come true" She answered, deciding not to press on with the fact that they are made up. "As for what else Desmond taught me was my basic reading, writing, math, some basic real life lessons. He had traveled around the world, or at least that's what he told me. It was hard to tell what was truth and what was fiction. He never lied though, not about important things. He was always worried about what kind of future my father would force onto me...he always said "Wrenna, we can not see the future, we can not see the final destination. We can only see the road map to it. We can't see the obstacles that may spring up. But we can keep working something. Something good or bad. You may never know whether what you're working for is good or is bad. You need to look after your loved ones but there are times when you'll have to look after yourself. Sometimes it will be more important to look after yourself..."

Wrenna sighed. She wasn't good at following his advice. "Anyways, other than that, there wasn't much else he could teach me. He wasn't a scholar nor was he talented in any good standing trade. But I feel like he taught me a lot of important things. It's good to see he's still faring well. It's been almost ten years since I've been back there you know."
"Yeah, it seems like there's only a few differences in our towns and cities and those are cultural differences. It was a little weird for me too." Wrenna looked away from the mirror for a moment to look at Soreth when he mentioned humans being hardy. "Most of us are hardy yes" She told him as she looked back at the mirror. "Not all of us, but most of us." Then she focused on Soreth's questions, explaining the local bazar, why some people were dressed a little differently, getting slightly confused about a few things since it had been nearly a decade since she had been there. Then she stumbled upon someone.

"Desmond!" Wrenna said excitedly when the old man came across the mirrors screen. He was sitting in front a group of children probably telling them a story or maybe teaching them the basics of fortune telling as well. "That's the man I was telling you about before Soreth! The one that taught me fortunes among other things!"
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