Lorne was not one to panic, his job wouldn't allow for it. But when Lorne saw Soreth take some of the red substance and stick it into his mouth as if it was nothing, Lorne about had a heart attack. He thought his heart did skip more than a few beats when Soreth started gagging. Lorne could only stare blankly at Soreth finished discussing matters with the other demons before flying down to head to his room. Once Soreth was out of his sight, Lorne took a deep breathe to help get him back on track. He turned to the other demons, who were giving him a kind of "good luck with him" look, and also gave them orders regarding security and the investigation. Then he flew down and headed towards Soreth's room, to both make sure he was alright...and yell at him for doing that.
Wrenna continued to watch the servant, hoping she would finish quickly, when she saw something that turned her blood cold. The servant found her sword. "Dammit Qrena!" Wrenna muttered quietly. She could only hope the servant knew nothing about swords and thought it belong to Soreth so she wouldn't do anything with it or tell anyone about it...
Wrenna continued to watch the servant, hoping she would finish quickly, when she saw something that turned her blood cold. The servant found her sword. "Dammit Qrena!" Wrenna muttered quietly. She could only hope the servant knew nothing about swords and thought it belong to Soreth so she wouldn't do anything with it or tell anyone about it...