Hello. I'm a 20 year-old male and I'm looking for a female (at least 18 years-old) who shares my interests and can at least deal with my annoying-ass preferences, and my sometimes overbearing personality. c:
The technical stuff now -- things about me and things that will make us compatible or not:
I curse, sometimes quite a bit, so you must be okay with that.
I chat OOC a lot, as well. You must also be okay with that and be willing to get to know me, and let me get to know you. c:
Post length is an unimportant concept. A post can be as long or as short as you need it to be, as long it includes ALL necessary details. I usually shoot for one good-sized paragraph, but it's always quality over quantity.
Grammar is kind of important. All I really ask for is proper sentence structure and use of capitals and punctuation; typos aren't so much of an issue.
I do want romance involved, and it will get sexy at times. Most of the time we will simply fade to black, but occasionally we will be role-playing smut.
I just barely have a life, so I am on a lot. Thus, I am looking for someone who can be online a lot as well; at least be able to post once a day.
I go through chemotherapy, so my mind isn't always clear. Occasionally my posting rate will slow down because of it.
Have a sense of humor, please. Damn son.
Now, we're on to concepts and ideas! Here are only some things I like in a role-play:
Homeless/Living on the streets/Traveling - Big favorite. I love the simplicity of it, and it's easy to blend in love when our characters need each other.
Supernatural/Fantasy - Supernatural abilities, mythical creatures, mythical settings, etc... all very awesome.
Futuristic - Designing our own future world always makes for a good RP.
Wasteland- Very fun, especially if it's set in the future.
Rescue romance - As I said, I love romance in my role-plays, and this is one of the best kinds. Protective relationships are adorable (call me sexist if you want, but I always find it cuter when the male rescues the female).
Character flaws/Humility - I cannot stand when a character is perfect and you keep adding to how amazing they are. Flaws make the character!
Young love - I prefer our character's to be in the age range of 17-25.
Simple realism/Slice of life - Some people prefer to have a lot of normalcy in their RP world, and I can definitely roll with that.
Remember, that is NOT an all-inclusive list of my preferences. And of course, they are negotiable.
Now, a short list of some things I dislike in a role-play, and things I'm not really good with:
Canon characters - Regardless of the fandom, for the most part I think canon characters make the story too stiff and should be left alone.
Historic - This one I'm simply not good at because I'm bad with history. If you can help me with the time period and accept gaps in my knowledge, I'll give it a shot.
Action based- I think a little bit of action can make a role-play incredible... but I do not want my characters constantly engulfed in it.
Smut based- As I said, I enjoy smut, but making the role-play ONLY about sex makes it impossible to have any real story or depth.
Flawless characters - I know I already mentioned this, but it's so important I feel it should be on here twice.
Medieval - Like with historic, I just really don't know enough about it to make a story.
Political - Politics are not fun to me, because I find it difficult to enjoy things I don't understand very well.
Again, this list is negotiable and not all inclusive.
That about sums it up. If you are interested, PM ME, as I will not be checking this thread. If you have a craving, bring it with you and pitch it to me because I likely won't have my own. If not, be prepared to create an idea with me!