Avatar of Solita
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Solita
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Solita 11 yrs ago
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I'm just a girl who functions a whole lot better when the people I'm talking to are text on a screen.

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Actually I'd probably have her shived in the prison yard if I'm being honest. This RP takes place in an environment that is by no means safe. Deaths won't be out of the ordinary. If you decided that you couldn't keep up there are a lot of things that I could do with your character other than have her drop out of the world. Besides if you do have to drop out your death could be made into an important plot point for other characters that had interacted heavily with her. You trying to make this work and discovering you can't isn't going to create a problem for the RP.

Also in an RP this size the points at which we have all our characters together and interacting with each other will be few and far between. Likely the cast will splinter into smaller groups that will get shuffled around as the story goes on so you wouldn't have to keep track of everyone. The fact is the only person who really needs to know where every character is and what they are doing is me.

Personally I think it's better to try something out and discover that it is unworkable than to not try it at all just assuming to won't work. I mean where would we be today if scientists just assumed that something someone else said was right and never tested anything for themselves. If you really feel you can't make this work then I'll regretfully let you go but I don't think there is any harm in giving it a try.

Wait, what? Since when was this a prison RP anyways? I thought it started when they escaped?

Okay, I guess I've been having trouble keeping up with the OOC already, then. Well, putting aside the fact that I really don't like the idea of Kai just getting randomly shivved for OOC reasons, I just feel like things would get way too crowded and hectic with this many people, and I'm having a hard time imagining any scenario where it ends up working for me. I've tried crowded RP's before, and they just really aren't my thing.

Thanks for caring enough to try and convince me otherwise, but I'm definitely dropping out.
No don't go yet, wait for the IC to start, give it a week or two and see how well you keep up with things and if it's going badly you can always quit later.

Ah, I'm sorry, but... doesn't that kind of seem like a bad idea? If I do start playing things out with Kai and then decide I can't keep up with so many people, what'll happen to whoever was interacting with her? Do we just have a meteor fall and kill anybody that quits the RP? I really think I'd just rather avoid that sort of mess altogether, and with this many people to have to try and keep track of it seems pretty much inevitable.
Ah, hey guys, sorry for the prolonged silence, but... when I joined the RP, I wasn't exactly expecting 12+ people all at once. I really don't think I can handle something this crowded up, so I think that I'm gonna have to back out.

Sorry about that! And sorry for missing out on yet another opportunity to RP with you, @Undine. ><
I found you some potential face claims if you want to look at them. If you don't see anyone you like, I can find you some more.

Sorry, some of the people have the watermarks on them. But I thought they were pretty so I included them.

@Undine Oh, wow! Umm... I think I'll have to think this over since I'm so bad at choosing good RL pics. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to do that! ^_^
Omigod I go binge play Undertale for a couple hours and I come back to two whole new pages of OOC? How the heck am I gonna keep up with this ;u;
Oh my goodness gracious it's getting hard to keep track of all these people. @_@
If you ever need help finding a face claim, I gotchu! It can be frustrating, but I like trying to find the perfect face.

Ooh! That might actually be a big help! It was just really hard finding a good vaguely Hawaiian looking pic, I guess? Also I don't know if I want to switch from anime pics or not, too, if I'm gonna change it... I'm more used to anime pics and it's like literally impossible for me to find a good RL pic for my characters. ><
Yeah, I was wondering about Solita's choice of pic. There's NO way that girl looks 21.

Imo, at least.

I just took a look, as much as I don't like anime pictures for RPs I'd have to say that girl looks more like she's six or seventeen.

Well jeez... I didn't know I was that bad at finding pics. ;-;
<Snipped quote by Scarifar>

I can't adequately relate there appearance to anything in reality. I'll have all the characters in my mind which are solid and real and then this one brightly colored anime character cause I can't picture them in a real situation. I more or less ruins my mind's view of that character and could effect the way I treat that character just subconsciously.

Oh, woops, I didn't even know that was a rule! Uh... but... it looks like most of us have already used an anime-y pic, already?
Alright, I went ahead and added more details to the 'power' section of Kai's CS!
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