Avatar of Orpheus
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: LuckyEsper
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 835 (0.20 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Orpheus 11 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
I'm trying to be more active than I was before, so here's commenting on the Spam and other Misc. forums.
8 yrs ago
Oh boy I'm beat 😥
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Most Recent Posts

Good morning! I'm supposed to be packing but yeah /o/
I'll be getting a post up soon-ish, but it's just a simple reaction one (I think) so if anybody wants to post they should just go ahead and post first ^ o ^ /. Hope nobody minds if I post again this soon.

EDIT: Posted~
Go guys! You can do it! Seriously, don't feel pressured about the rp and just focus on those goddamn academic thingies, we don't mind. No, really. Go go go! *cheers*
Sorry Tae! We were kinda over schedule on this part so we had to cut a few things too! Really sorry about it. (ノ´д`)

2F - Mirror Hall

‘For a measly reflection the fake me sure loved chasing people around,’ Lute grimly thought before noticing that the black goop transformed into a copy of Lisette. His personal imp was still stuck in the same intangible state that he was in since the beginning, but Lute knew that it may or may not be long enough before his copy materialized in the exact same way. Both Atlas and Xandra suggested charging through straight ahead and they would have done so if not for the voice which suddenly boomed through the hall. Lute did not recognize who it was from and even considered, for a few dread-filled moments, that there was a new enemy coming; in contrast to what he was waiting for the floating mirrors lined up and then all of them could suddenly see the other members of the Pride.

“Estelle, Marcus?” Once he saw his companions in the room that was rapidly being clogged with green fog, Lute headed towards the exit. If they were fast enough maybe they could reach that room…! However the notion was stilled by the sound of something crashing and hissing, and their room suddenly rocked as the ceiling gave way; Lute narrowly dodged a falling spear before a handful of tinier pebbles rained down on his head.

“Is everyone alright? C’mon, pick up the pace! Let’s just keep moving!” Atlas’s voice rose over the worried titters and Lute could see why; Lisette’s ‘shadow copy’ had survived and now was attacking the archer, not to mention that a thick and sturdy-looking new goop sculpture was now bubbling up from the rubble. A noise caught Lute’s ear and he saw that but a few feet from a shock of red hair- Estelle!- a puddle of black mass was twisting around and upwards. “The exit’s right there! Move! Just ignore those things!” Atlas hollered and gestured for everyone to help their fallen comrades up; Lute ran over to Estelle and gingerly slid his arm around her shoulder. He saw the wound he had unintentionally inflicted and was unable to prevent himself from gnashing his teeth together. “Damn it,” The virtuoso steadied his grip on her elbow instead but half of his attention was on the growing pile of ebony right in front of them. It still bubbled and sprays even shot out every now and then. “Not good, not good!” Lute rapidly intoned and pulled Estelle away from the puddle as it fully formed into his very own carbon copy.

“Let’s go!” Atlas yelled and everyone bolted towards the exit. Lute shakily got up to his feet and followed suit, his demon copy following close behind with a scary-looking axe in his hands. They skipped over debris, jumped over toppled weapons, and just plain did anything they could do to get to the door. When the Pride was but some yards from the exit they saw that the “door” had no knobs, but before anyone could crumple in despair Xandra rushed in and her hammer formed sharp, ragged cracks on the wood. Atlas pushed the broken half of the exit open and the lot of them poured out; when the last guilder, Lute, finally entered the area, the broken door whipped shut and then faded away.
I'm finally out of my funk, yey! Calling next post!

I'm not sure if it's because I'm hyped up over leaving Manila, but I can't concentrate much. I'll be preparing tonight so I'll probably get a quick post in tomorrow afternoon, but I'm totally out on 28. Have a nice week guys!

EDIT: We're going to have to leave the Mirror Hall now! Postedddddd!
Actually, I just saw that gif while I was fixing Lute's blog *facepalms* I don't know where it came from, sorry!

Ooooh mantis D8 those give me the shivers for no reason. And nope, I don't plan on writing anything for now. uvu Still in some sort of funk, I don't know why.

I took a look at it and realized it's so pastel ahahaha >8D

Good afternoon everyone!

... This reminds me of a certain someone?
I updated Kimchi's interviews, and it's done now! Working on Fox's questions next!

@new idea, cue Songbird glaring at his assigned partner in distaste

Also I'll post the questions en masse, so if anybody else wants to ask then go throw it at me!
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