Avatar of Orpheus
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  • Old Guild Username: LuckyEsper
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Oh boy I'm beat đŸ˜„
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In support of Michi's post...
The overall interaction between everyone IC has been pretty dismal. Let's have a look at everyone's characters, okay?

Lesley and Inadi are newest, in fact they were only introduced this chapter, but it's plain to see that despite the two of them being neophytes they've developed and ushered way more development than the members of the old cast (most especially the former). In fact, if you see our most recent activity, it's Lesley who took the initiative to calm the dragon. Followed up by Ace, who is also quite new to the groups. Not to mention the relationships they've forged. Everyone already remembers the pink-haired dude/dudette and I'm sure if we killed Inadi at least two people are going to react.

So here's the lineup of arrival per group:
1: Hakuren, Jasper, (Harper), Leila
2. Leon, Ace
3. Inadi, Lesley, (Riley)

Summary of relationships between characters as compiled by the GMs: Everybody save Leon is "eh" towards Hakuren, especially when he did that jerk bit to Inadi (we find it extremely insensitive for him to put a wounded comrade on top of a pillar, no excuses for this one). Jasper's growing out of her shell and that's amazing and obvious. Leila and Leon are invisible. Lesley has blended into the group already, Inadi's on the way there. Ace already has the makings of her own private clique.

Now I know there are people who will simply gravitate towards each other and some will just repel, but try harder because up until now nobody even has the basest of details about each other's backstory.

One of our biggest issues is the reacting. For every post that you write make sure that someone else can add something to it and create a whole new thing for us GMs to draw on. Writing move-alongs with those bland reactions just takes the motivation out of us.

Michi took it upon herself to create TWO Lost Souls in order to usher everyone along. That speaks a lot for the lack of effort we have. To be honest we would really appreciate it if people warped the scene for their own. If we give you a dragon to fight with, we expect that when we return everyone had already defeated it with teamwork and imagination. So far all we're gotten are reactions.

Since I've been personally assigned to this sector...

From now on I will read everybody's posts and I will personally call out if I saw that your character did nothing in the scene. If you don't change your ways within two counts I will remove you from the event one way or another; you will find yourself flung off a mountain or a castle, only to be called into action when the scene is done and your character will probably be missing a few limbs.

After all, it is our job to think of reasons as to why your creation has remained unmoving despite the fact that a raging bull is rampaging towards his/her group. Don't expect us to keep playing the deux ex machina card.

If you don't like it, then post. Do a thing. Help a bud. Move out of the way.

That's all. Comments and suggestions?
C'mon people give us your "I'm so tired of this BS, plus my body hurts so I pretty much can't comprehend how dragons can do that" reactions! Let's end this chapter nice and quick, yes?

Aliquam – Academy of the Arts: Keeva’s Group

While Lute was trying to contain his excitement by twiddling his thumbs, Lucien popped right out of nowhere and crashed into him, sending the virtuoso staggering backwards. His back lightly touched something cool and smooth, which made the virtuoso spin around and embrace whatever it was that he bumped for fear of having it crash to the ground. Thankfully he regained his balance pretty quickly and the only damage Lute caused was perhaps to his own reputation, seeing how some students couldn’t help but laugh at the white-haired man who adored a vase so much that he hugged it. “Hey, come back here!” Sweat dripped down from Lute’s forehead as he detached himself from the ceramic display and then ran towards Lucien, intending to rail at the summoner about how his carelessness and overzealous actions almost sold Lute into a lifetime of slavery. However, Delilah was having none of it and muted the virtuoso as their group entered the performance hall.

This time, Lute didn’t need his familiar’s help to shut up. The entire place was filled with grandiosity that was foreign to him, and he had a feeling that no matter how long he looked at this hall he still wouldn’t be able to conjure a likeness of its beauty. “Cool beans,” He muttered and shifted from one foot to another as he watched some students fiddle with their instruments. “This place is really fancy, huh. Wonder how the tuition costs. Or maybe it’s sponsored,” Lute wondered out loud in his place beside Lucien, perhaps directing the question to the summoner. “Oh yeah, Lucien! Watch where you’re going! We shouldn’t topple over vases here!” He addressed the other man directly this time, his fist shaking slightly as if Lute just wanted to raise his hand in the air and roar like an upset villager.

Trixie and Aria wanted to go to the prop room and Lute chose that too. “Could we go along with what Miss Trixie suggested? But I’d really like it if we head to the sound room next. Just saying,” Lute’s cheeks turned pink and he averted his eyes while making the request of Keeva.
Posted. ^ u ^

And that choco cake thingy looks absolutely wonderful.
Collab between Orpheus and Crescendo

The female had reeled back in surprise when the strangely colored human (they weren't usually bright pink, were they?) appeared on her mate's neck and caused the larger dragon to thrash around, flinging the human down to his neck. Before she could nudge the pink human off another appeared, this one the fiery scented one from before, closley followed by yet another human. Her mate was starting to resemble those funny rides humans rode on at carnivals what with him thrashing about with a trio of humans clinging onto him.

The amulet was successfully looped around the dragon's neck and the humans were finally thrown off the creature. From their place below everyone watched as the large wyrm stiffened in place as the trinket began to glow, multicolored streaks of light erupting from within the jewel and flowing all around the dragon. The beams pierced his scales and left a soft warm glow in their aftermath, giving the illusion of serenity as the great beast started to curl up

But then the wyrm unfurled his large wings again and roared at the skies. The mountains shook and birds from the forests below responded to the call, high-pitched trills and caws bursting out from everywhere as ravens and the like flew away from their roosts. The dragon’s head swung from side to side as if he was trying to get rid of a headache and he let out another anguished roar before spiraling down, down past the humans and into the forests below. The soldiers from Sol’s army were all too shocked at what was happening and a group of them rushed over to the side to see whether the dragon really did fall, only to be pushed back by a violent gust of wind as the wyrm reappeared, this time flying upwards and encircling the mountain in the most unpredictable of patterns.

With the three humans safely caught within yet another burst of cloud, the female dragon gave them an upset stare at her mate being in so much distress, talons scraping at the ground in worry as she let out another cry, before darting up after the white dragon. She hovered near his twisting form, sighing out breaths of cool vapor as she radiated waves of calmness in an attempt to pacify the feelings of discord she could feel emanating from him.


The fluffy dragon shrieked in alarm as the other dragon suddenly plummeted, wings folding to his sides as he fell towards the hill. The ground shook as his body slammed into the ground, the female landing closely afterwards, shrieking in distress.

The massive tremor caused by the wyrm's rough landing stunned the nobodies and humans alike; most of the soldiers took their sweet time getting up on their feet as a certain dragoon pushed himself to Prince Tobi's side. "Looks like I shouldn't have come after all. You all did a great job," Avian laughed uneasily before yelping as a rather large welt formed on his arm, courtesy of his wife's whip. "You sure took your sweet time!" Victoria shrieked and raised her arm overhead as she readied for another lashing. "Wait, Victoria! This isn't the time for this!" The violet-eyes nobody exclaimed and all eyes were directed away from the marital confrontation by a deep grumbling noise.

The great white dragon shook his head as he toiled to stand upright. His tail flicked from side to side before hitting the earth with a large thump, sending clumps of dust and moss flying towards Leon and Harper's group. At first it seemed like the wyrm was just grumbling but his snarls slowly morphed into speech more understandable by all the nobodies and humans around. "My head..." Temeraire muttered in discontent and his tail swished yet again.

The dragon then stomped around to where the amulet tagging team were and roared at them, the very air whipping loudly along with his words. "DO YOU PUNY MORTAL CREATURES EVEN POSSESS THE TINIEST BIT OF INTELLIGENCE TO COMPREHEND-" He raked long, deep gashes on the ground as he spoke, "THE GRAVITY OF SUCH AN ACT!? PERHAPS NOT? IS IT TOO MUCH TO EXPECT RESPECT AND JUST A TINY BIT OF UNDERSTANDING FROM YOU HOBBITS IN THIS ERA!? DOES NOBODY-" Temeraire turned towards the prince this time, "NOBODY REALIZE THAT A MAGIC TRINKET LIKE SO-" He stabbed a thick nail towards the jewel strapped onto his neck, "-CAUSES IMMENSE EMOTIONAL UPHEAVAL ON THE WEARER!?"

Temeraire took a deep breath, seemingly calming down.

But nope. "FOOLS, THE LOT OF YOU!" The dragon took a deep breath and bellowed. Almost all of Tobi's troops flew off the mountain only to land on the cloud cushions.

"... That's Temeraire, all right," Avian muttered from his place in the cloud cushion. "You know him!?" Victoria pulled her face up from the soft white stuff and screeched at her husband. "Well, I'm from Aven and I come from a family of dragon riders! ... 'Avian Rider'???" "Oh my holy celery god, Avian! Who cares about your last name!?" "What!? I didn't know that it was my cousin Gardis's dragon who was going to appear here! I didn't even know Temeraire had a kid! (Besides the battle scene would've gotten a lot shorter if I came along...)" The couple spat was heard by all of the people who had been flung down to the clouds, including poor Harper's group.

"That's enough, dear," The feathered dragon piped up, her voice soft and soothing in contrast with her mate's bellow. She lifted her head to give a nuzzle to the disgruntled dragon and lifted one of her feathery wings to wrap Temeraire in what could only be described as a hug as he whined.

"I apologize for my mother and my mate," She cooed, bowing her head to the humans. The clouds around the hill rose, bringing the people on it along and deposited them gently on the hilltop before the fluff dissapated. "but perhaps next time it would be better if you didn't arrive with a small army." A disapproving frown was aimed to the prince. She didn't blame the young man, however- he was young, and would learn.

"Your maGE SHOT A FIREBALL AT MY WIFE!" Temeraire glared at said mage who seemed to want to turn into ash just to escape the dragon's scrutiny.

"Shush, darling," Her wings fluttered, before she turned back to the humans. "I am Cirrus, and this is my mate Temeraire. May I ask what business you have with us?" She paused, before hesitating. "And I don't suppose," she warbled, voice quaking with worry and she glanced at each human in turn. "I don't suppose you've seen our baby?"

At this the outraged wyrm inhaled deeply and an imperial, albeit worried, expression clothed his face. "He looks like his mother," Temeraire added, his tone dipped in concern as he bumped his nose against his mate's cheek to try to cheer her up.
Update: We're almost done. This is a really long collab because we basically wrapped a whole lot of things up. You could see that it's basically two posts in one.
Update: We're gonna do a collab.
I'll write up my post after I finish eating this spoonful of choco spread.

After I post, there'll be a cycle to have everyone get back on their feet/react/fall back into formation. After that, this chapter falls into its conclusion so I think it's imperative that everyone be present.

That's all. Mwah.
I'm here. Like a stalker.
Look look I found a really cute short~!

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