Avatar of Orpheus
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: LuckyEsper
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 835 (0.21 / day)
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    1. Orpheus 11 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
I'm trying to be more active than I was before, so here's commenting on the Spam and other Misc. forums.
8 yrs ago
Oh boy I'm beat 😥
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Dafuq you tryna climb a mountain at night are there nocturnal alpacas y u do dis to yourself OTL
Have fun (!?) and fudge's sake look at where you'll step!

I'm gon write a post now. Sorry for the delay uvu

Edit: Posted! Thank goodness the internet cleared! I hope this keeps up so I can try making a villain for Rex's chappy mehehehehehe
Hey guys, Internet's being a jerk again so I may not be able to make a post. uvu

Oooo circus chappy! It sounds great! ; A ; Although if my signal continues like this I might have to back down from villain character offer. OTL Let's see. I really wanna try and pass one though- *shot*
Here's the collab a.k.a It that group of outrageously hot crazy people again

Collab Between Orpheus and Fox

"I hate to rain on the parade, but..." A tall person wearing a patterned green hoodie glanced up at the skies when a bunch of crows flew out from the gnarled trees. Talk about horror. He had a feeling Freddie Kreuger or that Jason guy would just pop out of nowhere and run at them. Not that's a situation where Gary's pole could do a world of good. "Are you sure we're going the right way?"

"Don't be a crab, Bunbuns," Gary piped up from behind the massive wall of paper that was their map. "If we turn right at the next ugly tree we're gonna get there."

Numair shrugged and looked ahead. Every tree in this godforsaken place was ugly as hell.

"Oi, isn't the picnic ground supposed to be prettier than this?" Luke arched an eyebrow at the resident hobbit. "Gargar, your direction skills suck." The boy grinned from ear to ear before casually taking a step behind Sacha, his roommate served as a pretty good shield. "It looks like it's going to rain," he whined, "why can't we have a picnic somewhere less, y'know dead looking?"

"Stop complaining, the food's going to get cold if we don't find the picnic ground soon." ??? narrowed her eyes at all the crusty looking trees. "Which one is the ugliest?" To be honest, she thought each tree was pretty in its own way. She definitely needed to buy some seeds so they could plant one outside their home.

Gary peered over the map again just to glare at Luke. "Shut up, diaper. You're the one who chose the venue!" She growled and jabbed her pole at him twice. Unfortunately, this action required her using another hand, and what with both hands required to properly hold that giant map, it was no wonder that a breeze easily blew the thing out of the girl's reach.

"Hey, hey. No pole jabbing. We're in a haunted forest, not a fight club," Numair joked as he caught the map and took a look at it. "Well, no wonder we're lost. This thing looks like shit," He said disparagingly when he saw the blurred drawings writ on it.

Gary was distracted from her anti-Luke propaganda and she turned to face the surfer. "Of course it looks like a sheet. It is a sheet!" She exclaimed. "Silly Bunbuns. And we're not lost!"

Luke raised both hands in mock surrender. "I suggested a lovely forest not too far from home." He made a face, "It was C's idea to pick one with dead trees. Apparently, none of those bunny guards would find us here. What's it with those losers, always chasing after us anyways?" He stared at the giant map now in Numair's hands. "I'm sure if someone other than Gary does the navigations, we'll be fine. So Nums, where are we?"

??? popped up behind the white-haired surfer and eyed the blurry images on the map. "Stone of Sacrifice," she mumbled.

Luke arched an eyebrow. "Man, that sounds like such a lovely name for a picnic ground." He peered into the pitch black forest ahead of them. "Holy Cellery, I offer thee Mr. Porkchop." He eyed the tiny winged-pig that trailed behind them before grinning at the foot tall Rainbowzilla Luke had taken in as some sort of pet/sidekick.

It wiggled its tiny arms when it saw Luke before opening its mouth wide and biting down on Porkchop's ear.

"Oi! Get off mi Porkchop or Imma turn your scaly hide into a purse!" Gary screeched and lunged towards Rainbowzilla. Porkchop squealed and flew away, dragging the tiny dinosaur along with it while the pink-haired girl chased from behind while waving her pole in the air.

The boy broke into a fit of laughter. "So C? Is the Stone of Sacrifice the new park run by Mr. Badger?"

"We won't know till we get there." ??? shrugged before taking the map out of Numair's hands. The girl handed it to Sacha, he was always better at these things.

Numair frowned and pulled his hood over his head. "You ask me, that Stone of Sacrifice name already tells that it's one helluva place. I kinda expect a horror mansion. Or corpses everywhere. Like the Draugr tombs in Skyrim where there's a Hagraven standing over an altar with a burnt body on it," he sighed and effortlessly held Gary back when she passed by in case she really beat Rainbowzilla into a pulp. The wrath of the hobbit kneweth no bounds. "Or maybe there's Slenderman."

"Slenderman?" Luke piped in, "who is that guy? You seem to know a lout about him." Numair seemed to know about a lot of things they didn't. "I have to agree though, it doesn't sound all too pleasant."

Suddenly, the sounds of yelling filled the air and ??? looked crestfallen. "I think they're starting the fireworks without us."

"Don't know about you guys, but that doesn't sound like fireworks to me...." Numair narrowed his eyes and the group hurried onwards.
Oh Anon. |D
*sobs* I wasn't able to contribute much in the last move-along thanks to the sucky internet.

Thanks for the banner, Kimchi! I'm going to keep switching every chapter (I think) so I'll defo save your design and use it! OTL I'm swimming in Nums banners in my personal PMs, hahaha. Ace looks so cool too! 8D

John said
I thought all you of would know that she's just angry at the witch because she stabbed Songbird.

Cause Songbird too pretty to be stabbed.

Oh Leila.
Simon, the epitome of dedication.
freaking internet against us executing our lovely evil plans
GOT IT OMFG! 8DDDD Yeeeeey now I can go wither away in peace OTL

Thanks for the offer Buns, but I can't connect to anything at all ; - ;

Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – Outside the Performance Hall

Syed turning on the lights was a bright idea.

… Yeah, he should spend less time around Lucien.

“That kid’s giving me a fucking headache,” Lute and Delilah growled under their breath as their group cornered the two thieves. Moira threw herself at Bunnyface and Lute’s eyes widened. He watched enough tavern brawls to know where this could go! … Ah, but, he was at a loss at what to do. Out of other options, the virtuoso braced himself and met Moira halfway as she was directed towards him. The two of them collided and Lute swore that something inside his head cracked when he slammed against her armor, but at least they didn’t end up sprawled all over the floor. To be honest he was probably the only one who got hurt from that stupid idea of his, which was good.

When Moira said he should do what he’s best at, she most certainly didn’t mean impromptu planning.

But anyway, both Bunnyface and that stink twerp were heading towards Syed.

“Hey, twerp! Isn’t it past your bedtime!?” Lute hollered out just to piss Fabian off and threw a screech at Bunnyface to disorient him. Estelle was near and fast enough to intercept that guy if she wanted, but just in case he also went in, but towards the pole-toting brat.

Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – N Section, Performance Hall

Francesca knew from experience that dawdling too long oft led to indecision, and the terse air surrounding the crew below did nothing but augment her skepticism. She sighed when the lot of them rallied against the Masked Phantom and turned her back on the balcony when a crude log trap knocked their leader down onto the stage. Just as she did, the unmistakable sound of gunfire tore through the air and for a second there the thief thought that a gunner had spotted her, but she was not about to stay in the same place and wait for a bullet to hit home. Francesca swiftly descended to the first floor and made a beeline for the cage, taking advantage of the fact that most everyone was too busy looking at the stage to pay attention to their rear as she picked up speed and broke into a full sprint.

Up ahead, Jay was being accosted by that nasty young aristocrat from earlier. He caught sight of her hurtling down the aisles and tried using bait, the contents of which Tobias scoffed at before he was sent flying towards Dylan with a forceful aerial kick from Francesca. “I hope that dreadful boy stays down,” She growled after getting back to her feet, immediately shifting to a defensive stance as she glanced from side to side. “You’ve seen their skills, oui? Who should I take care of?”
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