Avatar of Orpheus
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: LuckyEsper
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 835 (0.21 / day)
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    1. Orpheus 11 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
I'm trying to be more active than I was before, so here's commenting on the Spam and other Misc. forums.
8 yrs ago
Oh boy I'm beat đŸ˜„
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will post later just gimme some time bc i feel sick

guys feel free to interact with songbird and brandy and martini (four is gone so he's ok). also nobody heard Song's giga laugh? i mean, tis his first time to act so happy, i was kind of hoping for stronger responses ^^;

i do not want this to be a Jasper x Inadi exclusive moment, nor a Brandy x Songbird one. pm me if that's what you guys want to happen and kathi and i will make the appropriate adjustments, altho i thought this was also supposed to be bonding moments with the guides.

re: racks. i didn't think that everyone would be completely separated, i was thinking of maybe a meter distance per member for interaction purposes. guess it's my fault for being gone for a day. will do a better job next time

anyway it's too late for this, i think, so kathi and i will just... make another Brandy x Songbird post before reconvening with everyone. sigh

if i sound pissy that's probably because i feel like puking and nitpicking through posts for something to respond to (rpg's color theme isn't easy on the eyes isn't it ugh) isn't exactly making me feel better
Not really sure what's happening but I'm catching up no worries

Guys if I don't respond to a certain event IC/OOC properly today (and probably every Thursday from now on), just pm me on Skype. I don't guarantee I'll give a proper reply (if I don't reply within 30 minutes that means I'm out cold) but I'll try my best. Sorry. It's just that SelfDef (which was my class starting from 7 am to 9 am this morning) was a lot more intense that I'm willing to admit and I'm still feeling the whiplash and the nausea from excessive... exercise. Yeah.

C'mon people flood Michi with the fluff so she no kill everyone

Also I have finally finished changing all of my characters' banner! Yupsies.
Posted, sorry for the wait!

OTL Nope, too late for swapping. Thanks for the offer >8DDD

Morris: Guild

Was Lucien talking to the counter?

He narrowed his eyes and made out a tiny green dot atop the wooden surface. Huh, a caterpillar. How cute. Although what was the summoner going on about, anyway? Was the insect stinky?

Lute moved away to make space for Estelle as she peered up at the board. As he did so, he had the opportunity to see Moira approaching a woman on the far end of the room, which was probably why she bellowed. He was barely about to form a reaction to that when the swordswoman suddenly shot out from beside him. She too was heading towards the stranger.

Eh, he would probably react that way if he saw someone he knew in a different branch of the Guild

The virtuoso turned his eyes away from the scene and resumed studying the mission board. He caught wind of Xandra’s words to Trixie and smiled, albeit halfheartedly, before turning to the duo. “But I’m sure the other guilders are taking care of it already, so we shouldn’t be too worried,” He shrugged, then gestured towards Estelle, Moira and their friend, “And maybe after we’re done we could go to this circus you’re talking about, Trixie. For now, we should.. Uh
 Well, I don’t know about you two, but I’m going to sit down for a bit.”

Crying boy.

Oh no.


 Songbird? Take care of yourself, okay?”

“Kid, the way you look now, you’d best stick to those words too,” Songbird’s muscles swiftly relaxed and he nodded at Harper. The item hunter remained seated on the couch as the Lost Soul (so very lost indeed, poor mite) walked away until Brandy nudged him, suggesting that they leave the dance floor as soon as possible. As he regained his bearings he couldn’t help but feel grateful for his friend’s quick intervention; with Songbird’s level of luck, it wouldn’t be long before he got roped into this competition despite having no sense of rhythm. With a heavy sigh, the crestfallen nobody pushed himself up.

Although he really wanted to make Harper feel better, he couldn’t deny that the boy’s words were true. Even if he could’ve said something like “I don’t mind dying for you humans” he would be lying. They were strangers. One of them is a jerk. Half of the lot are probably going crazy. This nobody sure as fudge ain’t dying for weird biscuits like that. His life was a bit painful in a few places but he treasured it very much, thank you, not to mention that Songbird wasn’t sure that the other humans would echo such loyal sentiments if the situation turned around. Frankly, he just wasn’t that type to sugarcoat things, but he wondered whether he should’ve done so for Harper.

Ah, whatever. Everybody has a tough life.

That kid should toughen up.

Songbird sighed deeply.

Yeah, maybe he should have lied.

Fortunately, Cello was there to sling a new task at them which took the item hunter’s mind off the current issue. Although Songbird narrowed his eyes at the prospect of presenting the humans to Martini, he was able to prevent himself from chomping down on Inadi’s head and wordlessly turned away from the three, then nodded at Brandy to take the lead.

The walk to the mermaid’s room was quiet and he busied himself with balancing two plates of cheesecake on his good arm.
They entered the beach.

“Uuuuugh,” Songbird whined under his breath. Maybe it was just him, but for some reason whenever he entered this place it felt like his whole body was melting. The aesthetic was too sunny! “If you’re fine then I’m a woodland princess,” He couldn’t help but quip back at the mermaid’s reply, although the lack of interest she had before quickly changed as she surfaced from the depths.

Uh-ooohhhh. She wasn’t looking at him, right? Songbird glanced over her shoulder and realized that Martini was gaping at Inadi’s horrendous excuse of a suit, but he sidestepped away just in case. The white-haired nobody kept his eyes on Martini, getting more and more worried the longer she remained silent until an all too familiar emotion flashed across her face.

"Unacceptable! I will not have this!" He couldn’t help but step forward in alarm when the mermaid suddenly dove back into the depths of the lagoon, and barely had no time to react when she reappered, plopping herself down on a chair and wheeling towards their group with a vengeance. "Who in the whole of Nowhere dressed you? They put you in a white dress? You need color! COLOR! You look like a total ghost in that. Oh don't look at me like that, I should be feeling sorry for you the way you're dressed. And they put you in a suit? Not as bad, but don't you worry I'll get you in a dress fitting the occasion that will look just gorgeous on you."

 I mean
! HAHAHAHAHAHA!” Songbird covered his mouth but it was too late to stop the waves of laughter (which, strangely enough, sounded like a bevy of birds singing as it faded away) rolling out from his center. Oh celery, she just went
 Dive! Then sploosh! Then chair! Then righteous fashion anger! “Whoooooh. I think I’m okay now. Hehe,” The item hunter blushed and crossed his arms over his chest, adopting his usual grumpy stance but now with a grin on his face.

Martini turned to glare at him and Brandy next.

“You made this, don’t complain! It’ll be self-contradictory,” Songbird smiled and made a halfhearted attempt to cover his mouth again when she harrumphed then wheeled away to lecture someone else.

"And you! You will take that horrid thing off and burn it first thing, you understand? Nobody deserves that thing."

“He shouldn’t just burn it; he should also bury the ashes in the ground in case someone catches a case of criminal ugly,” Songbird retorted under his breath, but in a cheerful, uncharacteristic tone of voice that actually made it sound as if he was making a good-humored joke instead of a sarcastic remark.

But seriously, the nobody who made that sorry excuse of a banana replica should be thrown in the dungeons.

The mermaid showed them her gigantic closet and ushered the humans inside, but the item hunter dawdled.

“I’m glad you’re back, Martini,” When she looked at him, Songbird smiled gently and said those few words, and then patted the mermaid on her head.

And then he grimaced, said something along the lines of “bleeeeugh”, then ran towards the rack she pointed him on to.
Humanities II is, contrary to its name, not about humans.

It's about art.

Okay you guys might have known that but I'm a dumdum and I didn't and now I'm staring in disbelief at my syllabus which includes Picasso's works. Also a video of the evolution of Western art.


I'm writing my post now~
Gonna post.

Lemme tell you guys something y'all know but might have forgotten during vacay: school sucks

Edit: During the first party, I wrote a description of Songbird's attire which went largely unnoticed due to several reasons (most probably because my writing sucks, lulz) so here's the reference picture I used. He reused this ensemble for this current party because Song's a fashion horror like that.

Additional details: he's wearing a white tophat with a peacock plume.

Morris: Guild

Lute’s eyes passed over the crops growing in the fields the Pride passed, and he was amazed at the quality of produce in this place. They had a small plot of land back home for kitchen herbs and vegetables so he knew the effort it took to work the earth, and by extension, how much care it took to achieve stellar results. It was clear how the lush and idyllic environment made the virtuoso feel just looking at his face, not to mention that he didn’t strike up a conversation with anyone and just had his eyes glued to the scenery.

"A clown is just a dude who falls over a lot."


“Did someone mention my name?” Lute asked, momentarily shaken from his reverie when he heard someone calling him. He caught a glimpse of Moira jerking her thumb at him and realized that she must’ve mentioned him while talking to somebody else, so the virtuoso just shrugged and looked away. Strange flyers caught his attention and he paused to give the illustrations a view. “Oh, a circus!” Lute suddenly piped up and was soon running after the other members of the Pride. “I wanna see the circus! Er
 After we’re done with whatever we went here to do, of course,” He hastily added then slowed down as they approached the Morris Guild.

Like Xandra and Trixie, the mission board was the first thing that Lute approached after he was finished warming up to the quaint interior. “Tsss,” He sucked in air through his teeth as he saw the photographs, “That’s a lot, isn’t it?” Maybe they could help with these cases? Or not. Lute didn’t want to intrude on the Morris guilders; they might have these jobs under the belt already, but he knew what it felt to be helpless and in wait, unsure of what’s happening to a person you care about.

 I’m getting emotionally invested,” He murmured and broke his gaze from the pictures.
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