Avatar of Orzhova


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3 yrs ago
Current I said I'd fight back; I didn't say that I'd fight fair.
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3 yrs ago
I got the position! I can already feel my rainbow feathers coming in!
3 yrs ago
Last interview went swimmingly! I should know by next week whether or not I get to grow my peacock feathers.
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3 yrs ago
One more interview with the bigwigs, and I'll be part of the NBC Universal umbrella.
4 yrs ago
vWith my new job responsibilities, you very likely won't see me around much.


A guy in his early thirties who's been doing this waaaaay too long. Central time-zone, if you care about that sort of thing. Any questions should be submitted in writing. Serious inquiries only.

Most Recent Posts

Contacted! And I'm still looking!
Hello, folks. I'm looking for something set in the Soul Eater universe -- preferably after the events of the anime/manga.

It is not required for you to have read/watched both series (original and N.O.T.), although I tend to lean towards the lore established in the manga. There's a wiki if the blanks need filling in. You must be able to provide more than one paragraph per post and be of at least a 'casual' writing level; this means absolutely no 'free' writers or one-liners. Being able to reply more than once per day is a plus, but I understand that life can and will get in the way. This will be taking place either over PM or on Discord; it's your choice.

I'll lead off by making it clear that romance is optional. If you want that type of thing -- either to feature or be something more under the surface/implied -- I will gladly accommodate you. Let me know at the outset if that's what you're gunning for. Just know that I can only play MxF competently. Any other pairings are not quite my forté. Furthermore, I will only play out romance scenes (if so desired) with someone over the age of eighteen. I shouldn't have to have that disclaimer, yet here we are.

Now for a general framework of what I'm looking for. We will play as opposite sides of a weapon/meister partnership. It doesn't matter to me which one I play, as I have character ideas for both. It's ultimately your decision. As for additional characters, we can determine who is playing whom as we go. Overall, I'm more looking for a Death scythe/elite meister partnership. Perhaps one or both of them teach at the DWMA, or they are assigned to one of the foreign branches. Something like that. What's important is that they are just now being paired together at the start of our story. The circumstances surrounding that are up for our discussion, as are the kinds of threats our characters will be facing off against.

Yes, I know Lord Death vowed never to hunt witches or create Death scythes ever again, but we can either pretend that part didn't happen or come up with some reason as to why the policy had to be reversed. Evil never sleeps, after all.

If you'd like to suggest anything different from what I've outlined above, please do so. These are by no means meant to be a list of demands. The only thing I'm hesitant to do is play as minors attending the DWMA, given the potential subject matter. You'll have to be really convincing for me to engage in that, and there will undoubtedly be restrictions on the content involved.

If you've made it this far, we're probably going to get along. If you're looking for personal info regarding yours truly, it's available in my bio.
This might be an oddly specific request, so I won't be surprised if no one bites, but I'm seeking someone with a sense of wonder, curiosity, and no qualms on trying out a more open-ended story. See, if you're familiar with space exploration video games like No Man's Sky, Star Citizen, or Elite: Dangerous, you'll know where I'm going with this. With all of the hype surrounding the mysterious Waking Titan social experiment concerning No Man's Sky's next update, I've been sucked back into this world and I would love exploring it with a dedicated partner.

I am male, so I will be playing as such. I'd prefer my partner be over 18, just in case mature themes are explored. I don't anticipate them being the focus of this, however. I can be pretty casual when it comes to how long or detailed posts are, but I would prefer someone who can produce 2-3 decent paragraphs at the very least. Like I mentioned before, my ideas surrounding this type of thing are pretty open-ended. I'm looking to collaborate with someone in terms of what kind of conflicts our characters would have to overcome and exactly what kind of universe we'd have it set in, be it something from a currently established mythos or something entirely of our own creation.

If you're interested in something along this vein, shoot me a PM. I will most likely not be returning to this thread. We can address any questions, suggestions, or concerns you have. Please be willing to come up with ideas and have some of mine bounced back. Imagination and creativity are a must. The limits of our simulation will be boundless.
@KatherinWinter contacted!
Sorry about the lack of material. I had a very hectic Easter weekend, what with work and travel and all.
Blair sort of hovered awkwardly in the background, not quite sure if he should say anything. This was her show after all; he was just an honored guest of sorts. He did raise his eyebrows with mild interest when the professor called it 'another shot'. So she'd tried this before? It certainly wasn't unheard of for someone to turn back, either on the same day or a few weeks in. Life on the road was not for everyone. It made more sense as to why he was being asked to accompany her, but it irked him that the professor hadn't told him this before.

Blair cleared his throat and stepped forward. "Professor, I need to get my bag," he informed him, turning his head to Julie, "I'm assuming you know this... but maybe not? I'm to accompany you, you see.... Point you in the right direction, you know?" An awkward smile crossed his face as he finished. How was she going to take this news if she didn't already know?

"Anyway," Blair returned his attention to Birch, "I'll just be a moment. You've probably got some stuff for her anyway, right? Pokégear or something?" He shrugged, gesturing for them to continue as he stepped out of the room and towards the stairwell around the corner..
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