Avatar of OscarioTheGuy
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    1. OscarioTheGuy 10 yrs ago


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Sudrud, God of Constructs

Sudrud watches over buildings and large projects, as well as the act of binding a soul to an inanimate being. To some extent he can be a god of order, especially when it comes to the creation of constructs.

A straightforward God, Sudrud likes to keep things to the point. He enjoys it when mortals build grand structures, so those most certainly earn his blessing, though he understands that mortals also require practical and smaller buildings in order to live, and as such, he finds a certain beauty in cities; seeing the spaces between grand wonders being filled with many other wonderful creations. Sudrud is very cooperative, for he understands that in order to create the perfect creation, it is best to employ teamwork to get it done more efficiently. What Sudrud finds most fascinating is when life is given to things that normally would not be given life, and so those are also given his blessing.

Sudrud appears in the world as a titanic stone statue, capable of movement, but choosing not to. He invites settlers to build grand metropolises atop his form, and as such, these cities become the most secure, prosperous, and glorious cities in the world.
I'm interested!
Woah. That backstory was hardcore.
Oh man this is awesome! Though its 2.30 am right now so I should really be getting some sleep. I'll get cracking on making my god tomorrow. (Also your God is really cool clanjos)

Also question: how large is each square on the map grid in kilometres?
This needs to be a thing! ;(
I'm confused as to the amount of Baka gaijin we have in this school :P
Characters in a steampunk world? We had spider man and princess laya.

That's right! I was a steampunk one armed genie!
What? I like bioshock infinite tho. But I remember you! (Just your username tho I don't remember which RP we were in)
Roleplaying as the gods would be cool.

Thenks :)
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