Ella greeted the newcomer and was about to inquire further into his specialities, before the man who sounded like a Soviet propaganda poster wrapped in ten tonnes of metal appeared. After his speech on the coming trial, Ella was nervous. Solo operations? Ella was extremely used to working in a team, but, she suspected, that this only proved his point more. In addition, Ella was mainly deployed when something needed to be kept from others, not taken, or in this case, defused. Ella, however, would have to work with what she had and think on the spot. If she couldn't manage that, she didn't belong on Team Rainbow.
She tried not to let her nervousness show as the other operatives completed, or rather, tried to complete, the trial. After Spectre, or Daniels, whichever, he preferred, had completed it, she had managed to build up the courage to take her spot.
She looked at the gear they had been given, pretty standard stuff, the M16A3 wasn't as much of an issue to her as it seemed to be too many other operatives, her past both in the SDU and before it had seen her using a variety of weapons, so there was no issue there. Before entering, she tested the reconnaissance drone they had been provided with. It was much too loud, a pensioner with their hearing half gone could have heard it! But, there was one interesting feature, the jump. The jump seemed to use some form of a spring mechanism, which gave her an idea.
She removed her personal satchel of gear, aware of the stares she was receiving due to taking so much time to actually start the trial, and took out one of her Eavesdropper pads and managed to, with some difficulty, attach the pad to the bottom of the spring. Feeling the glare of a Russian tank on the back of her neck, Ella decided not to test it, but just to either have it work or have it not work.
She walked up to the main entrance and crouched down against the wall as she gently placed the drone down, not sure of how much force it could take. She drove it in slowly, wincing at the copious amounts of noise it made. This was much too obvious, but for now, it was all she had, so she would make do with what she had been given.
Intel was one of the most important things before engaging in an operation, so she made sure to scout out every single room, quickly, but gaining enough information to satisfy her. The objective was in an office space, two doors and a large window the possible entry points. Hostiles were scattered all over, apart from the actual objective, instead vying to catch her out in the adjacent rooms. Still, she decided to attempt what she had planned, and the drone jumped onto a counter in the kitchen, the adhesive of the Eavesdropper sticking to the floor, it had worked!
The noise of the drone jumping, however, had drawn attention from the three hostiles in the room, and one of them called out "Drone!" and opened fire, which was just what she had wanted. For while they had shot the drone and that useful tool was gone, they hadn't noticed the microphone that was recording every sound they made. Her software had already isolated the fire and the callout, just a shame she hadn't recorded a more useful phrase.
Quickly wanting to get a move on, she circled the entire building, placing two Songbirds at every single possible entry point, two on either corner of the window. She had noticed that there were no hostiles in the corridor around from the bathroom, and only one in the bathroom itself, so she decided to use that as her way in, and it was the only entrance she didn't place any songbirds in.
She scrolled through the list of pre-recorded sounds that she had stored on her system and found the one she wanted, wood breaking. As she swung the butt of her rifle into the wooden barricade, she set off all of her songbirds at once, and the sound of barricades falling echoed through the entire building, followed shortly by shouts and gunfire. Amidst all the confusion, she entered the building, just as the hostile exited the bathroom, she dropped him with a short burst to the head, but by now the other gunfire had died down, so she'd have to be careful when she chose to shot, as currently, they were unaware of her position.
She crept to the corner and peeked around it, just in time to see one of the hostiles confusedly testing the wood panels of the barricade. Using this to her advantage, she slid up to the door, quickly dispatched him with a shot to the chest, then swung around to face the other three combatants she had droned out before, a shot in the chest for each. After they all appeared down, she gave them an extra shot each, to be sure.
After she had for definite cleared out the room, she noticed footsteps behind her, coming from the main lobby. She hid herself behind the doorframe and quickly scrolled through the list of her songbirds, and as he came around the corner, she let off the sound of gunfire from the main door, causing him to flinch, and allowing her to easily take him down with two shots to the chest and one to the head.
Now, footsteps were all around her, she had been much too loud, and stayed in the same position for too long, they had coordinated themselves to rush in and charge her, as terrorists would have no care for their own lives, as long as the cause they believed in was achieved. The first enemy to come in through the door was taken care of easily, but she didn't want to sit there like a big shiny target, so she made a sprint for the office, and was just slamming the door shut when she felt a sharp pain in her back, and her breath kicked out of her.
She turned around, and there was one of the 'terrorists' waving at her from the other end of the killhouse, through three open doorways.
"You need to be careful of your surroundings rookie! Nice strategy at the start, but you cannot, whatever happens, let yourself be so preoccupied, it'll get you and many other good men and women killed. Be more careful next time, or there won't be one." She shook her head and waved back to the man, taking his advice and criticism to heart. She got too into it, enjoyed the thrill of a tactic that had worked, that she hadn't planned far ahead enough.
She left the killhouse as they began to patch it up, and couldn't manage to maintain eye contact with any of the other operatives, especially the Russian, she felt like she had wasted their time, and that wasn't good enough.