"Hey man, do you think Mrs. Benson would take a paper about the effects of weed on mental health? I mean, it's a legit thing so she has to right?"
Alaric stopped as he grabbed the keys to his lovely abode from his pocket, jingling them round until he found the right one. "She'd probably fail you.on principal. That hag has a stick up her ass longer than the wall of china. She'd make a better nun than a damn teacher." Behind him Parker snickered, the guy was someone Alaric hung out with and shared psychology classes with. They were stopping by the apartment that he shared with Conner so he could grab his secret stash and bail to the music rooms. "God psychology is a drag, you don't even like Psychology Rick, why the hell are you taking it?" Unlocking the door and walking inside, the duo made their way towards Alaric's bedroom. "The same reason you are Parker, to make the big man at home stay off my ass." Speaking of his psychotic father, Alaric had been surprised that he hadn't gotten some sort of phone call or message about the video and the Academic probation. He had been damn sure that he'd get an earful from Alistair, the Golden Child had to do the scolding because Harvey Blackwood couldn't care enough to do it himself.
"Oh yea, that would have to be anyone's reason to --- oh my God you've been robbed!" Parker's words ran together as Alaric swung the heavy wooden door open. The sight in front of the duo was like something out of a movie, almost every single thing the blonde owned was littered on the floor. Posters were ripped from the walls, dresser drawers thrown open and on the floor, jewelry scattered everywhere. It really did look like someone had come in looking for something, but if it was a robber the whole apartment would be trashed. The rest of the apartment had looked perfectly fine and he had a sinking feeling that Conner's room would be alright.
That's when something caught his eye, something that made his blood boil.
Everyone who knew Alaric would know that there was one possession that had sentimental value, an object that he would never give up in his entire life. His very first guitar was smashed into pieces. While it wasn't all that nice or expensive it was one of the only things he'd gotten for himself without the help of his parent's money. He learned how to play on it, when he was frustrated or sad he ran right to that guitar and played his feelings out. Alaric could feel himself shaking as he bent down and grabbed half of the broken instrument, this wasn’t a robbery. No, this was done on purpose to send a message...and he knew exactly would want to send a message like this.
Parker picked up a piece of paper off the desk, he read off how campus security had been informed there were drugs on the property and had gotten permission to check for said drugs. This made Parker scoff as he picked up a plastic bag full of weed that had been sitting in plain sight. "For a raid they did a really bad job, I mean they didn't even take the weed! Actually...I swear they took some, the hell?"
This only made him angier. "They weren't here for the fucking weed Parker. They were here to make sure I got a message...and I got it pretty loud and clear. God he's a psychopath!" Alaric kicked a canister across the room, his father had no limits when it came to his kids and reputation was everything in that man's world. The video might not have only shown him in the background but even that was too much. He was so worked up that he couldn't stop shaking, how could anyone be so messed up? Parker could see just how upset his friend was, while he didn't know all the details he did know that Harvey Blackwood was a force to be reckoned with. "Man...That’s just messed up dude..."
The only thing to do in a situation like that was to get black out drunk. For Alaric that was easy, with Parker and his never ending connections with alcohol that was even easier. The duo were sure to get wasted and if Conner had come home the two probably wouldn't have been coherent enough to even notice. The two weren't bad drunks either, unlike some who were rowdy and aggressive Alaric and Parker were just silly and wanted to have some fun. That night Alaric thought it would be a good idea to see how long it'd take him to peel all the oranges in the fridge.
At some point during the night Parker was going through Alaric's phone when a name stuck out. "Ricky my dude....who's Lola?"
Hearing that name made the blonde poke his head up from behind the couch, an orange in hand as he thought. "Uhhh.....oh! She’s this bombshell I met at the cafe. She looks like...a um...what's it called...a Valerie's secret model!" The orange was ignored as Parker spoke. "Ricky man…It's Victoria...not Valerie.Anyway since Jasper isn't into you like, at all….you should go for this one." Alaric snorted as his laughed, the poor orange flying into the wall with a heavy thud when it slipped out of his hand. "No way, that's like a hobo asking out a queen….and I'm the hobo!" The poor guy flopped back behind the couch, Parker grinning as he clicked the 'send message' button under Lola's name. He should be a good friend and help a pal out.
>>>Hey, you wanna like go out on Friday or something?<<<
Parker was honestly surprised when he got a response, in his head he was thinking it was just a number a girl gave Alaric to get him off her back. It had happened on more than one occasion, while girls were more than happy to get his number seeing him as a drunken idiot tended to ward them off.
>>>Gotta check my schedule but I'm pretty sure I'm free. What are you thinking?"<<<
Holy crap. Parker wondered if this was okay then quickly decided that it was. What kind of friend would he be if he didn't? He could hear Alaric behind the couch struggling to peel the orange he wanted to eat so badly. Yup, definitely something he had to help his friend with, this guy was totally hopeless.
>>>Me, You, The Red Room, Friday at 9?<<<
Alaric popped back up over the couch, peeled orange in hand with a look of triumph on his face. "See, I told you I could do it!" Parker never said he couldn't but that was besides the point. Alaric didn't notice that his phone had been snatched and rolled over to get more alcohol. Parker tossed the phone onto the couch and followed suit, completely forgetting what he was doing as the two slipped into happy drunken fools. Neither one noticed an unread text message.
When Alaric woke up at almost noon the next moment his head was pounding, he could barely remember the night before. Beside him Parker was still passed out. He shuffled around the apartment looking for his cellphone, finding it under the couch. He noticed that he had an unread message and didn't hesitate to check it, though when he did he thought he was going to pass out again. What in the world had this idiot gotten himself into?
>>>The Red Room, huh? Look at you, pulling out the big guns! 😂
It's a date.
I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into.😏😈🤭😘<<<
When Friday rolled around Alaric, who hadn't been on a proper date in his life, found himself preparing for a night out with Lola Russo.