









While Cyrus may seem like a confident, well-adjusted boy underneath it all she is a girl who wants to be just wants to be who she really is. She doesn't want to keep hiding who she wants to be - though she feels like that may never be a reality. Aside from her identity crisis, Cyrus is adaptable in tough situations. She can be a bit stubborn, it takes a lot for her to back down from something she believes in. She is fiercely loyal to her family and cares about all of them, if anyone messes with them she would be a force to be reckoned with. Cyrus isn't afraid to speak her mind, if she feels something needs to be said than you better be sure she'll say it.

Cyrus is a natural born leader, she has a way with words that draws people in. She is always so confident and sure of herself that when she speaks others feel the same about themselves. In battle this is important, her words rally those to fight and defend. She is able to adapt in some crazy situations, she works well under pressure and can spout out commands at a moments notice.

Because Cyrus can be a bit hot-headed and is used to giving commands, she does not take well to being told what to do. While she loves her father she also resents him for this reason, he's the one that's changed her whole look on life, he's the reason she struggles with her identity. This can sometimes surface and she'll snap at people who try to give her commands, even her father. She's also pretty bad at basic feminine things; Cooking, Cleaning, Embroidery, everything a basic princess should know. Then again, Cyrus isn't your basic Princess.

Cyrus has bright, almost lime green hair that mimics her blood type. It's very long, hanging down past her waist. It's the one thing she refuses to change. She wears make-up to make herself look more masculine and binds her breasts in order to look like her chest is flat. Her skin is very pale, this causes her hair and eyes to stand out quite a bit. 99% of the time Cyrus is seen in male clothing, her normal attire consists of a black out fit with golden accents, though occasionally she likes to don a more relaxing white outfit. The only time she wears feminine clothing is if she is in the comfort of her bedroom.

HEIGHT │ Five feet, 7 Inches
WEIGHT │ 156 Pounds
EYE COLOR │ Golden

. Sour Foods
. Birds
. Reading
. People with a sense of humor
. Strong Coffee

. Overly Sweet Foods
. Moths
. Arrogance and stupidity combined
. Invasion of privacy
. People trying to control her

Cyrus was born the second oldest child to the King and Queen of the Fruit Kingdom, however even as the second child she was chosen to be the heir to the throne instead of her elder brother Alois, who's mother was not queen at the time of his birth. The king wanted a male heir, however he was given a daughter instead of a son. Determined, She was presented to the Kingdom as a prince and starting from a very young age she was forbidden to speak about her real identity. This caused a lot of internal conflict for her, she hated being forced to be a boy and sorely wanted to be free, however she didn't want to disappoint her father either. He would tell her how proud he was of her, this made Cyrus feel guilty for even thinking of wanting to be and act like a girl. So she just repressed the thoughts and feelings and lived her life as best as she could - as a boy.
Cyrus was trained at a young age in the ways of warfare and military strategies, it became evident very quickly that Cyrus was a quick learner. At the age of 22 she became a general for her fathers military alongside her brother. This was probably the one thing that Cyrus actually enjoyed, the feeling of guiding and leading others into a fight and than coming out victorious was an exhilarating feeling. While Cyrus doesn't want to give this up, she dreams of being able to lead her people as herself, she wants to be free of the constraints and shackles she currently wears.
Her older brother Alois is probably the one person who understands her best, even when his mother attempted to murder Cyrus she was still on her brother's side. He was and is her best friend. When they were both appointed Generals she was happy, there was no one else she would want at her side.

✤ While she hates acting like a boy, Cyrus does is surprisingly well. Though there has been more than one occasion where someone has mentioned that she looks "Feminine".
✤ Her favorite books are romance books, she does want to find someone to love despite not being able to be herself.
✤ Cyrus is very skilled at the piano, it was the one thing she was allowed to have that she enjoyed.