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Is it too late to jump on the boat? This RP seems fun and I need one to be in whilst waiting for posts from my other RP.
Hey guys, so I have a problem. My computer is messed up and can't connect to WiFi (This is coming from my phone). I need you guys to commandeer Daniel and Emma until I can fix it.

Loves and loves, my bebbies.
Emma - Haywood - Jess, Riley & Brianna

Emma nodded to Jess, and she and Brianna lead her away from the men. "We're all in one house; the apartments are ruined and Daniel thought it best to be in one place in case we were attacked by walkers." The girl said. She kept to one said of Jess and Brianna walked on the other. Emma saw that Shannon and O'Conner were standing at the door of the house, looking heated in discussion. Brianna trotted up towards Riley and interrupted the conversation. O'Conner's attention turned towards Emma and Jess, and his brow rose.

"Riley, this is Jess." She said as they reached the steps of the house. "Jess, this is our Doctor, Riley O'Conner." The man nodded and offered a kind smile.

"Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance, dear." He said in his thick accent.

"I'm gonna take her up to my room so she can lay down."

"Very good. If you've any needs, lass, please don't hesitate to tell me and I'll try my best to accommodate you." He smiled. Emma lead Jess into the house, where she saw Katie and Lauren sat. Katie was fast asleep, poor thing. The two continued to the second floor of the house, turning to the door on the left. It was a simple room, containing only a bed, a dresser and a table. Emma never knew the origins of the room, but she guessed it had belonged to the apartment complex's manager at one point. "You can sleep in here, and I'll try to make sure you're not bothered. Daniel and I will be in the living room if you need anything." She explained everything, and left Jess to her rest.
Daniel - Haywood

Daniel listened to Emma and he realized, she and Jess still thought that Raiders had shot at them that day on the train tracks. Neither of them had any idea it was Shannon. He didn't know how good of an idea it would be to tell either of them, so he didn't say anything. He glanced at Jess when she spoke up, angrily accusing Abram of making stupid choices. The girl seemed very adamant about finding this "Floyd"

"Jessalyn, I'm not sure if you understand how much respect I have for Abram and how quickly I would entrust my life and the life of my family in his hands." He said. "If you and Abram find it necessary to look for your friend, then I promise we will offer all resources we can and all the people we can. We've got several injured, but we've got people fit to travel that have been trained to fight."

Riley - Shannon

He had come into the room with a frantic face, his heart racing at the sound of the commotion. It looked like all was well. He pulled Shannon to the side, listening to her warning about Lauren. He too had come to have worries about the woman's intentions. It had turned out to be that she'd not even asked for their helped, but only been carried into Riley's infirmary with no say about it. "Lass, I'm aware that we don't know a lot about her."

"What are we to do? We can't exactly tie her up and hope she accepts Christ and become a better woman." He said. "As a doctor, I will not turn her loose in the wild in the state she's in. We might as well be putting a bullet in her ourselves."
I'm hooked, as long as long as y'all are cool with a breton female dragonborn
Daniel - Haywood - Jess/Abram/Others

Daniel staggered back as Abram's fist collided with his jaw. His skull racked with pain, but he wasn't angry. He knew Abram was right; he deserved it. As the girl jumped from the car, he instantly noticed her swollen stomach. His suspicions were confirmed by her frantic pleas for mercy. When she said she was pregnant, Daniel glanced at Abram, a question wrapped in his eyes, and his eyebrows rose.

"No, idiot, it wasn't me." Abram said. Relief washed over Daniel as he looked back to the girl, Jess. She looked really young, maybe 19, somewhere around Shanelle and Brianna's age.

"I'm very, sorry, Jess, we don't have anyone by the name of Floyd." He said.

Emma - Haywood

Emma did her best not to let Katie fall from her arms as she wriggled and writhed. She carefully carried the girl to the steps. She could see down at the gate, but it wasn't Tyler, thank God almighty. Daniel, Brianna, and the Doctor stood infront of a muscular black man. She couldn't see his face, but she saw that another woman stood by him, begging to Daniel for something. "Floyd!' She heard the woman call. Floyd... she'd heard that name before... Then it dawned on her; Floyd.

Lynn had said something about a Floyd guy in the catacombs... That redneck guy that Lauren and the bull had brought to the cells... And- and there was a pregnant girl with Lynn's group... Jennie- Jessica- Jess? Jessalyn! That was her name... It all came back to her then - Floyd was the biker that the pregant girl had rode away with when the raiders had started shooting at them at the railroad tracks! "Lauren, could you watch Katie for just a moment?" She asked. She sat the girl on Lauren's good leg, and took off towards the gates. When she passed Brianna, she saw the black Man's face- "Abram!" She said excitedly. He'd come back with Daniel last year for her birthday when they were off duty. She remembered how nice he was- she'd even helped her shoot his big sniper rifle when the three of them had gone to the firing range one week in the summer. She jumped on the man, pulling him into a big hug.

After a moment she pulled away and smiled at him. She then turned her attention to Jessalyn. "Hi, uh... you don't know me, cause I was only with you for like 30 seconds before you rode of with Floyd..." She began. "I- uh... I was with Lynn in the catacombs, and she talked about you..."

(Llama and I did a collab at the end)Daniel - Haywood -

Daniel had known that Katie was small... but as he carried her towards the house, he was taken aback by her size. He could see that she was beginning to come to, as her body adjusted itself in his arms, her head tucking into his chest. He stopped as Shannon came up to him, and spoke. "Alright, give me ten minutes. We'll meet you in my room, first door on the right upstairs." He said, and went into the house. He waited for Emma to come in and instructed her to take Katie into her Room. "Shannon wants to talk to us, meet in my room in ten minutes."

He went to Amelia and gave her the same instructions, but then his eyes caught O'Connor and Lauren. She was talking about the Bull... He watched as O'Connor helped her sit on the steps in front of the house. "...murdered by Robert Dalton..." was all he caught of him say, as his attention turned towards Brianna, who was hurrying towards him. "Daniel, there's a car down the road!" She said frantically. The man swore out loud and went to the top of the incline where she stood.

Indeed, a long ways down the road, a car shone its headlights. He looked on the ground and found a discarded rifle, the AUG he'd given to Eric before he knew his true colors. "Get Riley!" She nodded and took off, and Daniel headed towards the gates. Though his rifle may have been empty, the newcomer would have no idea. When Riley and Brianna came, he instructed them to find a gun, wether it was loaded or not. O'Connor handed Brianna his revolver and ran the burned down building, where he found a black AR-15, covered in ashes. He picked it up and came back, taking the keys to the gate and unlocking it. He pushed the gates open, and saw that the car was maybe 50 yards away, now. When the car stopped, around 15 yards, the door opened, but Daniel couldn't see who stepped out because of the headlights. "Come out Unarmed and with your hands up!"

Abram stepped from the car, leaving his rifle in the back seat. "Stay here, Jess." He put his hands on his head and stepped from behind the door. "We're friendly, sirs. I'm First Sergeant Abram Chamberlin, US Army Special Forces.! The girl in the car is my friend Jess! We're looking for our friend Floyd!" Abram felt uneasy, but hoped these guys would give him a chance.

Daniel's face broke into small smile... Abram Chamberlin. "Master Sergeant Daniel Emmett Crowe, 4th company, CAG special forces." Daniel moved out of the direct glare of the headlights, and saw the face of Abram. He lowered his gun, and brought his right hand into a salute.

"At ease, you son of a gun..." The man said, walking towards Daniel. He was a few feet, and his lips went into a smile, and he huffed a laugh. In one fluid motion, Abram brought his fist through the air and landed a solid hit to Daniel's jaw. "I was dishonorably discharged because of you, so theres my acceptance of your apology."
Pretty much right now. Haywood is in recuperation from the attack and everyone is spending the night in Daniel and Emma's home. Abram and Jess are approaching haywood, but other than that theres nothing groundbreaking.
I blame global warming... Not for the error, but for the heat in my town :I I also blame rap music...
Wanted to rewrite the drinking scene because each time I read it, it sounded worse and worse. Conner will edit his post to respond with Abram and Sylar if I understood him correctly.

Daniel Haywood - Haywood

Daniel nodded to Anthony as he and Isudor took off. Daniel's grip tightened on his axe as he turned to Riley. "Let's move the truck." He said. The older man followed suit and joined him after switching the gears of the large truck into Neutral. Daniel and O'Connor threw all of their weight into pushing and the truck slowly moved from in front of the gate. As he looked out of the holes in the gates, he saw that Anthony and Surge had succeeded in draw the attention of all but three of the walkers. The biters slowly approached the gate and Daniel readied his axe, and gave a determined swing down on its head. Riley wielded a rebar rod and bludgeoned the second walker in the head until the decaying tissue had collapsed. When the third walker decided to come to Daniel, it was dispatched just like the first. Satisfied, Daniel nodded, and turned to his sister, who stood waiting for instruction. "Emma, wait here while the Doctor and I look for something to patch these walls with in the supply room!"

The girl nodded and produced her bowie knife from its side holster. Daniel motioned for Riley to come and they to ran towards the main building. Instead of going up the stairs, the went past, and down the hallway, to two large, metal doors next to the back exit of the building. "The keys..." Daniel muttered, then swore aloud. Riley reared his arm back and struck the handle of the door with his rod. The rebar gave a resonating clang in response. The man repeated the process, but this time the handle fell to the ground. As the rod clattered onto the ground, the two men went into the large room. There were 4 metal shelves, but the walls were lined with sundry things as well. They found what they needed, a large stack of wood, a few 2x4's and other various lengths. "Grab those, I'll find some nails and a hammer." Riley stated. Daniel obeyed, finding it odd to be in the position of obedience rather than authority. He lifted as many as he could onto his shoulder, and slid a few more into the crook of his armpit.

Riley found a large tool crate, and took out the two hammers within. He also picked up a box of silver, thick industrial nails. He spotted several plywood sheets resting against the wall. "C'mon, I'll come back and get those sheets." Daniel hurriedly walked outside, burdened by the weight of the wood. Riley went ahead of him, beating his walk with a hasty jog. Before Daniel reached the gates, the man doubled back and went for the plywood sheets. 30 minutes later, they'd patches 2 of the 3 large holes in the gate, and began working on the smaller gaps. Riley had also picked up a chain and a padlock in an unopened box. When they were done with the patchwork, the men pulled the gates back together and secured the chain and padlock after setting the code on the back of the mechanism.

Haywood - Two Hours Later

When Daniel was sure that he and Riley had done all they could except for wait for Anthony and Surge. And so, thirty minutes and half a bottle of Jack Daniel's later, Daniel sat at the Mess Hall counter, sipping from a glass. He was already growing nostalgic as he felt his mind beginning to calm from the effects of the alcohol in the drink. He'd quit drinking and smoking when his mother had died, a year after he left the Military Police and was drafted into a Delta Force squad, and he'd promised his Dad that he'd stop for good. Old habits die hard, he decided and took another drink. When Riley came into the Mess Hall, Daniel gave him a brief glance and returned to his bottle and cup.

"4 years sober..." He muttered when the man sat on the stool beside him. "You don't have any cigarettes, do you?" He breathed a laugh at his own joke and stuck the glass to his face.

"Sonny, in Edinburgh, some of my mates would look down on ya for goin' so long without a drink." With that, the man took a glass from behind the counter and filled it with liquid. "But, no, I'm afraid you're only going to relapse on one addiction, tonight." Silence fell upon the two as they sipped from their drinks. Daniel huffed a laugh through his nostrils.

"It's all gone, Riley... Haywood, Eric, The Chambers, the Johnson... everyone... Henry's gone..." Daniel spat to the dirty floor. "Sometimes... I just wanna know... Why? Why do we gotta keep going on like this? Why live if we're just prolonging an inevitable, painful demise?" He set his drink down and lay his hands on his knees, bracing himself. "I used to be a counter-terrorist operative... but now-"

"-But now you're a hero, Daniel. You're a hero to me, you're a hero to Rob, to Shannon..." The man nodded to his own declaration. "You're the hero to Emma."

"Riley, I don't even know who that girl is anymore. She may be the same old E.J. on the outside, but... but on the inside, she's someone else... she's something." Daniel shook his head in frustration. "I missed the Majority of her life and only played Big Brother when I wasn't deployed."

"Daniel, she's a beautiful girl and she's compassionate-"

"And she's killed a man." Daniel said, gritting his teeth. "W-when I first left the Military Camp outside of Baton Rogue, I was determined to find her and Dad fast enough so that she wouldn't need to cross the line but I was to late... She'd changed to much by the time I unlocked that cell door." Daniel said. He could feel a fugitive tear coursing down his cheek. "Robert was like another walker to her. I could see it in her eyes..."

"That's not your fault, lad..."

"Isn't it?" Daniel objected. "Mom died 4 years ago, Dad took a bite from a walker, so I'm all that's left. But she won't let me help her." Daniel picked up his cup and emptied it with a swig. O'Connor poured him some more from the bottle. "Heck, she won't even talk to me. I still don't even know what happened to her in the catacombs, but whatever it was took my little sister, my sweet angel little sister and tore her to shreds... she won't talk to anyone except you and Katie, and she wakes up in the middle of the night crying. She comes into my room every night and crawls under my quilt and gets real close, like she's making sure I don't leave her."

"Daniel, I know your sister, and she still looks like just a regular little girl, but she's so much more." Riley said. "I can't even imagine what happened to her in the catacombs, but I trust that she fought back and that means that she's at least got a little lion in her spirit."

Silence fell again and they sat for a few minutes. "C'mon, sonny, lets go an see if we can't get everyone over to the house." Riley said. The two went up the stairs and to the office.

"Everyone, we think its in our best interest to sleep in the house tonight, since its got beds and isn't riddled with bullet holes." The group agreed and everyone began to make their way towards the house.
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