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There are only two groups that you can get involved with at the moment (due to a high rate of inactivity)... both of which I have a character in... You could appear out of nowhere and I can run over you with my truck :D
(Believe me when I say the chat helps in getting an idea of what to do. There's no log in required, btw)

Thats a link for a chat a bunch of us are using, if you want to get on and talk to other players
Winter said
Amelia 'Rose' Stephens 26Amelia tends to excel in keeping hidden and remaining out of sight and out of mind. By using her experiences from before the outbreak she has managed to remain distant from heavily infected areas and others who would seek to harm her for resources. M4 Carbine - Currently empty but kept with the hope she might come across rounds for it. M9 Pistol - Two clips remaining. Combat Knife. At first she is fairly reserved and quiet, preferring more to observe before making an opinion on her surroundings or a particular person. She can however, be quite talkative when and if she feels comfortable and usually this is a sign she is trusting you. She can be incredibly stubborn at times, especially if she feels she is right and will often walk away from a conflict then talk it out. From first impressions she will usually come across as kind, friendly and helpful however this is once you can gain her trust otherwise she will be abrupt distrustful and fairly cold towards you. Before the outbreak Amelia served as a RAF Regiment Gunner. She was flown into the US to help set up blockades to protect communities and lock out the infection. But it wasn't long before they were soon overrun and were out of time. They waited for backup to arrive, holding off as many as they could despite that the blockade wasn't even close to finished. But it was far too late, backup never came and it soon was understood that staying would mean imminent death. So a good portion of the blockade ran, Amelia among them. During the following week eleven had made it from the blockade alive, by the next week three remained. Amelia has been on the move ever since. Tried to keep this as small as I could so I could give more IC. Hope this is ok.

Unfortunately I can't accept, only the GM's can... But I think your character is my Male character's soul mate...
Daniel - Inside The Building - Shannon, James

James was right, they needed to get moving. Daniel removed his gun from the holster and held at by his side. He swung his rucksack off and unzipped it, producing a spare 9mm clip and tossing it to the woman. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name." He said as he zipped the bag up. He took a second to think, then unstrapped the knife from his thigh, and extending his arm to James. "I really hope you won't have to use this, but keep it just in case."
Daniel - Inside the Building - James and Shannon

"No, I heard shots, and came. I have a truck outside. I don't know who those people are." It was then that Daniel realized how his approach may have looked. He hadn't given any indication of his intent, nor had he exactly given himself the image of friendliness upon entering; he had pointed a gun at her.
"I know you have little reason to trust me, so I understand a certain extent of reluctance." He stepped back towards the stairs. "However, we have to hurry before those people on the tracks get to us." The girl seemed scared, but more relaxed than before. "Like I said, I have a truck outside."
Daniel - Inside the Building - Shannon & James

She was shaking from head to toe, the girl was. She looked like she was ready to drop down and faint. Daniel had lowed his gun and put it away. Was she still afraid of him? "Please." She stammered. Daniel nodded. He observed her momentarily. She was definitely younger than him, maybe by about five to seven years. She was thin and haggard, it was clear that she was malnourished.

The boy appeared in the same fashion. What would he do with them? Start a group? The both of them looked like they could barely defend themselves, especially the boy. They had to get away, back to the truck. "I want to get you both to safety, are either of you injured or unable to run?"
The boy had surprised Daniel. He hadn't expected that. The boy was young... but not young enough to be the girl's son. He'd lied, such was plain obvious. Daniel slowly lowered the gun, keeping an eye on the girl. He looked into the boy's eyes - and it hit him. Afghanistan, 2010. He'd held an assault rifle at a man whom had opened fire at his squad. "Please, don't hurt father!" His son had spoken in broken English. Daniel had pulled the trigger and walked away, feeling like he could shoot himself.

Presently, Daniel unloaded the hammer on the Beretta, and looked at him. "I'm...I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." He holstered the pistol in his vest. "I'm a soldier... a good guy." He lowered himself down to the boy's level. "I'm Daniel.... what's your name?"
Emma - Train Tracks - Hoedown Showdown of Doom Group

Emma remained weary of Aleck, had he discovered that she taken his things? She decided to give him a chance. She unhooked her rucksack from her shoulder and unzipped it. Quickly, she removed the hammer, the taser, and the water bottles, and slid the towards Aleck. "I-I'm sorry, Aleck..." She waited a moment, and then said, "...my...my name is Emma...by the way."
Daniel Crowe - Streets/Inside Building - James & Shannon

Daniel swerved the pickup truck to a halt on the corner, and peeked through the windshield. The gun shots had come from the train tracks, he could tell. The tracks were just barely visible. The man climbed out of the truck and went to the bed and retrieved his military rucksack, slinging it onto his shoulders. This was urban warfare, or even worse. Rarely in the army did Daniel ever encounter living corpses. He checked himself before moving to the corner of the building that blocked him from view of anyone at the train tracks. His M9 was strapped to his standard, army issued bulletproof vest. A combat knife was strapped to his thigh, and an M48 tactical tomahawk was clipped to the side of his bag. Daniel moved to the edge of the corner building, picking around. He spotted the group on the tracks; there were five, if he'd counted right. One had an assault rifle, most likely an M16. The assault rifle fired at a building down the street. A three round controlled burst; definitely an M16.

Daniel waited for the firing to cease, he looked straight at the building of target and sprinted a B-line to the back of it. He wiped the sweat off of his face with his blue shemagh scarf, and opened the back door. He ripped the Beretta from his vest and held it outward, but not enough to hyper-extend his arm. He quickly cleared the room, when another shot was fired. He took a hurried step towards the staircase, silently ascending the steps. A loud pop emanated from one of the room; a pistol shot.

Precariously, Daniel peeked into the room, surprised by what he saw. A woman - No, a girl, by the looks of her - crouched in the window with her gun. Her body was slightly toned, but she small compared to him. Daniel took one emphasized step, creating a loud boom, and holding his m9 at her head. "Get out of the window, drop your gun and stay down!" He commanded.
So I decided I want to try an alternate character...of the opposite sex...so I'm gonna be struggling.

Appearance :
Name : Daniel Crowe
Age : 29
Skill : Hand-to-hand Combat, Firearms Specialist
Weapon (up three): Combat Knife, M9 Beretta, Tactical Axe
Personality :
Good: Daniel is a very tactics-oriented person due to heavy military experience. He plans things out before executing. He is somewhat dismissive, but if he cares about someone, he is very compassionate to them.
Bad: Daniel can be stubborn, and has a relatively short temper
Brief Bio : (we are not going to know much about each other at first so only a brief history, such as what they were doing before the outbreak, is fine) Daniel spent the last two years before the outbreak as an Army Ranger. When the virus hit, he went back to Louisiana to find his Dad and younger sister, Emma. When he got there, the house was abandoned, but they'd left a note saying they were
headed to new orleans.
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