The Last Of UsFreeroam RoleplayIn 2013, a fungal infection called the Cordyceps Brain Infection broke out as a pandemic across the United States and the world. After a brief struggle to eradicate the virus hope was lost as to ever finding a cure as it spread like wildfire.
Quarantine zones were set up as a way to protect the ones who were still living, and to keep out the dead. These Quarantine Zones became military states. Rules were harsh and enforced firmly. Very few elderly and young children survived life inside what was supposed to be a safe haven.
Now the BQZ (Boston Quarantine Zone) has become like many other zones : divided by factions that each follow different ideals. But the military still rules, and they make sure no one forgets this fact.
This is our world now.
This is the world you must survive in.
Are you strong enough to be the last of us?The Infected

Runners are the first and weakest stage of the Infected who have recently entered their transformation. Since the eyes are first targeted by the fungus, runners have poor eyesight, but maintain many human instincts. For example, their moans are still human, just like their overall appearance. A way to tell them apart from normal survivors is their glowing red eyes. Their body language is sluggish while they are passive, suggesting they are resisting the fungus's influence. Sometimes they do not attack at all, even when non-infected individuals are right in front of them. These non-aggressive runners will only attack if attacked first or when an object is thrown at or near them, thus losing control. Much like sneezing, the urge to attack after such interactions happens involuntarily and unwillingly by the host. Runners are confirmed to be able to attack in packs flailing their arms trying to trample the survivor.

Stalkers are the second stage of the Infected. They have the vision and speed of Runners and a slightly weaker enhanced echolocation of Clickers. The most notable physical traits that define the "Stalkers" is the distinct croaking noises they make, the beginning of fungal growths on the head and face with only one eye left, the development of pseudo echolocation, and their discretion upon spotting a victim at distance - they will strafe and take cover, eventually closing in on the victim, hence the name "Stalker". Up-close, Stalkers are very aggressive and will charge immediately at the victim without hesitation. Stage 2 may take place anywhere between a few days after the start of the infection (Stage 1) and up to a year (Stage 3).

Clickers are the third and most distinctly recognized stage of the Infected. They have had prolonged exposure to the fungus, and now possess strength that significantly surpasses the average human. This makes them deadlier, but at the price of being completely blind due to fungal infection overtaking their face. However, Clickers are able to maneuver through areas by utilizing echolocation, which produces noticeable clicking noises to locate sources of sound.
Clickers appear less human than Runners, with faces that are skewed and scarred by fungus developed from their infected brains. Clickers are dangerous and much more aggressive than Runners, and no longer resist the fungus because their humanity has been eliminated. Interestingly, most of the Clickers seen in the game appear to have been female humans.
When provoked, a Clicker will immediately enter into a "berserk mode," aggressively flailing its arms. At this point, if a survivor has been "spotted" by a Clicker, the Clicker will attack head on and will not flinch when shot unless using high powered rounds.

Bloaters are the fourth, final, and most dangerous stage of the Infected. Bloaters take the longest to develop, making them the rarest of the infected. They are covered in thick fungus that effectively doubles as armor plate. Due to this protective covering, they can withstand multiple hits from weapons such as the Shotgun and Hunting Rifle, and even hatchets and machetes making them extremely tough to eliminate. Bloaters are extremely aggressive, but are rather slow-moving causing them to be more predictable than other infected. Like Clickers, Bloaters 'see' using echolocation to locate and trap a survivor as the fungus has completely deformed their face and blinded them, though their echolocation is a lot less refined than the Clickers. If a Bloater grabs a survivor, it will forcefully rip their jaw apart through brute strength, or grab the player's head and smash it, killing them instantly. There is no way to defend yourself if grabbed - the result is an instant kill. Bloaters will throw sacks of Mycotoxin, a toxin produced by many fungi in the real world. The sack will explode on impact, spraying the target with the toxin. The Mycotoxin will hurt the player over time, so it is recommended to avoid these deadly clouds.
Bloaters, like all Infected, have a weakness to fire. When set ablaze a Bloater will wildly thrash around trying to put out the flames. After being immolated, they will be charred black and smoking. Their armor will also be charred and brittle, making them vulnerable to low-powered weapons. Despite this weakness, fire-based weapons such as Flamethrowers or Molotov cocktails still require multiple uses before killing a bloater. Their other less effective weakness if fire is inaccessible is armor piercing rounds from an upgraded weapon like the hunting rifle. It will take fewer shots to kill if the weapon has the Power and Armor-piercing upgrade.
After the outbreak of CBI and general collapse of civilized society, the United States government was liquidated save for a single branch and the military, which initiated a state of martial law and placed all survivors under lockdown in walled-off QZ's. Many survivors went crazy after the outbreak, even starting riots in cities across the country and eliminating many Quarantine Zones and, after driving the soldiers away, establishing civilian control of them.
Smugglers are survivors who take jobs involving sneaking people, supplies and illegal items past military-guarded areas for payment. Many turn to smugglers in order to get into Quarantine Zones when they lack proper identification forms or paperwork.
After the outbreak of cordyceps brain infection, the people of Pittsburgh gradually became impatient with FEDRA, accusing them of being corrupt liars when they ran short on rations or simply did not distribute food regularly.[1] Eventually, after a protest was violently put down with at least three people executed and branded as traitors, the citizens rose up against the military and state of martial law. The surviving soldiers abandoned the city, the rioting citizens took complete control of the perimeter, demonstrating their animalistic brutality by killing any travelers passing through the area in order to steal their possessions. Because of this behavior, they became known to outsiders as hunters, and referred to outsiders as tourists.
GM's: (Head)OutlawedPanda, (Co)Myst, (Co)Atomyk
Myst and Atom can accept apps too. RULES:
1. There will be no vulgarity and I would like to keep language to a minimum.
2. Do not be a GODMODDER.
3. What you know Ooc does not always translate IC.
4. Agree with people before killing someone'
Appearance:(No Anime Pictures! You will be asked to redo)
Faction:(Survivor, Military, Hunters, Smugglers)
Short History:
Weapons:(Max of 3)
Other Equipment:
Anything Else(Questions? Comments? Smart Remarks?)