Hey everyone I am new here, if you couldn't already tell :3. I am OverlyIntricateLove, but ya'll can call me Love, Overly, Intricate whatever you want along those lines. Just a heads up I am a slightly experience roleplayer and have been at this for a year now and have loved every minute of it. Just some personal stuff you might want to know (ew real life, I know.) I am a highschool student and still fresh and young, but I tend to have plenty of time on my hands, unless of course an exam or something like that :P. I am a male, my image may make me look like a girl, but I assure you I am a man, not a woman. If you'll excuse me I'll have to double check that. Well now that I hastily ran through my personal life in massive amount of detail I want you to know that I am a everything rper and I will do many different types of rp, but fandom is usually what I do best. If you want to do a 1x1, just pm me up with your idea and I might want to do it :D.
Ta-ta for now, back to saving the world!