Doivid said
well hey dude, don't put yourself down, just take it as practice. It is very fun to fool people. It does require some skill, but it comes naturally from experience.
Blitzkrieg said
It starts as a "miscellaneous" bin for the guild. Forum games and topics without a necessary structure. Over the years, people started regularing Spam and a sort of community was made of people who post often. It's not closed off to other (although it can seem that way). Think of it as a large group of friends. Not everyone likes everyone else, but they are all clustered together along with their own inside jokes and stories.
Kaga said
Same. Granted, that's coming from someone who hardly identifies as a gamer. SSB is one of the few game series I actually pay any attention to.
Doivid said
It's okay dude, just be yourself! what can go wrong.
Kaga said
Yeeeeaaah, therein lies the other flaw in your plan, Overwatch. In order to confuse an online community about one's gender, one really has to a community with that ruse...You can't assert yourself as a male for who-knows-how-long and then all of a sudden act all ambiguous. Just admit you're bad at this, man.
Kaga said
Sorry; I'm too slow. Didn't see your post in time.
Doivid said
I've been sure you were a dude ever since I first saw you post, but this made me confused as to what you meant.You are a dude, right?
Kaga said
...You want to be mistaken for a female?Is there something you haven't been telling us, Overwatch?
Doivid said
wait I'm confused, why do you need to do that? Are you a girl?