"Ghhh!" Another sharp inhale of breath, while he flinched as if he had been shot. Vincent accidentally swallowed the lump of rock candy, getting it caught in his throat. After a few moments off coughing, he managed to dislodge the killer candy, and regain his composure. After getting to a relatively level pace of breath, he glared at her through his helm. "My name isn't mister grumpy. It's Vincent. V-i-n-c-e-n-t." He spelled, before folding his arms. "I was planning on going to the candy store anyways..." He looked away, before walking past her. "Follow me." He walked down a few alleys, and onto the main street. sure enough, they were right in front of the candy shop. Surprisingly, Sapphire had arrived there too. "At least you are competent." He muttered, before walking past her into the store. He knew what he wanted... it wasn't much. Just some rock candies to suck on, and a few cakes to carry in his satchel.
Sapphire seemed to have a hard time deciding what she wanted. She didn't have enough money, eh? He looked at what she had laid out on the desk, and commented on a few of the choices, helping her to decide which ones she wanted... Maybe he was being a bit too relaxed at the moment, but he found himself managing to not be insulting or grating. It was as if he was discussing a hobby with a friend. He didn't even feel very upset with Noelle anymore. In the end, he somehow managed to get suckered into paying for some of their sweets. Not that he cared much. He had enough money. Else, he wouldn't be stopping by a candy store. As soon as the candy business was settled, his guard was back up. "So, do you have any plans other than wasting time getting lost? I, for one would rather not wander aimlessly about town all day. It would be wise to check back with the Blades if you've nothing better to do. If not, I still advise that you stick together. This might be Ylisse, but I've been in this town long enough to know that there are still unsavory folks creeping about this town." He withheld the fact that he had once worked with some of them.