Ahh, I'm glad you like it!! It's the opening of an anime I'm watching and really liking.
After the battle with Flora and David--Flora will most likely teach the trainers how to catch Pokemon on route 1. Afterwards, he'll go back to Anvil, to welcome other trainers who have yet to arrive. Trainers are allowed to arrive throughout a period of a week (in-story time. There are no restrictions in the actual RP.)
New people who sign up don't have to go through the who thing with Professor Willow, they can just pop up wherever. I'm planning to have my female character Malia join the group after the battle between David and Flora.
As of now, there is no encounter limit. For training, timeskips are permitted.
After route 1 comes Ambra City--where the first gym is. If the first leader hasn't been claimed by the time the character reach the city, I'll take the position.
We spoke about worldbuilding yesterday in PMs! Sorry I haven't replied yet!
Is this the same world we talked about there?
If not, it'd be helpful to consider the following:
Laws of Nature and Physics--are they different? Is there magic involved in this world? Are there monsters or mythical beasts?
How similar is this world to earth?
Are there any other races besides dwarves?
How many people are in this realm? Is it overpopulated? Or is the amount of beings scarce?
If magic is included--where does it come from? An ancient god? A person's willpower? And how is it executed? Are magical books, or tomes involved? Or do people learn spells? Or both?
Is magic against the law, or viewed as taboo? How much of the general population can use magic? Which species are better at wielding magic?
Wanna talk about Pokemon? Whether it be the anime, manga or games, this is the topic for you! Conntect with others to trade, discuss strategy, etc!
...Well, I thought we needed a Pokemon topic. xD Most of my efforts today will be concentrated on breeding a perfect Cottonee, for my team in Omega Ruby!!
Hello one and all! I'm here today to propose a fantasy roleplay. This roleplay's plot would start out simple--and be decided guided by the players rather than the GM alone, basically a kind of sandbox RP. I want the players to have free range over anything from species, to various groups within the country where this RP is happening, Fantasia.
There will be various sheets, for species creation, religion/god creation, and of course character creation. This RP will involve teamwork, most of all.
But it will also involved RPG-like elements, the largest being classes. RPG classes-such as red mage or paladin, will also be included.
Cleric/Priest - Clerics and Priests are units that only may heal. They are often clad in white, and associated with the clergy more than anything. They have high luck, and may evade attacks easily. They also have high magical strength and resistance. However, they have low physical strength, defenses. Speed is a trait that depends on the individual.
Promotes to:
Priestess - A magically powerful fighter, who can serve as a healer as well as a fighter. Priestesses often live within shrines that they attempt to protect with their lives. This call is more often found in the eastern realms, rather than the western ones. Their primary weapons are fans infused with fire magic. This class is unique in the way that they may only use fire magic. [ High mag, mag resistance, speed, luck/Low phys atk, phys defense ]
Dragon Priest/Cleric - These unique fighters are allied or paired up with a dragon that they can mount, but most likely don't. Dragon Priests and Clerics fight alongside one to three dragons that they can summon.. They may also heal using staves. Dragon Priests and Clerics can also use lances, but they can only go up to using Iron Lances.[ High mag, phys atk, mag resistance/Low luck, speed, phys defense ]
War Priest/Cleric - A powerful fighter that has upped physical strength. This class uses axes and staves. [ High luck, phys atk, mag/Low speed, mag resistance ]
White Mage - A healer and attacker, this class uses staves as well as White magic to attack. [ High mag, luck ] [Med speed, mag res] [Low phys atk, phys def]
Troubador - A troubador is a mounted healer, most likely on a horse, although rarer variations ride on Pegasi. Troubadors almost always have significant speed and luck, as well as magic. But they lack resistance in magical and physical departments - at least until they reclass. Troubadours are most often associated with nobility.
Promotes to:
White Knight - An armored knight clad in white armor, that may only use White magic, or swords. They have lower magical strength than White Mages, and less physical strength than a War Cleric or Priest. But they may still use staves to heal their enemies [ High mag resistance] [Medium mag, phys atk, speed] [Low phys def]
Barbarian - Barbarians are roguish and and brutal fighters, who use axes. They are often of bulky build and are often spotted in between the borders of nations as bandits simply looking to start trouble and get some money. Although physically powerful, they tend to have low defenses, making them somewhat of a glass cannon.
Promotes to:
Mace Master - Mace Master's use spikes, blunt force weapons and weapons on chains. They have stronger defenses, but sacrifice the luck that other promotions of the Barbarian class. [High phys atk, phys def] [Medium mag res, speed] [Low mag, luck]
Blackguard - A mighty warrior clad in heavy, black armor. At times, they will have gold or blue designs on their armor. Blackguards use axes, or black axes, which are axes infused with black magic. They are one of the only classes capable of using axes as well as magic. [High phys atk,, high mag atk, phys def] [Med luck] [Low speed, mag res]
Myrmidon - Myrmidons are speedy and agile warriors, with may only use swords. They can use all types of blades. They usually have a high chance of damaging thier oppnents and evading retaliating attacks. Myrmidons don't wear heavy armor, and they tend to have low defenses anyways.
Promotes to:
Samurai - Samurai are upgraded myrmidons who almost always use swords. It's incredibly rare that they'll use any other weapon, although very, very few wield spears. Samurai are capable of using Chi energy, a rare type of magic exclusive to them. They are dexterous fighters with balance, and they may form shields or constructs with Chi energy. [High spd, phys atk, luck] [Med mag] [Low phys def, mag res]
Swordsmaster - Swordsmasters wield two swords, they have high speed and luck. Swords are the only weapon that they may wield, and they have no power over any type of magic. They are one of the only promoted class to be able to handle only one weapon/tool during battle. [High spd, luck, phys atk] [Med phys def] [Low mag res, mag atk]
Silversword - A somewhat rare class, usually only seen in noble or royal ranks. They are heftier sword wielders, who tend to wield a heavy sword called a zweihander. It's somewhat rare to come across zweihanders in current times, so most Silverswords have moved on. But they are bulky fighters. [High phys atk, luck, phys def] [Med mag def] [Low mag attack, mag def, spd]
Dragon Knight - Dragon Knights are a class of ferocious, ax-wielding fighters. The most common type of tamed dragon is Wyverns, so they may also be called Wyvern Knights. Dragon Knights are weak to bow and arrows, as well as a specific type of light magic, which is wind magic.
Promotes to:
Dragon Lord - When Dragon Knights have been promoted, they tend to have access to a wider variety of dragons, such as Basilisks (dragons which only have colorful wings, but no legs, Gorynych (A much rarer type of dragon with three heads), or even Tatsu (a rare type of dragon to see in the western half of the country). They may use axes and lances. [High phys atk, phys def, spd] [Med luck] [Low mag atk, mag def]
Griffon Lord - At times, Dragon Knights may delve into new mounts and begin to ride griffons. Griffon Riders typically use axes. There are different varieties of griffons like there are of dragons. The griffon riders tend to be faster and quicker than most dragons. [High phys attack, luck, phys def] [Med spd] [Low mag atk, mag def]
Pegasus Knight - Pegasus Knights are at first among the daintier of all units. Although they have high speed, skill as well as luck, they tend to lack high physical or magical power until they train more or even upgrade. While they can be weak when starting off, their promotions are among the most powerful and sought-out units. Pegasus Knights are weak to arrows and wind magic.
Promotes to:
Dark Flier - Dark Fliers are magical fighters who although use lances, specialize mostly in black or anima magic. They trade physical strength for magical strength, and due to it are no longer weak to any type of wind spell. [High mag atk, mag def, spd] [Med luck] [Low phys atk, phys def]
Pegasus Warrior - Pegasus Warriors may only use lances, and focus on raw power and speed. Due to their strength, they shrug off their arrow weakness. But they still remain weak to wind magic. [High phys str, phys def, luck] [ Med spd] [ Low mag atk, mag def]
Prestige Knight - Prestige Knights are fast, and may use magic or lances. However, in both areas they are weaker than a Dark Flier. Yet, Prestige Knights are immensely useful healers. They can use staves of any kind, and have superior range to the grounded White Knight Class. [High mag atk, spd, luck] [Med phys atk] [Low mag def, low phys def]
Archer - Archers are fighters who may only use their bows from long distances. They are long ranged fighters who can tend to do poorly when surrounded closely by heftier fighters.
Promotes to:
Sniper - Snipers are simply upgraded archers. They have weaker resistances to magic, but they're faster than any other archer class due to not wearing as much armor. This makes them agile, but gambles their safety and health. [High mag def, spd, luck] [Med phys str] [Low mag str, low phys def]
Rune Archer - Rune Archers are archers who have learned to infuse magic with their arrows. Most may only use anima magic, but those affiliated with the clergy may possibly be trained to use white magic, while those affiliated with… darker forces may use black magic. [High mag atk, mag def, luck] [Med spd] [Low mag def, low phys def]
Ranger Archer - Archer Rangers are bulkier than Snipers and Rune Archers, and has higher physical strength than both. Rangers may also use swords. [High phys def, phys atk] [Med luck] [Low mag atk, low mag def]
Crossbowman - Those of this class use newer and more exclusive technology. They often ride horses and use crossbows, in order to make aiming easier. Yet, they tend to have bulkier armor. [High phys def, high mag def, high phys atk] [Med spd] [Low luck, mag atk]
Knight - Knights are heavily armored and defensive units, who can't move very quickly on the battlefield. They are weaker to all types of magic than they are to physical weapons such as swords and lances. Arrows, unless infused with magic, do not dent them in the slightest.
Promotes to:
General - Generals have completely upped defense and most have armor enchanted to be able to take spells and survive. Certain Generals have armor that may even reflect magical spells, but it's incredibly rare and usually only seen among the nobles. [High mag def, phys def] [Med phys atk] [Low luck, spd, mag atk]
Warrior - Warriors are heavily armored knights who may use bows and axes as well as lances. Although still weak to magic, they have extended range in order to compensate. Some warriors may have mounts if they can manage to afford one. [High phys atk, phys def] [Med mag def] [Low spd, luck, mag atk]
Ranger - Rangers are skilled woodsmen, who usually spend their time around nature. They tend to be rather agile and speedy, although not completely fragile. They usually have a medium amount of stamina, but can't really take many hefty blows due to their lighter armor, until they're a promoted class. Thus, they rely on speed and luck. They use bows as well as swords.
Promotes to:
Trap Ranger - Trap Rangers specialize in inflicting status ailments on other units, and may also lay traps instantaneously using a unique type of magic. They can only handle that magic, and swords, although their magic attacks are much stronger. [High mag atk, mag def, spd] [Med phys atk] [Low luck, phys def]
Archer Rangers - Archer Rangers are bulkier than Snipers and Rune Archers, and has higher physical strength than both. Rangers may also use swords. [High phys def, phys atk] [Med luck] [Low mag atk, low mag def]
Cavalier - Cavaliers are horseback units who use lances and swords. They tend to be very balanced in terms of strengths and weaknesses, and their stats usually depend on the individual unit.
Paladin - A Paladin is a Cavalier's most basic promotion, and has rather balanced strengths and weaknesses. They tend to be more sturdy and have more range than most other Cavalier promotion classes. They may use lances and swords. [High spd, phys str, phys def] [Med luck] [Low mag atk, mag def]
Luring Cavalier - The Luring Cavalier is a class for the cunning. Luring Cavaliers are usually smaller individuals on smaller mounts. They usually function as scouts, messengers, or as their namesake says, bait for enemies to follow. Luring Cavaliers may use bows and lances, but mostly use javelins. [High spd, luck, phys atk] [Med phys def] [Low mag atk, mag def]
Armorslayer - Armorslayers wield hammers only and they serve as the bulkiest promotion as Cavalier can have. They usually are heavily armored and are quite large in stature. [High phys atk, spd, phys def] [Med luck] [Low mag def, mag atk]
Thief - Thieves are the nimblest attacker class, and they do better with stealing and evading combat more than anything else. Thieves can use swords. They can honestly be rather frail starting off, so it's best to pair them up with other units if one wishes for true success.
Promotes to:
Hoodwink - A more physical class focused on illusion magic. Although their illusions are not as powerful as a regular illusionist's, they can manage to use illusions rather well and may also handle swords. They may not conjure the phenomenon known as "real illusions", however. [High spd, luck, phys atk] [Med mag atk] [Low phys def, mag def]
Ninja - Thieves may promote to the Ninja class. Ninjas may use a bit of magic, in order to to generate smoke bombs and other weapons. Ninjas use a weapon unique to them called shuriken. [High spd, luck, phys atk] [Med phys def] [Low mag atk, mag def]
Vampire - The Vampire class is one that solely is for vampires. They handle rapiers as their only weapon and cannot handle weapons made out of silver. They are a class capable of draining an opponent's stamina in order to heal their own wounds. [High spd, phys atk] [Med phys def, mag def] [Low mag atk, mag def]
Dark Mage
Black Mage - Black Mages specialize in using Black Magic, which includes Dark Magic and Fire Magic. Black Mages may use and manipulate shadows in various ways, such as teleporting and traveling through them, or using dark energy in combat. [High mag atk, mag def, phys def] [Med spd] [Low luck, phys atk]
Illusionist - Illusionists are known for being able to conjure up visions that are not real. They may affect a victim's sense of sight, smell, hearing and touch. However, the most skilled Illusionists may generate a phenomenon called real illusions, in which they may generate anything just about anything they wish in order to fight opponents for them. [High mag atk, mag def, phys def] [Med spd] [Low luck, phys atk]
Odd Mage - The Odd Mage class has access to several out-there types of magic. They may manipulate ashes, blood, sand, and glass. Odd Mages are still not often overlooked, due to the fact that they can use a variation of earth magic, titled Crystal Magic. The Odd Mage class's stats depend on what they specialize in.
Blue Mage - Blue Mages are the only class which can mimic any attack an enemy makes. Due to this, they are the only type of Mage that can use Aura Magic, which is the primary force behind enemy monster's attacks. Blue Mages are among the bulkier mages that there are, having high physical defenses. [High mag def, mag atk, phys def] [Med luck] [Low spd, phys atk]
Red Mage - Red Mages may use Black and White magic. Although they can use both, their spells are not as powerful as a regular Black or White Mages. But they are able to cover any weaknesses that they may have. [High mag atk, luck, mag def] [Med phys def] [Low phys atk, spd]
Astronomy Mage - Astronomy Mages are a rare type of Mage that has learned to harness the powers of celestial objects in order to attack. They may use a type of magic called Celestial magic, which is a bright golden in color. [High mag atk, mag def, luck] [Low spd, phys atk, phys def]
Tarot Mage - Tarot Mages are also rather rare, but peculiar. They harness the powers of Tarot cards. Each Tarot Card has a specific status ailment it inflicts upon a foe, or a different power that it may use. [High mag atk, mag def] [Med luck, phys def] [Low spd, phys atk]
Songstress - A Songstress may use the powers of song to motivate their allies or inflict severe confusion on their enemies. They may Songstresses may use rapiers or lances. [High spd, luck, mag atk] [Med phys atk] [Low phys def, mag def]
Oracle - Oracles are a rare and peculiar class. They use Psychic energy, coming from their own mind. They may use psychic energy beams to attack their opponents, and use psychic energy in many different ways to attack their foes.
Rabbit Beastkin - The Rabbit Beastkin are a race of beast-people that can shapeshift into rabbit-like forms. They are among the rarer species of Beastkin that roam the continent's kingdoms and various territories. Although not human, they appear to worship spirits of nature. They have superior speed and agility, with decent amounts of strength and skill.
Cat Beastkin - The Cat Beastkin species is swift and nimble, with low strength and physical defenses. Although they do have high magic defenses. They are very useful for swift attacks and avoiding attacks, but at times cannot finish off an enemy when said enemy is at full strength. They have the highest speed out of any Beastkin, equaling that of the Rabbits, and they have more luck than the other species as well. Like Wolf Laguz, they are known to have strong magical potential.
Tiger Beastkin - Said to be the Beastkin equivalent of the human General class. They have immense strength and defense, higher than that of a Wolf or Cat, but fall short in speed. They are useful tanks, with higher magical resistance than that of a human general. They do fall short a bit in luck.
Lion Beastkin - Lion Beastkin are broad, with an immense amount of strength. They fall short in speed to a Wolf or Cat, but have higher strength and luck than the Tigers. Their defenses tend to be moderate, but their magical resistance isn't as durable as their physical resistance.
Wolf Beastkin - The Wolf Beastkin are speedy with high defenses, but moderate strength. They have equal speed than the Cat Laguz, but higher defenses in the physical area. Their strength is better than a cat's, but they tend to have poorer luck and evade less. Wolves are surprisingly talented with magic if they choose to reclass.
Hawk Beastkin - Hawks are the flying counterpart to the Tiger Class. They have strength, skill an defense, but with low resistance, speed and magic. Their weaknesses, like every other flying unit, are bows and wind magic.
Raven Beastkin - Ravens are said to be the flying counterpart to the Cat tribe, although with better physical defense than magical defense. They aren't as strong or as powerful as most other Beastkin, so they tend to attack in pairs.
Heron Beastkin - Herons are often considered sacred or royal among Beastkin. They are known for their intuitiveness. They can cast spells to increase another unit's strength, speed or agility. They are also incredible healers. Unfortunately, they suffer from the same weaknesses as all other flying units.
Red Dragon Tribe - Red Dragons are bulky units with high stamina, defense and strength. Their prime way of attacking is breathing terrible fire towards their opponents and burning every foe that their attack manages to hit. Dragons are related closely to manaketes, but many of the tribes are known to be far larger and more earthly than their divine counterparts.
White Dragon Tribe - White Dragons are the most magically-inclined dragons. They breathe pure white flames that may freeze over or even paralyze their opponents. They have extremely high magic and resistance, but low speed.
Black Dragon Tribe - Black Dragons are unique in the way that their purple fire may poison their opponents. They can tend to breathe green fire which doesn't cause lasting poison, and purple flames which does poison their opponent.
By far the most numerous species in Zephyr. They have varied strengths as well as weaknesses, and are all over the place in terms of classes.
The Beastkin are mostly a race that appears humanoid. They have animal features, such as ears and tails of which subspecies they are. They also have fur on their bodies, like on their neck, shoulders, and hips as well as parts of their legs. The patches of fur vary from Beastkin to Beastkin. These beast warriors can be durable or speedy, depending on which animal they represent.
Beastkin have different lifespans. But to live for at least one hundred and fifty years. Dragon Beastkin can live for ages, and reach the thousands if they properly take care of themselves.
Beastkin tend to worship spirits of nature. There are multiple shrines dedicated to volcanoes, oceans, forests, and the earth.
Beastkin main powers are within their abilities to transform into beast forms. With the help of special stones, Beastkin may transform into larger, more demonic-looking animals. This ability is what links all beastkin together. Beastkin, when in humanoid form, generally have the same strength and agility as a very fit human. If they are of the Beastkin class, their beast forms are far more powerful than their human forms. If they are not of the Beastkin class, their strength is equal to that if they were in Beast form.
Beastkin generally lack the ability to handle man-made weapons such as swords and magic. If their stone breaks or gets taken from them, they are virtually defenseless. Not to mention, that there are specific weapons made to combat different types of Beastkin. It is rarely that they'll be a class outside of the Beastkin class. Different types of Beastkin tend to have different weaknesses.
There are many subspecies of Beastkin, but the main ones are:
The Beastkin are a very varied race. All of them are never on one specific side together, and they all have different lifestyles and opinions. Some prefer to leave mankind alone, while others have integrated into society.
Vampires are mostly creatures of the night, being pale and at times gaunt. Yet, being in direct sun for a short amount of time does not simply turn them into dust. Rather, they merely become ill and get severe headaches. They are tall, handsome or pretty creatures that are rather humanoid in appearance. They all tend to usually be rather tall. Their forms have enhanced speed, and durability. But they have a weakness to silver weapons that is not to be overlooked. They have long, long lifespans and if they do not die in battle, then they can live for thousands upon thousands of years.
Vampires are creatures who tend to serve the superior Demon Lord, as he or she created them in the first place. They don't outright worship any being. In the beginning of the species, it is rumored that three separate covens were created, and that the descendants of those three covens are the most powerful vampires. After the original three, more were created. Many vampires tend to dismiss this old legend, as the any descendants of the three have not appeared in several hundred years and none have been found. Vampires do have their very own class, but can reclass into others if they desire to do so. They tend to believe in their own superiority, so they rarely change. Yet, they can handle weapons made by humans with utter expertise.
Vampires may only change humans into full-blooded vampires through a blood-drinking ritual, in which the human consumes a vampire's blood. It is usually not a standard bite that shifts them. Other, more roguish vampires can change humans by biting them and using a specific type of magic only accessible to vampires. Even then, those humans will not be referred to as full-blooded vampires.
The Elves are a tall and noble race of people, who have strongholds in three separate places across the kingdom. They are individuals who study anything from archery to magic, and they are most commonly classes in the archer or mage lines. They are most suited to agile or nimble classes. Although they appear youthful and attractive for the most part, they can be up to thousands of years old. Their skin colors can tend to vary, as do their hair colors. But a vast majority tend to be blond. They tend to be graceful, but were once and kind of still are a race that prefers to be secluded and out of the way of any conflict that comes by them. Due to the clashes between the rebels and the empire, two stronghold leaders have chosen to fight alongside the rebels, while one sides with the empire.
They have a prime god that they worship, who is said to be the first Elven empress. The three stronghold leaders are said to be able to communicate with her in the forms of dreams and visions… But the leader siding with the emperor is said to not be able to anymore. Otherwise, the elven race can tend to worship nature spirits. They don't have many shrines dedicated to any god besides their primary god, Yuelia. For the most part, they are a widely tolerant and accepting race. Nobles can tend to be a bit stuffier, however, and despise anyone who does not meet their refined ideals.
Elves are adept hunters, as well as archers. Many of them can tend to be rather durable as well. But not many ride horses or pegasi.
The Tengu are an odd species. They are giant, anthro-morphic crows that stand at about from five to six feet. They have a huge wingspan. Females are typically larger than males, and they all prefer raw meat for their diet. The Tengu are highly protective of their culture, and as a result they were once very secluded and only lived in a small part of Zephyr. They are a species that emphasize honor above all else. Many of them are swordsmasters or samurai, and it is rare to see a Tengu be a thief or even an Illusionist Mage. The Tengu have many superstitions. Good Tengus do not play their flutes at night, or else snake demons will come to kill them. Stepping on the corner of a tatami mat will always bring bad luck to them. Four is a very unlucky number. Many Tengu have Maneki Neko, or lucky cat statues in their home, in order to bring good fortune.
The Tengu once had four different clans in Zephyr. But when the mad king took over, the East and North Clans were rumored to be wiped out, making the West and East Clans join the rebels. Due to this incident, most Tengu now dislike the royal forces. Tengu tend to get along with Beastkin rather well, due to the somewhat physical similarities between them. However, most Tengu wish that the Beastkin were more united. The leaders of the West and South Clan have discussed attempting to help the Beastkin form a solid government.
The Tengu have first and last names. While the first names are thoroughly diverse, they do have common last names, such as Sato, Suzuki, Takahashi, Watanabe, etc. The Tengu mostly serve under law enforcement, but they can be store owners or even merchants. Many of them are also teachers, who teach swordsmanship. The Tengu are quite an advanced race, and are credited with creating a unique type of mathematics.
Dwarves are an extremely durable and tough race. They tend to live in clan-based societies and can live up to five-hundred years. They can be found in most cities in the country, and are characterized by their stoutness, but stubbornness and strength. Although elves craft beautiful weapons, dwarves craft excellent ones and are really the most skilled blacksmiths the world has to offer. Their bodies are compact and it's hard to damage them. They tend to be headstrong as well, and it's hard to convince them to give up on anything once they have their mind set on it. Dwarves tend to be classes like cavaliers and such. It's rare to see dwarven mages, but they are held in high esteem anyways. Dwarves are incredibly resistant to status ailments and diseases. Dwarven warriors are extremely powerful and can be frequently underestimated due to their size.
Dwarven archers and thieves are not very frequently seen. Dwarves tend to lack the dexterity and accuracy to hold a bow. They're also too bulky to make a life as a thief. Dwarves don't ever take too kindly to thieves, so any dwarven thieves may also be looked down upon by others. Most dwarves are warriors and even can tend to be knights, as they definitely can handle any type of armor. The Barbarian class line is a popular option for a Dwarf to go into. Dwarves are common on both sides of Zephyr's struggle. They may side with the rebels or with imperial forces.
Demon is a very blunt and expansive term. There are many different types and fields of demons. Many of them look up to the superior Demon Lord, akin to vampires. Demons have so many different personality traits that it can be hard to group them into one category. Many demons have horns that they can possibly conceal using magic, and many of them have odd tattoos or markings on their bodies. Many of them masquerade as humans, and some of them intend to cause mischief. Truly brutal demons will attempt to defile churches and places of worship. They don't usually travel in clans or families, but some may travel in pairs and befriend each other. They usually don't marry, but can have offspring.
Class all depends on the demon's strengths and weaknesses. They are an extremely varied species.
The Videntes are a small race. They originate from the White Isle, which was once apart of another nation that Zephyr took over a long time ago. They were once keeps of the Island, which housed multiple crystal and waterfall caves that were considered sacred and spiritual. Carved into one of these caves was a white temple, where the god of shining light Lysa was worshipped by the Videntes. However, the island was destroyed after a massive earthquake, forcing the Videntens onto Zephyr's mainland. They inhabited the northern most part of the land.
The Videntes are a peaceful race, with immense psychic powers. They are mostly clerics, priests and white mages, and oracles. They are gifted with the potential to see into the future. They actually have both lungs as well as gills. They have a delicate beauty that makes them seem fragile. All of them have white hair, and pale skin, but their eyes may be all different colors. Gold and red eyes are said to be the ones that predict a doomed future. While they are small in stature [5'0" to 5'10"] they are immensely magically powerful. They have a light body weight, even the males. They tend to be gifted artists and musicians. Usually, they do not take part in wars or conflicts, but act as diplomats instead. They bring up their children peacefully, and they all tend to have northern names such as Agna, Freya, Finn, Ulla, children tend to be very close to their parents. Often, they will live with their entire family. If a Videntes has no living relatives then they'll often be taken in by another. Videntes families are often lead by the grandmother or mother.
The Videntes do not have detailed relationships with any other species besides humans. After the destruction of White Island, many have split up, and many have lost their families. If any Videntes have children with members of another species, their child will always be as though full Videntes, gifted with the powers of future sight.
The Videntes worship their god of light Lysa, along the god of winter, Fodra. They have many other gods that they believe in, but Lysa and Fodra are the main ones they worship.
Name: General Overview (a short summary of key characteristics) Physical Description (a list of physical traits that binds the species together): Relations (To other species and kingdoms): History (may be brief or detailed): Religion/God: Favored Classes and Occupations: Any special abilities or powers: Population Status:
General Description: Weapons used: Class strengths/weaknesses: Stats (may be vague. How is the class's defense, magic, etc?)
Is this group a legion of bandits, a mercenary group, or a division of the royal army? All that's required for this is a general description.
[center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89056-pokemon-adventures-the-giga-region/ooc]Pokemon: The Giga Region![/url]
[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89443-pokemon-lumi-academy/ooc]Pokemon Academy[/url]
Oz likes anime, gaming and roleplaying. Fantasy and fandoms are some of my favorite genres. Also slice-of-life.[/center]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89056-pokemon-adventures-the-giga-region/ooc">Pokemon: The Giga Region!</a><br><a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89443-pokemon-lumi-academy/ooc">Pokemon Academy</a><br><img src="http://45.media.tumblr.com/2ba4669fc0db2c6fda94fccb1b38f452/tumblr_np6oofmkeX1u4f2lbo2_500.gif" /><br>Oz likes anime, gaming and roleplaying. Fantasy and fandoms are some of my favorite genres. Also slice-of-life.</div></div>