Will update this soon.

The Original Name
Story of origin
Sexual Orientation

"I'll get back to you once I choke myself with a bag of Poison Hemlock. "

" "

"Another character quote"
Baba Yaga
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
-William Congreve
-William Congreve
Luna Babikov
Lu - started by those who were too lazy to even bother finishing the last syllable, what people commonly call her.
Babu - affectionately called by her "dependents", short for "babushka" meaning grandmother but its mostly a context of her parental nature rather than a comment to her age. Only her closest friends can get away from calling her this.
Lulu - If you feel like decorating yourself with a black eye, call her when she's not sober.
Babu - affectionately called by her "dependents", short for "babushka" meaning grandmother but its mostly a context of her parental nature rather than a comment to her age. Only her closest friends can get away from calling her this.
Lulu - If you feel like decorating yourself with a black eye, call her when she's not sober.
The Original Name
Baba Yaga
Story of origin
The Maiden Tsar (Russian fairy tale)
appearing to be 30-ish but is actually super old, like millennial old.
Sexual Orientation
In the prime of her notoriety, Lu was an out of control magic junkie, but now limits herself only when she does witchcraft.
- Forest Mother, Guardian of the Cycle of life and The Larker of the Birch forests. (Vale oriented)
- Exotic dancer, Regular pub resident. (Non-Vale oriented)
- Exotic dancer, Regular pub resident. (Non-Vale oriented)
Story tellers throughout the centuries have always depicted Baba Yaga as a gross looking creature with a ridiculously large nose, pruney, wilted skin, a pair of legs that resembled those of a chicken's and other morbidly horrendous descriptions by bitter writers who were probably denied of her boon. Those few who met her, however, would say otherwise, for what they saw was nothing like in the books or tales, but a beautiful, elegant woman who lives in a nicely decorated hut, neat and smelled of freshly baked pie and lemon incense. Luna is standing about 5'4 with both shapley and muscular physique. She has a strong, sophisticated appearance, dark brown hair that reached to her waist and hazel eyes that could pierce through a diamond. Rumor has it that she had put herself under a spell to hide her true form and the writers' renditions were in fact true, but one has yet to see her shed the facade to prove such rumors.
Some would say that Luna has a taste for fashion, although most of the time a bit colorful, or showy, a precise comparison would be an 80's gogo dancer with a touch of 70's Cher, and surprisingly, she pulls it off rather well. However, except when going to work, Luna doesnt always put too much effort on how she looks, because of her natural good looks, it isnt all that necessary and she damn well knows it.
Some would say that Luna has a taste for fashion, although most of the time a bit colorful, or showy, a precise comparison would be an 80's gogo dancer with a touch of 70's Cher, and surprisingly, she pulls it off rather well. However, except when going to work, Luna doesnt always put too much effort on how she looks, because of her natural good looks, it isnt all that necessary and she damn well knows it.

"I'll get back to you once I choke myself with a bag of Poison Hemlock. "
To sum up Luna in five separate words: she's strong willed, protective, narcissistic, vindictive and a bit batshit. For years she had learned to withstand the worst that's thrown to her, from an angry mob with pitchforks marching outside her hut in the dead of night, a phoenix trying to burn her alive, even the king's army who tried to hunt her down for days in her lovely forest home and many such attempts to her life, all of whom failed to pull down the infamous Baba Yaga, the forest mother. People of different status have come to seek her aid, and with one look Baba Yaga can see who among them is true and deserving of her blessing. A good father looking for a cure for her sick daughter? Baba Yaga would provide, in exchange of nothing but lifelong servitude. An unjust, tyrannic king wanting power to rule over the neighboring lands? Sure, but before leaving, she'd offer a pie stuffed with Nightshade so a much more fitting candidate will succeed him. A local jester wanting a potion so he can bed all the maidens in the land? Would give him a bottle of bull semen and charge him a gold nugget.
Some even consider her as the alcoholic group mother who actually gives a damn about her kids and would spend half a day giving pointed out facts and life changing advice on why you should break up with your asshole boyfriend. She'd go through hell itself just to selflessly protect the things she cared about the most, her friends and the people who need her.
Baba Yaga is no way near the repulsive image of a crumpled old hag that everyone is so terrified, mostly disgusted of. And the woman learns to appreciates her goddess-like beauty every chance she gets. A bit too much it is, but who can blame her? Not even the coldest of hearts can resist the walking beauty that is her. At least not instinctively. She has that effect on people. Or so she believes.
People know to be terrified when they cross her, hell hath no fury and all that. Getting caught in an antelope stampede would be a much better way to go than at the hands of a hot, insane millennium old witch. Okay probably not but still, a crossed Baba Yaga wont stop until she smites every single one who has the gall to stand against her and her allies.
Some even consider her as the alcoholic group mother who actually gives a damn about her kids and would spend half a day giving pointed out facts and life changing advice on why you should break up with your asshole boyfriend. She'd go through hell itself just to selflessly protect the things she cared about the most, her friends and the people who need her.
Baba Yaga is no way near the repulsive image of a crumpled old hag that everyone is so terrified, mostly disgusted of. And the woman learns to appreciates her goddess-like beauty every chance she gets. A bit too much it is, but who can blame her? Not even the coldest of hearts can resist the walking beauty that is her. At least not instinctively. She has that effect on people. Or so she believes.
People know to be terrified when they cross her, hell hath no fury and all that. Getting caught in an antelope stampede would be a much better way to go than at the hands of a hot, insane millennium old witch. Okay probably not but still, a crossed Baba Yaga wont stop until she smites every single one who has the gall to stand against her and her allies.
- Strong willed
- Confident
- Compassionate
- Elegant
- Hysterical
- Rash
- Secretly insecure
- Vengeful
Doesn't necessarily have to be a phobia

" "
- Drinking
- Old school alchemy
- Neatness
- Larking people
- Dancing
- Nature
- Herself

"Another character quote"