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Current I sometimes crave people, but then they visit me with their families and pets and kids and grandparents and suddenly I just want to be alone so I can sleep in peace. /sleepy
8 yrs ago
You probably find this peanut, but this is the FIRST post ever on RPG for me made on a computer. The keyboard is making me shed tears of happiness. I LOVE YOU ALL. /blows kisses liberally
8 yrs ago
It's been half a year since my odyssey to find the one true community for me. There is no escaping it, I realise: RoleplayerGuild owns the throne in my heart. Thank you all for making this place great
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The "Introduce Yourself" sub-board is heartwarming.
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Upside, inside out, it's livin' la vida loca! That's what she's about, livin' la vida loca, livin' la vida locaaa! 🎵


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In Six Letters 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
The Real Ultimate Megalomaniac Perceived Sacrosanct

@Conorius You didn't come back just to edit that, did you? If that's the case, wow gorsh.

Your username made e think of Confucius. Welcome aboard!
I don't support playing out sex scenes with writers who are in a different life stage as you if either is not 21.

Examples of what is okay for me:

M!15, with F!13.
Teenage boy, teenage girl.

M!18, with M!23.
Legal teen, young adult.

F!29, with F!38.
Adult, mature adult.

M!19, with F!40.
Legal teen, mature adult.

Examples of what is NOT okay for me:

M!18, with F!13.
Legal teen, young teen.

M!16, with M!20.
Mid teen, young adult.

F!14, with F!23.
Young teen, adult.

M!10, with F!17.
Prepubescent, older teen.

... In short, sexy times with a minor is just squick-able.

Some people will probably argue that some teenagers are mature enough to: (1) write as well if not better than some adults, (2) differentiate between fiction and reality.

Yeah, no. Sex is most of the times part of romance, I do agree and believe, but 90% of them do not require explicity in a story.

I personally encourage teens to explore their sexuality as long as it's within moral boundaries. Paedophilia and hebephilia are not fine. Besides, it just creeps me out to imagine someone a chunk few years my junior writing out a sexy post to me.

Granted, people lie about their ages. Can't be helped in such cases. But those who knowingly engage in erotica with a minor are questionable - detestable, even.

More often that not, these minors are confused and afflicted with the ever-present loneliness teens feel amongst their own peers. And predators of these folks usually try to break down barriers by smutting "strictly in character", then being affectionate OoC ...

... and then they try to coax you into sending nudes. And probably will blackmail you with said nudes.

Most, not all, minors just don't make the best decisions. Those as adults should know better than frolick in curious indulgence with them!

(Oh Lord. Am I slapping this into the wrong thread? Unpopular opinions, right? Is this still considered a roleplay topic, or a debate of morals?)
@The Harbinger of Ferocity
Upon reading all that, I sorta just went. "Though, you do have valid points, Fandom Rps usually do take traction away from different, to original ideas simply because they have more namesake than original projects. It is a risk of interest and overall can be a waste of time, even though I do groan at a lack of original projects." It just sucks when you know the person with the original idea they had just sorta gets... deluded because of "Don't know it, don't want it." mentality a lot of people seem to display.

Let's not get started on people trying to insert their lore into your story when they have not even asked if they could or not.

This is like turning up for an open house party, getting the OK from the host to mingle, and then using the master bedroom's private bathroom.

I don't know how others are, but as an Asian with a semi-traditional upbringing, I find that rude. At least *ask* beforehand.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 8 yrs ago Forum: News

"A visitor has left a new message on your profile" glitch. Clicking the new message hyperlink takes me to my boring profile, where no action occurs. It should have been a reply from @ScreenAcne in regards to my VM on his profile.

No one really cares for VM anyway, so no rush. Just thought I'd queue this up to your low priority list. //thumbs up
<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

That's not really weird - in fact it's delicious to go with porridge.

...Ok, maybe it looks weird to you Western peeps. That's like one of the most commonly seen dishes in Asia, not just China y'know. *shrugs*

<Snipped quote by Frettzo>

If you really want to try weird food, Beijing and Guangdong are places you can consider. Like, anyone wants fried scorpion for appetizer and fresh (read: raw) monkey brain for main course? Heh.

CENTURY EGGSSS. MY PA JUST MADE SOME FOR SUPPER. With his onion-sprinkled porridge. Oh. And, salted egg + century egg + steamed egg mix is delish.

@Rica I'm sorry you had to go through that, bae.

@Rica TVTropes?!
No, no. Different guys. Two. One is 25, the other 16.
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