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    1. Palamon 11 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current History won't remember the critic, but rather those whom inspired the criticism.
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Male. New Jersey. Alive. Healthy. Something Something I like roleplay.

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@Dragonruby Posted my response to you, if there are any glaring issue with it please let me known, I'm in rural mountain country so I'm having tech trouble.
“MY LORD! MY LORD!” The ensign was as most ensigns are, small, skinny and filled with a little too much enthusiasm. His cries carried throughout Lord Maelon’s chambers, disturbing the beautiful silence.

“I SWEAR ON ALL THE GODS IF THIS ISN’T AN EMERGENCY I’LL HAVE YOU DRAWN AND QUARTERED!” The abruptly awakened Lord boomed as he threw open the door.

“Your Lordship, we’re dropping out of warp. We’re going to be right on top of the signal!” The ensign stammered, the words falling out of his mouth. “Knight-Commander Kennick has asked for you on the bridge.”

The Lord smiled, his bathrobe falling open.


“Shields up, red alert.” Lord Maelon commanded as he strode onto the bridge, his crisp blue and gold uniform freshly pressed. “Commander Kennick, ready your squadron. As soon as we drop out of warp I want them flying in a defensive diamond around the New Dawn. Have the marines standing by with their boarding craft. Have we any idea if they are Human or sub?”

“Not yet, sir. And it is already done. The ship and crew stand ready.”

“Excellent.” Lord Maleon responded flatly as he took his seat in the command chair. “Lieutenant Hackitt, give us the countdown till the drop.”

“In ten” the young officer called from his place at the propulsion console, “nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Dropping out of warp.”

“Sir, we are picking up ship signatures from a number of small vessels!” Lieutenant-Commander Tadik called from the comms console. “Bio-signatures detected! Sir, they may be human!”

“Hmm,” Lord Maelon’s fingers rapped against the gold and ivory armrests of the command chair. “Scan for weapon signatures on all detected vessels. I want to know if they are any military vessels present. When you do that, I want you to lock weapons on the largest and most heavily armed. If they are not human then they will be made to understand their sub-human nature before we depart… You have all that Mister Kennick?”

“Aye, M’lord.” The Knight Commander said before barking orders to the various department heads on the bridge.

While the New Dawn was a large and sophisticated exploration ship, it was not a warship. It was equipped with various weapons systems, however these were only meant as defensive measures. House Maelon's naval doctrine leaned more heavily on fighter craft and boarding parties than on offensive weapons capabilities. On-board the ship was complement of Knights who had been knighted by their Lord personally, and they would fly the New Dawn's fighters or lead marine boarding parties. They were ready to fight and die for their Lord, no matter what.

“Lieutenant-Commander Tadik, prepare to send out a broadcast to anyone in the area.” Lord Maelon said, rising to his feet.

“On your word M’Lord.”

Lord Maelon stood, his feet together, hands folded folded behind his back, upright, and puffing his chest out ever so slightly as to bring attention to all the bits, baubles, trophies, and ribbons that decorated his uniform.

“Hello, I am Lord Danton Maelon, head of the House of Maelon of the Ederian Sovereignty. I come as an appointed ambassador of the Sovereign and noble council of Edyr. We come peacefully, and only as fellow galactic citizens. Please, if it is at all possible, contact us. We will leave this channel open. I repeat…”

@Dragonruby No worries homie. I'll get right on it.
“It’s been WEEKS and still nothing.” Lord Danton Maelon shouted from his place in the command chair. The S.S New Dawn was entering the sixth week of its mission to explore the expanses of space, make contact with other possibly human civilizations and to establish report with said species. Yet, despite the fact that Lord Maelon's vessel was picking up various signals from the space before them, they had yet to make contact with little more than pebbles.

“Your Lordship, I’m sure if we stay headed on this course we will make contact.” Knight-Commander Kennick said from his position seated beside the anxious nobleman.

“You’d best hope we do Commander. Or I’ll make sure your next assignment is in as remote of a place as I can find, surrounded by the filthiest subhumans imaginable.”

“Yes my lord.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to retire to my chambers. Have a squire fetch me some Anduran brandy and perhaps some Kovian boar for dinner.”

“I’ll have it sent as soon as possible, my lord.”

“Excellent, you have the bridge, Commander.” Lord Maelon quickly stood from the command chair and made his way off the bridge without another word. As he made his way through the elegant interior of the ship— one which appeared to be designed more as a mansion than a military vessel— only stopping for a moment in the mess-hall to take note of some junior enlisted men and A.I soldiers competing in an arm wrestling match. While the A.I tended to win, it was good fun for the men to try, and while Lord Maelon was by all accounts an asshole, he understood the ways in which morale affected his troops and was pleased to see that at least their spirits were still high.

He continue down the corridors of the ship and as he approached the door to his chambers, Cheris, his personal attendant began a barrage of information that would be for the most part dismissed.

“My lord, a few important messages have come back us via the long range satcom from Edyr. First and foremost, in your absence the council of Lords has elected Sir Thomas Rooth to sit in your place. Obviously you have final approval on the matter, but given he is your nephew, it is presumed that it will not be a problem. Secondly, the subhuman rebellion on Tycus was finally put down after last month’s debacle at the battle of Conis. And finally, it appears that the New Edyr colony plans have been finalized, so as soon as a suitable world is found, the council has voted that you initiate the establishment of the first outpost.”

Lord Maelon stopped in his tracks, just a few steps into his quarters. “What was that last part again, Cheris?

“The council has voted and they have decided that as an addition to your mission you will now be responsible for finding a suitable planet for the New Edyr colony. Your lordship.” Cheris said, his face a cold stone of features that displayed a complete lack of emotion that would be almost impossible without the use of genetic modification.

Not yet responding, Lord Maelon moved toward the bar and began to fix himself a drink. Strong liquor and a splash of water.

“So you mean to tell me I’m to be stuck on this infernal ship for even longer?” Lord Maelon inquired in between swigs.

“My Lord, the New Dawn is one of the most capable in the Sovereignty's Navy. It has been equipped with your comf…”

“It’s not about the damn ship, Cheris.”

“My lord?”

“They’re trying to keep me from home. The Lord Minister’s supporters know I will run against him in the next year’s election, and they know I’d win too. So they are keeping me away and using these ‘diplomatic missions’ as a guise for political exile. The other lords and ladies are blind to this facade, but I see right through it. I see it as it is.”

“Ah, I too now see, my Lord.”

“And best you do.” Lord Maelon responded, finishing his drink.


“Still picking up that signal on the long range scanners, lieutenant?” The knight-commander asked, as he stood in the center of the bridge, looking out the main viewer.

“Still picking up the same steady signal. It’s close, just over a parsec and a half away, Sir.”

“Continue course for it’s source. For the Sovereignty.”

And all of the deck officers responded, “For the Sovereignty.”
For anyone interested, I'm open to starting other first contact scenes as well if people would like to get together and think of a scenario that'd work.

For @Keyguyperson or @Palamon, one thing could be the Terran Remnants heading in your directions in search of other human colonies that may still be kicking around.

Honestly, that idea could really work for anyone, since it gives the Terran Remnants an excuse to jump to various star systems in search of other signs of humanity, and maybe they just stumble across someone else.

I think that's what I'm going for. ALSO APOLOGIES to everyone for being so late with an IC post. I'm finally done with Holiday Stuff and am now visiting GF's family i bumblefuck New Hampshire so I will have LOTS of freetime to write. I will be posting one TODAY definitely or I'll change my name to dirtyliar.
I assumed that there would be a high ratio of essentially new space-faring races rather than like almost everyone being old? I mean, we had a point of trying to start this RP off at a lower tech-level, so it was surprising to me to see a bunch of old races playing with sticks and stones essentially.

I see your point, and in hindsight I probably should have considered this more with my nation.
I'll my first IC up tonight, been strapped with last minute work before goin on holiday.
Also @ClocktowerEchos really awesome faction by the way.
<Snipped quote by Theodorable>

If you want to make an RP with specific rule for every single encounter/situation that can arise in an NRP, feel free to, until than, generalizations is the easiest way forward. Generalizations generally always stem from some noticeable trend.

Also, playing to win ends up with some less than favorable outcomes of which I personally do not mind keeping away.

Agreed. The point in this RP isn't to have your nation "win". The whole point is to tell a story and have fun doing it. Generalizations may not attract everyone but it will attract the people who also want to tell a story, not compete in a game.
@Dragonruby Its going to be interesting when our two VERY different human civilizations happen to bump into each other.
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