Pike Riverstone
Gullible Trusting ♦
Obnoxious Talkative ♦
Cowardly Vigilant ♦
Greedy Thrifty ♦
Lecherous Friendly
NamePike Riverstone
AppearanceYou wouldn't guess that Pike is from Stamen by looking at him. By their standards he's a runt. Bulging biceps? Perfect pecs? You won't find those here. Standing a few inches shy of six feet, and weighing a few pounds shy of healthy, Pike's body can be described as 'athletic' only if you're feeling generous. At least he's not terrible to look at? Shaggy brown hair and green eyes accent his soft, boyish features. Perhaps that's only further proof he was born on the wrong side of the map, amongst all those high cheekbones and chiseled chins.
PersonalitySociable and outgoing, Pike is an unassuming and competent chap at first glance. But the second glance reveals more unpleasant truths. He's incapable of hiding his lust for gold and garters, often to his own dismay, and his hedonistic fantasies are plain to see. That's not to say he's running around humping every leg in sight, but if he senses weakness? Beware. To complicate matters, Pike has that all too common (and unwanted) tendency to say what's on his mind in highly inappropriate situations, and has no qualms about mocking people's mistakes. Needless to say this wins him few friends, even though he seldom intends to make enemies.
But perhaps all this hints at the bitter individual Pike truly is. He's grown sick and tired of his lot in life as a whipping boy, overshadowed both literally and figuratively by his larger and stronger peers in Stamen. At least Pike never stops dreaming big. He knows what he wants out of life: all the money, all the women, all the fame and all the power. Lofty ambitions for such a run-of-the-mill adventurer, perhaps, but he's ready for his time at the top of the heap. If he were willing to step on others to get there, maybe he'd be peering down already... but sadly, Pike was born with a conscience. It's just about the only thing keeping this menace from the sordid life he seems destined to lead.
ClassLet's be nice and call him a Fighter.
StrengthsBeing from Stamen, Pike has at least been well educated in martial combat. That being said, his swordplay is passable by the thinnest of margins, just enough to qualify as a swordsman. That's it! No magical powers. No hidden gimmicks. Well... he does seem to perform a little better given proper motivation. Hint hint. But, by and large, Pike earns his place on the team by being its most expendable member. Not that he's thrilled about it. At least being a walking punching bag has taught him to take a blow with a small measure of grace, but good luck getting this punching bag to do much more than that without greasing up those palms.
WeaknessesDid we talk about his mediocre swordplay already? Well the list is about to grow. For starters, Pike has no affinity whatsoever for magic. He can neither use it nor defend against it. He's not good at sneaking around and is prone to fumbling under pressure, so subterfuge is off the table. The sword is his bread and butter, but when it comes to true danger Pike turns tail faster than anyone. To make matters worse he's fairly dim-witted, and tends to fall prey to all but the most obvious of mind games. Especially when coin or women are involved. Combine the two? You've got a willing slave.
What were you doing when the princess was kidnapped?If Pike was paying any attention whatsoever, maybe he could have done something to avert this whole crisis. As fate would have it, Pike met these abductors, not that he realized it. He got well acquainted with their boots, in fact, as the daydreaming wanderer was knocked to the ground and subsequently trampled. Too dazed to realize what was happening or to shout at his 'assailants', Pike simply laid there for a long while after. Just another day in the life of the unextraordinary.