Name: Carman
Gender: Female
Species: Kijin
Age: 25

Personality: Carmen is a cold and selfish person who doesn’t do anything for anyone else unless it somehow benefits her. Carman is arrogant prideful and stubborn and has a tendency to look down on others as a result she will only follow those who have proven themselves to be stronger then herself. Carman has always been full of rage and heated but she has learned to harness of and control that anger instead of being influenced by it leaving her with a clam but brutal rage.
Bio: TBR
Power 1: Soul Self (the power to manifest a parts of or a full sentient soul guardian to fight beside her or even wear like a suit of armour.
Power 2: Rage manipulation (due to her Soul Self being a sentient rage guardian she can access its powers even if she has not summoned it)
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: Oni gauntlets that grant the wearer dark aura and soul elemental powers. As well as the power to rip souls from weakened life forms and devour them.
Pet Name: Azazel
Pet Age: 25
Pet Gender: N/A
Pet Species: Rage Sprit Guardian
Pet Appearance: in Carman’s picture
Pet Personality: unlike Carman Azazel rage is expensive and all consuming being a Sprit of pure rage he is not controlled by his anger rather he is rage and hatred personified this makes him highly aggressive, cruel and volatile when fighting Azazel is in the mist of battle he is needlessly cruel and extremely brutal enjoying tormenting his opponents not only physically beating them to within an inch of their lives but making them feel true despair at how helpless they are before his power breaking them down mentality as he toys with them. Azazel will however follow Carmans orders without question and if she asked it of him he would forgo playing with his opponents and end the battle quietly if she wished it.
Pet Power 1: Rage Manipulation
Pet Power 2: Sprit Elements