[Edited to make more sense]
Well, it´s sort of cliff notes version but here´s my submition, I kind of just wrote so if there´s something off or wrong please tell me, specially if it has to be changed for how I portrayed elf´s (I asume half elfes live to half the elf´s normal lifespan)

Name: Panros
Job: Bard and sorcerer, look´s like a bard but he's been trained in the magic arts, by force.
Personality: Rather reserved in his spare time, while performing he put´s on a “mask” of jolly, sociability and happiness, has a hint of crazy in his eyes when he´s alone.
Bio: First Born under one of the most influential Elven houses, the offspring of unfaithfulness. Son of a recognised human merchant and an elven sorcerer´s wife. The fact was unknown until the creatures birth. The father wanted it killed on the spot, what atrocity it was, to ruin pure elf blood with that of another race, but the mother opposed him, she cared for the child, The elf deeply loved her so he decided to keep it under certain conditions, it´s ears already like that of a humans so they the slight elf diferences would have to be hidden and it would have to be introduced as a pet, a mercy adoption, or something the like, and lastly the real father was never to come near the elven city or their family. The mother had no choice in the matter, the circumstances played against her, so with a heavy heart she agreed. The human father, as a parting gift, gave the mother his favourite deck of cards, his mandolin (small, circle shaped, guitar like instrument) and his diary, so the boy would know something of him when the time was right.
The next year, the Elf pair had their first legitimate son, and since both of them were scholars and sorcerers, their son was to be prepared for the hard fate of the family tradition.
Many years passed and the the legitimate son Nandir came of age to start training, while Panros lived as a helper/butler to the family, many elven families praised the boy for his beauty, for a human. The relationship between these two was rather normal at that point, almost brotherly.
As Nandir´s training continued, he changed, the burden took a toll on his personality, and Panros made it worse, his “easy” life (in Nandir´s eyes) aggravated him, and soon he began to see that their mother favoured Panros in little things like, talking and enjoying down time, making him more and more jealous of him.
On Panro´s 20th birthday, his mother finally gave him his true fathers parting gifts. While not revealing his true origin, Panro was happy to have something that belonged to his father, after a year of learning the human language and writing, he began reading the journal, it described incredible adventures, talked of far off lands and mythical beasts, and in other pages, the art of illusionary magic in the form of slight of hand and misdirection, all this fascinated him so he began practicing ilusion and writing stories of his own in his spare time, as he read on he saw some pages of the book were torn out, but he dismissed them as the whole diary was in dire shape from the start. All the while, he began attending clases on musical instruments, to please house guests and the like, life wasn´t perfect but he was grateful of his “adoptive” family .
at 40, Panro was hidden from the rest of society and just held under house arrest.
Nandir, now 100, mastered the basic of magic, but his jealousy had grown to terrible hatred, one training day with his father he voiced his displacement with Panros easy life and more importantly how mother showed him more affection than him. His father, still bitter about Panro told Nandir the truth, of how Panro is just a bastard monster that he took pity on, that Nandir was the true heir and he should think of Panro as nothing, just a tool to be used if he liked, an entertainer even, it´s his function, to be of use to them. This chat completely changed Nandir´s attitude towards Panro,to him Panro was a tool, he decided to test out how to teach magic, since Panro had elven blood, he should be able to use magic, but his human side would make him weak and would ultimately drive him to the brink of madness, so he began teaching him, giving Panro his whore of a mother´s heirloom, with his sinister intent.
For 99 years Panro endured the training, losing himself to Nandir´s manipulation and trials, driving him away from their mother and into seclusion, darkening his life but, his knowledge of magic grew to rival that of Nandir, which caused a bitterness in him that just wanted Panro dead.
Now at the age of 199, Nandir was a well known up and coming scholar and Panro a well known Bard and entertainer, he´s song were as beautiful as his tricks amazing. The news of the dark lord came to the elves and so, Nandir was sent to investigate the dark one´s revival, along with a few other scholars, with orders to retreat at the first sight of doom. Nandir saw this as an opportunity to get rid of Panro, so he sugested taking the well known performer with them, so the journey would lighten up for them.
And so, Panro headed towards wretched place with the scholars, with, for now, no will of his own.