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The Raptor-Class Frigate

Grey Wolf Thrawns FlagShip

His Chiss troops had arrived from his fortress on Nircuan and where quickly send to the Torska Systeem.
Their main task was helping the New Ursurper or better known as Thrawn's puppet governer.

Once the planet will be secure and stable enfough will allow taxation of the planet and its influenced systeems.
but The systeem of Troska has the advtanage of having an Fuel Refinery

Thrawn would need to let the fleet rest at Nircuan. But Zsinj as a human and his Imperial Star Destroyer could be used to rally mayby some Imperial forces.
His Mighty Capital ship should surly allow him to gain a small following.

His Tractor Beam alone should allow him to grip and grab smaller vessels from warlords. Ofcourse receiving crew and supplies from the Empire of the hand.
Most of Thrawn's officers where Baffeled by Thrawns assignment to this new Captain.

He seemed dumb and acted very weird. None of the senior officer. Thrawn saw past Zsinj's 'personalities'.
A Briljant man who quickly gets bored

Iron Fist Zsinj's flagship
Zsinj and his Crew where heading Towards the Perinn sector. His Orders where simpel and with time could be completed.
As Zsinj was drinking hot chocolate and with one hand making random movements.

As the bridge commanders looked. They where used to it by now.

And Zsinj stoped drinking his drink as he saw the star lines appear of Hyper Space travel.

Above Planet Troska

Reports coming from Nircuan said that soon the 20 companies numbering a total of 600 trained and armed chiss warriors.
This amount of troops should be enfough to secure the capital and help put up a pupet royal familiy.

Basicaly giving Thrawn command of the planet without the actual occupation of it. Still his ground forces that where being trained and armed at nircuan.
Would be the intial enforcers of the puppet goverment. Untill local men woud work for the pupet goverment.

Ships where still allowed to land on the planet to bring supplies and such , ofcourse after a good inspection.

It seemed from initial reports that the destruction of the Palace had broken order on the planet as there where riots and such on.

But there seemed to be a visitor for him. An Imperial Warlord known as Captain Zsinj Warlord of the empire.
From what information Thrawn had assembled , he was a fondorian cultured Captain taught by his Mother

A Quite capable man , Thrawn could use his Expertise and his ship. He could look-up Fondorian Art to acquint him with Zsinj.

He had an idea what Zsinj could do.

But All set aside Thrawn would meet him

Imperial Star destroyer grey Wolf

The slightly obese Man with his natural masculin mustache walked up to Thrawn. Both men met eyes and stared deeply into eachothers eye.
"Grand Admiral" Zsinj said with a carefull voice.
Thrawn cool and with a heavy tone of civlization " Captain".

Eventualy Zsinj was allowed into Thrawns Rank's as a Captain.

The Grey Wolf , Thrawns Command ship

Thrawn knew that he could essentiely take control of the planets. But maintaining control would require ground forces , a police force as a minimum.
He could leave Some ships above the sector capital to ensure the Empire of the hand had control.

Than land his phalanx forces to take control of the capital and begin extering its control over the planet. There could be a chance that if he was able to kill the warlord that the planet would fall to its new conquerers. But there was a chance that didin't happen.

Still the sector capital he was attacking lacked Major space yards so he didin't expect the local warlords to have build new and large ships. Most likly he had refitted ships , mayby a Imperial star destroyers and some pirate ships mayby, that he had conficaited?

Still his fleet could handle it. It would handle it , Mayby Some Serious damage and fighters lost.
Still Decimation of the Orbital fleet would make the planet at his mercy. Mayby the stormtroopers serving the warlords would , no if he wouldn't have enfough stormtroopers.

The Clones age double as fast as normale. Even his youngest clones would be about 40 now let alone the ones already starting to count 60.
He would probaply have his own troops or militia.

No Match for his professional troops. It was a monarchy that probaply took up power and the star ships where taken.
His fleet would engage and destroy the fleet. Yes, the royal familiy would have taken power ,Thrawn cloncluded from their nationalistic art.

They would lack the space commanders , probaply more itnerested in keeping their planet safe.

Above Planet Troska
Thrawns Main Battle fleet came from Orbit. The Yoral familiy as he saw it had been building up from buying from the local scources.
Interceptor IB ships consisted most of the fleet guarding the planet with some interceptors and as capital ship an victory class star destroyer.

This battle wasn't going to be easy. He would lose ships. Especialy since those interceptors had missles, misslkes can pass ships.
To minimize damamge he would have to put his most buly ships at the front and hoping his capital ships would jsut hold out long enfough.

His Main objective would be to send in the fighters and bomber to take out those missle batteries.
If most of them or atleast the front could be disabled he could send in his main ships without too much danger

That was the plan and that was what he did. He send his carrier and his own ships of non-hyperdrive fighters and bombers.
So He did , the missles took out considerable fighters. But after the first wave of photon bombs
several of the missle hard points had been taken out.

The enemy ships began to move forward not willing to be wittled down by the fighters.

Captain Pellaeon lead his flagship and the other 2 ascendacy star destroyers in the front with the support ships flanking.
With a decrease of missles the shields of the star destroyers could be used

Eventualy the Interceptor frigates began to break in 2 as the fighters and the bombers suppiority had crushed the few fighters the defenders had.
The fleet now moved past the destroyed debris and made an orbit around the planet. Mass spamming a transmission to all radio lines and holograpic lines that the fleet had been crushed.

After some time and a carefull orbital bombardment of the royal palace the planet was subdued but not conquered.
The Fleet would Remain in orbit untill invaison forces where ready to take control of the capital and estbalish empire of the hand controlled planets.

You said don't wory. The emperor has not estbalished his research centers there.
And it is on wayland the emperor had his super secret cloacking device and sphaati cylinders.

And I thought U where refering to the cloacking devices.
I repeat I'm not interested in cloacking devices.
The Grey Wolf , Thrawns Command ship

Commander Thrawn was sitting in his holographic second bridge. Looking at countless pieces of art now lost to him directly because of the empire's collapse.
He had build up his realm collecting pieces of arts.

With the need to gain extra income he had attacked A sector in the known Galaxy. This had revealed him and his Empire to other factions and groups.
But Thrawn had planned for this. There where several steps he will take and prepare to resurgance of the New Order.

But For His Plan to Work several preperations where needed. He would need Ships , Money and additional personal.
But Before He could work towards that way he would need to make sure his Capital sector could not be easily reached.
War still raged on as warlords had build up their forces.

The Imperials sought to estbalish their own regions. Captains , Admirals , corperations and more wanted their indepedance and to rule. Thrawn's position as grand admiral would not suffice to persuede him. Nor where there large of Factions of Imperials Close enfough he could form an Imperial confederacy with.

He would have to use his forces to beat Imperial warlords and pirates. But Thrawn was not willig to simply wipe out The Warlords , their forces or ships could still greatly Aid Thrawns effort.

Admiral Gilad Pellaeon was standing at the door of Thrawns meditation room. The Admiral had taken great effort to adjust himself to Thrawns way of doing things.
"Admiral Gilad Pellaeon bringing a report abo-". He stopped as the door oppend , and than another door allowing him to get close to Admiral Thrawn.

"We have started a minor loan of the bank to build A Carrier and a Chaff destroyer. Also we have begun training ground forces for our Planned operations in the Dantus Region"

Thrawn calm and cooly stated " Is the fleet ready for the Clasciss Operation?". Pellaeon responded " We can Use the Hyper Space route to Strike at the resurgant Banking Clans." Pellaeon licked his lips and asked " I am confused , we are building ground forces. But they are as you said intended for the sector south of the Capital."

Grand Admiral thranw raised an eye brow. "That is correct, You will know in soon time Pellaeon. I trust the fleet is ready and the Mining molls??"

Pellaeon gave a nod with an affirmitive "Yes Grand Admiral"

Some Time Later

The Fleet had come out of Hyper space.
Pellaeon in Thrawns Holographic room "Full Power to shields and weapons , Open Hanger bays and lauch Fighters ". The Fleet had arrived in a I I formation , Leaving an opening right in their center.

At The planet of Gwori where about 4 Munificent-class star frigates. They Engaged the empire of the Hand's fleet and rushed forward to get into close squarters with the Hand' frigates and destroyers.

It seemed the Hand's formation was falling apart as the frigates wedged the two formations. That was untill the Ships turned the buttom of their ships towards the frigates. The Commander had not seen this was an unique Galm. The Bombers who had not eyt deployed spewed forth and than use the the opening in the I I formation to strike directly at the unprepared ships who could not manouver because of they where now stuck in the center of the I I movement.

The Ships where destroyed as Thrawns Fleet moved closer. Soon several boarding pods where send to ships still hanging in the Docks. The Ships themlself needed little crew so a much smaller skeletal crew was needed.

Ground Forces where able to drive of the workers and destroyed the few battle droid guards there. Main mission now was to take out the last Defenses of the shipyard.
A Space station with quite a lot of Armenants.

But Thrawn had expected it , his front ships had moved appart for his Gaolm operation. But they had the chane to recupperate and with the aid of the 30 bombers capable of Hyper space and all the bombers and fighters carried by the carriers. The Destroyers who had large room between eachother attacked the space station with the bommers targeting their shield generators. The Space station could not focus fire as they where basicaly surrounded in an half circle.

It diidn't take long before the space station and not the Shipyard was destroyed.
With the space station gone Thrawn's forces quickly overrun any space ports.

Eventualy after 3 Tiresome hours for the crew the operation was ready. They had captued an amount of the Banking Clans Ships.
Thrawn before leaving had gotten enfough reports and counting to see he had taken 5 Munificent-class star frigate.
5 Frigates that where able to leave the systeem and just needed some work to be compelted. The rest of the ships there where not even close to being completed.
He had lost an amount of 4 Nssis-clas Clawcraft and 6 Furion-class assalt bombe capable of Hyper drive.
He Ordered that the stations remain Intact but that all Frigates the ycoulden't take where to be destoryed.

With This act he had secured the frigates. If he really needed ships he could attack pirates.
But this had served as a double mission. With the frigates he had dedicaited heaivily armed troops transports and supprot ships.

His Main fleet woulden't lose its combat effectivness and his troops could be carried by the frigates and that the Banking Clan had lost a small fleet of ships was a bonus for future expeditions.

Using his skeletan crews to bring them Back to the Prefsbelt Secotr and eventualy to The Hand of Thrawn stronghold.
But Thrawn lacked sufficiant crew for the ships to be optimal so he simply held him at Scyan fleet services untill he needed them

Now Thrawn had to wait untill his resources allowed him to do another Surgical strike. Warlords and Pirates would amuse him untill he was ready to strike in force.

I'm mistaken of planet.

I am not intersted in the cloacking devices. I can already get all needed 'materials'
so Sigma is the emprie of the hand accepted?

Also when can we accept the post?
Does the Republic of Mandelore control wayland?

If so we're fucked
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