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    1. Pixiiboo 11 yrs ago


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QuietThinker said
I'd much rather say that I'm white like a Polar Bear: it makes it easier to catch seals off guard.

OMG nooo don't hurt the innocent fluffy little seals >:c
BlackSam3091 said
That's insensitive to pale assed honkys like me!

I am one of those people too. :c
Welsh and Polish heritage = pasty as paper.
MrDidact said
Pixi, True enough I suppose. But out of the all the major NPCs I have.... only two of them are white, and one of those is Jewish :P

This might sound sort of insensitive and/or racist (it's not intended to be either) but I really really really think darker skin tones are far more gorgeous than light ones and would love to have one. :c
Justicar profile up today or tomorrow, along with Del and Ame's stories.
MrDidact said
But most of the characters are Caucasian :P

Yeah, but I don't want to have all my characters the same since 3/4 of my OC's are "not white". That's no fun. :c Amelia is Lebanese and Italian, so she has slightly darker skin, but still. XD It's nice to "change" things.
Felt that Syrah was too similar to Del in appearance, style, and attitude, so she has had her powers moved to an alternate character with a far different story and personality. (Also, all my characters would have been Middle Eastern/African [Justicar is from Nigeria], so I decided to make one that was at least mostly Caucasian. :p)
MrDidact said
Or just use costs or restrictions.

Delphine can't extend her hair to insane lengths (I'm thinking of making it shorter) and there's very little defense; she could like, wrap herself in it to deflect very minor physical attacks, but it will eventually become damaged, especially by firearms or sharp blades (which do hurt her hair if used repeatedly, which wasn't really mentioned in her powers bio).
Syrah has no real actual ability to do any harm besides cutting off some nerves but she isn't able to do it to anything like a full arm. Maybe a trigger finger? LMAO. So she's heavily restricted to how well she can actually fight unless someone else is there, especially against people who can basically just tank through anything she throws at them. She works well with people like Justicar (who, at the moment, can control the velocity of himself and other organics/objects) and other people who require close-contact range. Her ability to make people seize to some degree could be considered an offensive power, but not all seizures are extremely potent or long.
Yog Sothoth said
She needs weaknesses

I know, I missed out on that on Delphine's profile as well. Both are much of the same; human body (no extra physical ability or particular resistance to certain magical types, though it's difficult to use the same magic against Syrah for obvious reasons). I also still need skills and equipment. However, I intended to add it in with backstory. Thanks for the reminder, but I am on top of it.
Moar herooo

Name: Amelia Dafoe

Codename: Astray

Age: 23

Gender/Sex: Both female.

Place of Birth: Amelia does not know where she was born or who her initial family was. She was raised in a small suburb of Oregon before moving to Chicago to be closer to the League.

Occupation: Currently unemployed; resides with Matthias, better known as Justicar. Would like to become involved in criminal law, but due to its highly competitive nature, she is uncertain.

Affiliations: The League. Lives with Justicar and is romantically attracted to him despite unrequited feelings and their large age gap. Reformed Delphine.


Amelia, better known by her superhero name Astray, has piercing gray eyes and mousy brown hair. Her skin is slightly darker that most Caucasians, which may be due to her very mixed and tumbled heritage. She has some freckles across her cheeks and the rest of her face. Wears simple makeup. She likes modest and simple clothes and solid, comfortable footwear. Often carries a satchel with her.

Psychological Profile: Amelia is the kind of girl who fades into the background, something that suits her. Often restrained by her fervent (or even fanatic) belief in "goodness", she tends to avoid any confrontation like the plague, and will only use her powers as a last resort and if someone is being threatened. As Amelia is not heavily physical or powerful, she has developed a reliance to her (business) partner, Matthias, or Justicar; however, her feelings extend past that, and she has a sort of reverence and eternal admiration for him as well as romantic attractions. Amelia, however, despite her reluctance to use her powers, follows Matthias' extreme respect of the law, and will do whatever it takes to uphold it. As a result, despite her seemingly quiet attitude, Amelia is actually incredibly strict and firm, as demonstrated when she and Matthias took down Delphine and "reformed" her. She does not, however, get along with Delphine. Calling them "mortal enemies" may be too loose a term. Amelia does not do anything like drinking or drugs normally, but if she enters a state of anger and/or sadness, she will usually seek it out as a means to "dull" the pain. This "anger/sadness" is usually invoked by Justicar's slightly cold behaviour towards her at times. She is generally cordial, but slightly detached, and does not consider having many friends to be a worthy pastime when she only needs a few. Therefore, she will often ignore people that attempt to interact with her unless they are basically right next to her.

Powers: Amelia’s abilities are not heavily physical, but they’re incredibly powerful all the same. Amelia has the ability to control the orientation of anyone around her; that is, Amelia can basically disorient the hell out of them. She likes working with Justicar.
The Five Senses Amelia can augment or weaken senses of taste, sight, hearing, touch, and smell. For example, she could cause someone to see certain things rather than others, or cut off their sight nearly entirely. She can also make them stronger in allies.
Balancing Act Amelia targets the balance of her enemy or ally, which can either enhance it or completely screw with it; even very powerful enemies can be sent to the ground with a single step. If the target is flying, it merely affects their ability to move in a straight line or any particular direction.
Spazz Attack Amelia rewires the nerves of her target to reverse their movements; for example, if they try to move their right arm, they move their left. Syrah can also cut off certain nerves to prevent the movement of certain limbs, temporarily or permanently depending on the size of the limb. This ability does not affect nerves that would be lethal, so as not to be OP as hell, LMAO. She can also cause the nerves to make certain areas of the body seize.
Think Fast! Amelia makes the reflexes of her target completely thrown; they will have difficulty dodging, catching, or otherwise being able to move quickly and reflexively.
Seeing Stars The target becomes dizzy enough that it may cause fainting or other damage to the victim.
Phantom Pain Amelia can cause feelings of pain in certain areas of the body, though they aren't particularly strong ones and do not do real damage.
Bottom's Up Amelia makes the target feel as though they are upside down, sideways, etc.
Remember Me? Amelia has the ability to break through weak to normally powered amnesia spells or force a suppressed memory to the surface (I feel this does relate to her power, as it is the "reverse" of disorientation. Also, important to Del's backstory. XD)

-human bodily capabilities; not particularly strong or fit
-no defensive ability or particular resistance to any types of powers save for anyone who can mimic her own (she can basically negate her own effects being used against her)
-will drop anything in order to help Justicar; easily manipulated in regards to him

Skills: Doesn't get any kind of motion sickness; not afraid of heights, etc. Some degree of computer skill thanks to help from Justicar, but by no means a MASTER HACKUR HUR DEURUR.
While this isn't particularly useful, she is an exceptional cellist. Unless a person came up and put a gun to her head and said "PLAY ME THE SIX SUITES OR I WILL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT" and she just happened to have her cello there, it's basically just an activity she finds soothing. (Alternatively, she could just make him drop the gun, but that isn't the point.)

Equipment: N/A; she does not carry anything of weapon value on her.
MrDidact said
Pixi, The sheet looks very very good so far. Just know that Aurora is a Founder and one of my NPCs actually :P

No, Aurora is the legal name of another one of my OC's that I am currently too lazy to come up with a code name for yet as nothing seems to quite fit her. She is not the same as the one in this particular roleplay, not to mention their powers are vastly different. :)
I WOULD just change her name, as it used to be Lena, but it's unlikely I will use her anyways as I'm not entirely sure how I would use her as an effective tool in this roleplay.
For now (not done backstory and powers quite yet):

Name: Delphine Manning

Codename: Maneiac (also called Medusa by other unoriginal scrubs, though this is not what she goes by)

Age: 20

Gender/Sex: Both very very female. XD

Place of Birth: Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Currently residing in Chicago for school.

Occupation: Highly popular fashion blogger and vlogger; full-time university student in fashion history and design as well as makeup artistry.

Affiliations: Several aesthetic companies sponsor Delphine; her “alter=ego” is something she hides from the public. Delphine is aware of several other supers, including Aurora, Tumbler, and Justicar. (One or two will be used for the RP. c:) However, not on good terms with any of them.

Appearance: Delphine is quite short, only standing in at the mere height of five feet and two inches. She has skin the colour of coffee with a little milk due to her mixed heritage of African and Asian, and her eyes, which are slightly narrower and slanted due to her mother’s genes, are a surprising amber in colour, nearing gold. She is very skinny and has almost no breasts; her body is also fairly toned, though not by any means muscular. Delphine wears her hair in dreadlocks, but rather than keeping them at their natural black-brown tone, she dyes them an incredibly eye-popping bubblegum pink. When out of the high ponytail she keeps them in, they touch the top of her buttocks.
Delphine’s choice in clothing could be considered “eclectic” and often “tarty”; she especially is fond of neon and crop tops and tank tops (the shorter, the better) and tight fitting leggings/jean/shorts or miniskirts. Though she prefers high heels, she is also fond of high tops. She is not afraid to “show” her body. As a popular fashion blogger, she feels it is her “civic duty” to buy as many things as possible, and she is provided with some by her sponsors.
She loves makeup, and is usually wearing a full face, though she avoids things like foundation as she already has very clear skin. She would not be seen without red lipstick and mascara, at the very least, however.
For her “superhero costume”, Delphine usually just dons one of her shiny vinyl jumpsuits – and they come in many different colours!

Psychological Profile: Delphine is excitable but volatile, flirtatious but a tease, and also incredibly vicious. In fact, it’d be simple to say that she nears the point of sadistic at certain moments, particularly in emotional senses. Despite her young age, Delphine prides herself on her ability to completely cut down others with her words, something she finds useful in her world of constant scandals and gossip. Delphine tends not to work well in groups, as she will usually end up heckling the rest of her teammates rather than helping them out. Extreme amounts of self-confidence and narcissism; her fatal flaw is her hubris, which will often cause Delphine to bite off significantly more than she can chew. She also, in part to this, will generally refuse help, and prefers to work alone. Delphine is a little on the lazy side, especially when it comes to schoolwork. She does not have a good relationship with the rest of her family, particularly her father. It is difficult to nail down Delphine’s self-confidence, but if you do, she will completely shut down and become reclusive for a period of time until she is able to recover that confidence once more through any means she deems necessary. Delphine is an anti-hero; she’s likely to shut down the drug operation but then smoke it all herself after, but does believe in a “greater good”, whatever that may be to her. She is not afraid of civilian casualties, whether they involve injury or death, though she avoids them greatly. She approaches sexual relationships very casually, but is much more difficult to befriend. She respects people who have strong moral codes as well as those who are able to somehow change any way that she thinks. If you do manage to befriend Delphine, she becomes far less emotionally abusive, and she will always put the safety of those people before her own. She drinks a lot, despite the fact that the drinking age in the United States is older than it is in Canada. She likes clubbing.

Powers: Delphine has the unique ability to manipulate her hair into multiple forms of her own choosing, which can be used as a powerful utility and offense as well as a moderate defense. When Delphine begins to use her power, her hair becomes entirely black and shapeless, and has inky shadows that flicker over it. The hair can become one enormous entity, or split into more.
Easy to Style! Delphine’s hair is able to be shaped into blunt objects like fists, as well as hardened to create weapons like slightly sharpened blades. In addition, Delphine can control the length of her hair up to a maximum of 30 m, and change its colour, thickness, and other properties with almost no effort. Delphine’s main form of attacking is forming twin hands with her hair, which can throw, slam, and otherwise move objects with an incredible amount of force. Delphine can also harden things like her body hairs, which she can fire as small, needle-like projectiles. Delphine can also stylize her hair into shapes, but this doesn’t have much practical use as she has difficult making any shape smaller than a large toaster and larger than a sports car.
Strong Roots! Delphine’s hair is strong enough to lift masses of up to nearly one ton when using most or all of her hair as a single entity, and each individual strand can lift the weight of something akin to a pencil. Delphine also can control multiple strands at the same time, allowing her to complete multiple tasks or attack multiple people at the same time. Delphine’s hair is also strong enough that she is able to create extra “legs” with it, which she can use to run at a greater speed or to get further quickly. She can also wrap it around objects and use that to swing from one area to another.
And Absolutely NO Split Ends, Guaranteed! Delphine’s hair is incredibly difficult to damage; it is not affected by any normal blades or firearms, though modified ones can do damage. However, Delphine can grow her hair back at an accelerated rate; an inch only takes her about five minutes to grow. This only applies whilst Delphine’s “magical” hair is in use; her regular hair can be damaged but grown back almost instantly.

-human bodily capabilities; not particularly strong or fit
-little defensive ability; repeated attacks will damage hair that is used for defense and eventually render it useless
-if hair is cut, no abilities until she can grow near all of it back
-heavily emotionally charged

Skills: Delphine is well-known in several higher circles for her blogs and vlogs. Has been sponsored by other companies to sell their products, so some knowledge of corporations. Besides that, that's about it.

Equipment: Purse with her makeup, etc. Duh!
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