Avatar of Pluck
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  • Joined: 2 yrs ago
  • Posts: 51 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Pluck 2 yrs ago
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1 yr ago
Current Life is clearing up, sorry for the disappearances, everyone.
2 yrs ago


i wanted to die until i learned how to live

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it's up to you, but a new thread would show up in the latest checks tab, which would be an added boost.

I think I'll just finish the OOC?
just droppin a line to say im still here and still interested, but it seems like the majority of people who expressed interest havent been online in a while. maybe a repost of the check is in order?

Would bumping this not be enough?
Okay guys! Work collapsed on me right as I was getting back into this hobby and I SO was not ready at all. Things are clearing up, and I've got the OOC almost done. In the name of like, transparency???, I would like to apologize to anybody who was waiting for this and it did not happen! I totally want to do this tho!

It will be up this week! Promise.
Hopefully, I can nail some time out this weekend for the sheet and other stuff I have to do.
In Z-Land 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'll post soon.
Hopefully I'll be done soon so you can get your ideas presented...
@Pluck What faceclaims would we be using?

I would imagine either period accurate actor shots (if we do a retro timeline) or actors we imagine from today cast for a movie or show. Seems the norm.

I'm pretty interested but there isn't much a plot going on here, I feel like they don't live in a vacuum so "something" has to happen whether good or bad.

Also sure, modern times 2023 minus real-world covid can also work, just making it an AU is another solution

Yeah, the plot is very character-driven and if we end up having a large group we'd have to figure out ways they'd interconnect. But Summer often has parties and kids getting into trouble in all sorts of ways. I could think on reframing things, but mostly I think collaboratively working on GM Events and player-determined ones would be the way to get everyone involved in their own stories.
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