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    1. PoisonLilies 11 yrs ago


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drewccapp as we are the only ones in the rec room do you want to get our characters talking?

If not that is fine I will just do some flashbacks. I don't want to interrupt the guys just yet because I want to see the outcome and what SillyGoy is going to do.
Nah I don't mind anyone to pop up beside her.

I just picked one of the guys because I did not remember if a girl was even out there.

Shard I also thought you was going to Danny also. However if you want to talk with Jade I am good with that. She is drawing your character anyways. (I think if your character is river that is.)
Wow I feel rejected... :(

Jade is also outside all alone drawing one of your characters... I see how it is T.T
Serenity sighed; she did not understand why T.K wanted to start trouble. What does he want to be enemy number one? Serenity pushed the thought away picking up the cards that had been left on the table. She opened up the pack, letting them lazily fall into her hands, and started to shuffle them. Cards were not her favorite thing to do however with not else much to do there was no room for complaining. Once Serenity was shuffling she had noticed that her arm was slightly bruising. Fucking guard. She slowly circled her thumb over the bruise, wincing, hating the fact she had now had a bruise that would remind her of the guard she hated the most. Not wanting to dwell on it for any longer Serenity started to shuffle the cards once more. She was trying to think of a game to play alone however a commotion caught her eye. A guard had pretty much shoved a young lady into the rec room. Wonder what she did to piss him off?

It really did not matter if the girl did nothing or everything. To stay ‘healthy’ in this prison one kept their head down. It was not hard to look the other way. She felt nothing for the people inside the prison just like she felt nothing for the people she slept beside on the streets. Even if it came down to T.K she would turn away just like he would do with her. Serenity placed the cards down to make the game solitary. She was only half paying attention to what she was doing. The game was dull and it did little to keep her boredom at bay. I miss the streets. Serenity gathered the cards up pushing them back into the box. She sighed stretching her legs out under the table, crossing them at the ankle, she leaned back to look at the ceiling.
I will read the new post and make mine soon.
Jade Green
Jade traced her fingers lightly over the clean white paper. She looked around still in search for some face to draw. So many people moved around the grounds, some sitting, yet she still could not figure out who would make a great portrait. Jade leaned her head back against the tree. All she wished for was to go back home and be in her own room. However she needed to be able to control her power and this was the only place for that. Even if she got to go home the house was being rebuilt and remodeled because of her losing control. Jade would not have peace either way. She needed to focus on now, now was the charcoal portrait, she blinked a few times at the sun before getting back at her task.

Jade almost gave up no one jumped at her until a guy who looked a little older than her passed by. His hair was raven black covering most of his eyes, the color of his irises a deep gray, and his skin was very pale. She only needed a few seconds of looking for his features to be burned into her mind. It was a gift, not a mutant gift, just a natural one too have the ability to remember every inch of someone’s face. This was a gift she loved very much. She could remember Cody’s face so clearly in her mind without looking at his picture. This had always eased her mind. If something ever happened to the pictures of Cody she had the power to recreate it. Now that is a beautiful gift to be proud of. she thought in her mind.

She closed her eyes thinking about Cody for only a moment or two. Then switched her thoughts to the young man she seen moments ago, picking up her charcoal pencil, she started to draw. To some this could be considered strange or even weird. However she had always liked to sit in parks to pick out unknown people to draw. Jade had many sketch books filled with strangers she had never spoke a word to.
Well I would hope we could play a different race. I want to play a Turian.
DaDrummer676 said
Hey guys I am still here. I just have the worst case of writer's block ever. Two new people though, awesome.

Three new people.

SillyGoy said
Assuming none of you turn Williamson into paste, I would love to have him hunt you down or help you escape the country somehow.

None of us will unless you tell us too. Also I hope you turn good I like the idea of a guard turning over all he has know to help people he was supposed to hate. However that is something you and G would have to talk about plot wise.
I am sorry but I don't see why he could not be like Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin (Colossus) from x-men and deflect heavy gun power.

One: Half of the first cast was way powerful than that.

Two: G said that at the beginning the bracelets are 100% affective. So no one will have powers at the start. Then it will slowly start weakening so he would only start having slightly tough skin. So it is not like he will suddenly be OP.

Also yes G said he would like to play the RP after we have escaped.
Yeah it is. I thought so too. Tell you the truth the thought of someone being a prison guard never crossed my mind. I think it will be good to have a main guard instead of just ones everybody controls. Also I am very curious if you will be the main guard who looks for us after we have escaped or if you turn to our aid.

Well it is 2 a.m I should really get to bed. Night!
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