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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, deflecting all would be bad, but yeah you do see what I mean at least. But your abilities would be suppressed by the bracelet, if shot at, you might be able to deflect for only a short period of time for example. Or not even deflect at first, just reducing the damage, so it only scratches your skin.

By the way, SillyGoy, I like that seen in Nichijou. lol
I would like to give you the green light, and don't see it as too much of a problem if you were to post. But I am not sure if Garrison would like to wait a bit to get more people or not. So, please be a bit more patient.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I am sorry but I don't see why he could not be like Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin (Colossus) from x-men and deflect heavy gun power.

One: Half of the first cast was way powerful than that.

Two: G said that at the beginning the bracelets are 100% affective. So no one will have powers at the start. Then it will slowly start weakening so he would only start having slightly tough skin. So it is not like he will suddenly be OP.

Also yes G said he would like to play the RP after we have escaped.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

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PoisonLilies said
Also yes G said he would like to play the RP after we have escaped.

Assuming none of you turn Williamson into paste, I would love to have him hunt you down or help you escape the country somehow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Hey guys I am still here. I just have the worst case of writer's block ever. Two new people though, awesome.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

DaDrummer676 said
Hey guys I am still here. I just have the worst case of writer's block ever. Two new people though, awesome.

Three new people.

SillyGoy said
Assuming none of you turn Williamson into paste, I would love to have him hunt you down or help you escape the country somehow.

None of us will unless you tell us too. Also I hope you turn good I like the idea of a guard turning over all he has know to help people he was supposed to hate. However that is something you and G would have to talk about plot wise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toaw


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Slightly tweaked it for you little ninja, but I have to say slightly buffing my power was easy, actually thinking of a skill to add was pretty hard, and I will understand if you still want me to add a few more things. Also I understand deflecting everything is kind of bad so I only extended it to Automatic Weapons, and in no way expect my guy to be able to deflect a high powered rifle, or effectively protect from a shotgun of sorts...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, I just meant bad if he tried to do that right now.
And yeah, looking back, a number of us were OP. My character is pretty OP. Complete mind control, changing memories, hell, anything to do with the mind, he could alter. He could make you think you are moving your left hand, and you suddenly move your right knee. (I'd like to dub this part of my ability, motor rewire)
Anyway, yeah, buff the ability to the max if you want.

SillyGoy said
Assuming none of you turn Williamson into paste, I would love to have him hunt you down or help you escape the country somehow.

MUHAHAHAHA. Even if you don't want to help us! You will!!! I will force your character into changing his mind with my abilities. Muhahahaha!
Just kidding.
But yeah, would love to see him help us. I think this could easily be accomplished using many different ways. Depends on how you want it to play out.
Simple way would be, my character either mind controls, or shows you memories to invoke sympathy.

I see your tweak to your character. Making doors .... by walking through the wall and creating a door? Lol
I don't quite understand that one.
Also, doesn't quite matter too much if your deflection is OP. I forgot how OP some of us are. The bracelets are gonna restrain you anyway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toaw


Member Offline since relaunch

Little_ninja said
Well, I just meant bad if he tried to do that right now. And yeah, looking back, a number of us were OP. My character is pretty OP. Complete mind control, changing memories, hell, anything to do with the mind, he could alter. He could make you think you are moving your left hand, and you suddenly move your right knee. (I'd like to dub this part of my ability, motor rewire)Anyway, yeah, buff the ability to the max if you want. MUHAHAHAHA. Even if you don't want to help us! You will!!! I will force your character into changing his mind with my abilities. Muhahahaha!Just kidding.But yeah, would love to see him help us. I think this could easily be accomplished using many different ways. Depends on how you want it to play out.Simple way would be, my character either mind controls, or shows you memories to invoke sympathy.I see your tweak to your character. Making doors .... by walking through the wall and creating a door? LolI don't quite understand that one.Also, doesn't quite matter too much if your deflection is OP. I forgot how OP some of us are. The bracelets are gonna restrain you anyway.

Ya I was tired when I added that, and I don't really know where I was going with it...so I removed it no worries for not understanding :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Holy shit, I missed a lot. Sorry sorry sorry. Most of us here know but for you new guys, you need to know the reason I have two Co-GM's is because my posting times are crazy. I'm a soldier currently deployed in Afghanistan dealing with....stuff. I'll probably miss a few points I was wanting to cover but I'll do my best to address them right now.

Starting with SillyGoy, you definitely set a tone by taking up the position of a guard, it makes me excited to see what comes from that, and it would seem from everyone else too. We can talk more through PM for your development, whether you want to help us or what not, I like all the cohesion here and team work for thinking these things out.

Drewccapp, first off, thank you for taking the criticism so well. We aren't trying to be mean, just make things right. So I want to thank you for rolling with punches on that and now you have a character that is truly unique and awesome.

Toaw, your CS makes me excited, especially when PoisonLillies compared you to Colossus, one of my favorite Marvel characters of all time. If you want to be a character modeled after him, more or less, I'm 100% all for it. You can be as tough as you want so long as you remember the restrictions from the bracelet, which it seems you do so I don't see any problems. Your contacts, in my opinion, might not really classify as a skill, though I don't see a need to change it, it's just a detail in my opinion. It could come in handy so we don't only rely on our mind control friends.

This statement does not mean in any way that people need to change this detail, just wanting to point out that a lot of people seem to be very skilled in fighting, whether it's street fighting, MMA, or some kind of martial art. Realistically, not everyone is going to be a skilled fighter, it's just not gonna happen. We're not locked up and feared because we can break someones arm in an arm bar or one hit KO them, we're here because of our powers. Your character's and skills should reflect that reality more than just being able throw down and win. I know skills are getting hard to come by in order to be useful with this number of characters and of course, maybe you just can't think of something but strive to be useful and be able to set yourself apart. Try to be that character where we all stand around in a circle and say, "We can't do this without BLANK" That's my best motivational speech I can think of lol.

Lastly, threat levels. Drewccapp= 5
Toaw= 3
These are based off your power, your background and personality, and over all how I think the Warden would feel about your power if he were to harness it. We have to keep in mind, though it hasn't been revealed yet, that the government want's our powers. Whichever ones are the most powerful and most beneficial to the government, are going to get them interested. Obviously, it's the government haha. These numbers do not make you better than anyone else, nor should you feel weak if you think your number is low.

If I missed anything else, anything at all that still needs to be covered, let me know. I'm on for a while, let's hash this shit out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Your best motivational speech, lol.

Well, it seems everyone is good. And glad to see that the ability buff helped the character become something more. Well, I guess the rest of what I said was unnecessary.
Oh well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So, do we have the green light?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I was thinking, thanks to Little_Ninja, that the characters that people made but don't appear to be returning to play, can be faded out. Meaning, not killed, because they could return. So for the most recent posts, anyone currently interacting with them can use them so their post isn't just them talking to themselves. Otherwise, I want SillyGoy's debut in the IC to be awesome, such as coming through and grabbing the inmates that aren't active anymore and taking them to see Mr Todd. Really, they're being taken for testing, but this way we can say where they are, though no one is going to know the others are being tested on. We just know they got taken to see the Warden. We don't see them anymore though. Perhaps private quarters are given during testing trials. With this solution, they can return to the RP if they choose and it should be alright.

I just remembered something you brought up in your PM Little_Ninja, whether it's subtle or not is up to everyone collectively. If people develop a grudge, it might not go so unnoticed but if we all work together and figure shit out, it might go smoothly. Or will it, perhaps it's gonna go wrong either way. Only time will tell.

Oh and duh, I forgot this point. Yes, the RP is going to continue once we escape, I already have an idea for a plot, which will come to light at the appropriate time. I will PM my Co-GM's about it either way.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Beginning my first ever IC post in this forum; holy hell, it took only three weeks to get me to start. Let's do this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lol. I had mine not too long ago as well. Anyway, it's your big debut!!!
Well I need to get to sleep.
Will see what you post tomorrow.
Expecting quite a lot from a 1 hour+ long post. lol
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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I'm so happy to be playing Aeris again. I made her in a dark fantasy RP in advanced and the site went down right as things got rolling, unfortunately everything was lost except the int check. Anyways, she was the character I feel in love with the dark side with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Your post is substantial and very nice, good grammar, lot's of imagery detail. One thing though that you need to know. There are no metal bars, no barred cells. All the cells are single man/woman, plaxy glass cells. (Don't know how to spell plaxy glass) If you need a reference for what his is really like, what I want people to envision, think of the movie Escape Plan. If you've seen it, that'd be perfect for you to grasp this. If you haven't and don't want to, just watch the trailer and it should be enough for you to understand then.
Also, I don't think you need to be so rough with Kat's character, her character wouldn't fight back or provoke that kind of response, it just seems unnecessary. Lastly, for Barry, you don't need to demean his character like that. I did say this was a mature language RP and as a guard, you're inherently a jerk but that seems like a low blow and insensitive.

The exact details of the prison are kept from you, on purpose, but a lot are modeled after that movie because it is supremely secured. If you have any questions SillyGoy, about the layout and guard related knowledge. Ask me or Little_Ninja.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

You're really close to spelling it right... funnily enough it's actually all one word Plexiglas. That's good to know though. Makes for a different sort of feel with this prison.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I will read the new post and make mine soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toaw


Member Offline since relaunch

Garrison said
Your post is substantial and very nice, good grammar, lot's of imagery detail. One thing though that you need to know. There are no metal bars, no barred cells. All the cells are single man/woman, plaxy glass cells. (Don't know how to spell plaxy glass) If you need a reference for what his is really like, what I want people to envision, think of the movie Escape Plan. If you've seen it, that'd be perfect for you to grasp this. If you haven't and don't want to, just watch the trailer and it should be enough for you to understand then.Also, I don't think you need to be so rough with Kat's character, her character wouldn't fight back or provoke that kind of response, it just seems unnecessary. Lastly, for Barry, you don't need to demean his character like that. I did say this was a mature language RP and as a guard, you're inherently a jerk but that seems like a low blow and insensitive.The exact details of the prison are kept from you, on purpose, but a lot are modeled after that movie because it is supremely secured. If you have any questions SillyGoy, about the layout and guard related knowledge. Ask me or Little_Ninja.

You didn't comment on my post? I guess I didn't do anything that really stood out :P
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