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    1. PoisonLilies 11 yrs ago


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I posted.

Not the best post just did not know what to do until the walkers came into the base.
Jade woke from hungry; the pain in her stomach would not let her rest any longer. It took her a minute to open her eyes, as the sun was beaming onto them. Jade was beyond relief she did not wake up to darkness. Once her eyes were fully open she saw the twins had returned to their sitting positions. “How long was I out?” She said as her stomach protested in a growl. Samuel laughed. “Not too long maybe fifteen minutes at the most.” Tristan stood smacking at any dust that clung to his clothing. “I will go get us something to eat. You two should head back into the tent.” Jade shook her head. “I don’t want us to go off alone anywhere. We will go with you.” Samuel pulled Lilith up off the ground. “He will be fine. We are at a military base nothing is going to happen.” Tristan gave a slight half grin and walked away. Jade wanted to stay and wait but her brother tugged her toward the tent.

Standing at the opening Jade tapped on the said of the entrance twice. She could feel her inside twist. A tent needed doorknobs it did not feel right to just tap the side of a cloth like doorway. They slowly made it back to their cots. By the time they set down Tristan made it back with food in hand. “See we told you everything would be alright.” He smiled handing them some of the food. Jade wanted to burst into tears again she was still feeling like a child while her brothers were being strong. She gave another fake smile before taking a small bite of food.
Lilith Lockwood

“How can you move forward if you keep regretting the past?"


Skills/Aura Type
Defense is Lilith’s main priority she never gets too close to the enemy. She likes staying in the back until she is needed. Lilith’s skills are focused on acrobatics; balance, agility, flexibility, and grace. Her Aura type is heat. She can create a temperature up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Causing third degree burns in five seconds. She does not have complete control over her Aura type when she is angry. Sometimes even making things go up in flames. This scares her because she has no control over fire.


Dark red, sleek hair in a tight ponytail to reveal a slim, radiant face. Expressive light green almond shaped eyes under thin arched brows. Lilith is short at the height of five foot; skinny and slender. Her skin is pale white. She tries not to show her emotion leaving her face plane and blank. Lilith has small burn marks placed randomly about her body. They are not very noticeable unless you are right next to her. She is very self-conscious about the burns even making her feel ugly. Lilith’s clothing is clingy yet lets her be flexible. She is covered neck to toe as she does not like showing skin.

Lilith is a very determined person. Because of her size she has had to prove herself over and over. She does not like to show emotion she feels it causes weakness. Making it hard for her to let anyone in and start trusting people. She is driven by a sense of contentment; her goal is to help others however she can. She has a soft spot for kids and would rather have their company than an adult. However she still does not show them any emotion and lectures them all the time.

Her thoughts linger on how to improve herself. It always seems to fall on the taboo of more than one Aura however she sweeps that thought away as she cannot fully control the one she has. Lilith has a temper but because of her Aura she tries very hard to keep it in cheek. She likes to get up early to meditate to keep her mind calm. Even though Lilith seems to be a very serious person she has a guilty pleasure. She has a very big sweet tooth and cares candy wherever she goes. Lilith does not like to share.

(My weapon is going to be a whip. Here is a picture I will write something for it later I just wanted to show my CS before tonight was over.)

Is it alright for me to post again tomorrow or would you rather me to wait for more people?
I am going to send my CS to you in PM first, if that is all right with you?

(Still working on it right now.)
I will make one really soon. Right now I have to come up with making an alien for a 1x1 RP I am in. Then I will start on my CS for your RP. Also my character will be female.
Come on Wired be a team player! Otto needs some Johnny love!
I am interested. However I am not home and am just on my phone right now so I can't make CS right now. So I hope yoi can save me a spot for me to make a CS once I get home.
The sun was bright and beautiful the rays beaming down upon Jades light pale skin. She loved the feel of the sun and the light it makes. She was spread on the ground her body aching form the last couple of days. She mentally tried to make the sun’s rays heal her throbbing body. Jade heard yet another military gun go off, they seemed to be so many, it was hard trying to keep her mind focused on the radiant sun. She could feel herself twitch with every shot that spread across the camp. Her twin brothers were sitting beside her in a protective manner. She felt pathetic her sweet brothers where only eighteen and they was keeping her safe, Jade was the oldest she had to be strong, yet she felt weaker than a newborn. Her eyes began to cloud with fresh tears. Jade could not cry, not in front of Tristan and Samuel she had to keep some of herself together. She could not put everything onto her brothers’ shoulders. She smiled slightly once she noticed Samuel looking at her. She could see his lips starting to form upward; it faded once another shot rang out.

“Look Samuel.” Tristan said while nodding toward a blonde woman. She was walking into the tent that held their own cots with several other people who was lucky enough to make it into the camp. “Was that the actress Sophia?” Tristan started talking with Samuel about the actress and then they started on about her movies. This made Jade smile, a real smile not the ones she had been faking for her brothers, even when the world had gone to hell boys would still be boys. This gave her hope that maybe it would not be so bad. The world would go back to normal or what was left of normal. They would just have to wait for a while be safe inside the camp until the military fixed it all. Jade picked up her flashlight that lay beside. “Do you think the batteries will last the night?” Her question snapped the boys out of their conversation. “Of course it will don’t worry. Even if it didn’t we will be right beside you the entire night. You have nothing to worry about Jade.” Tristan said pulling Samuel down so they all laid down touching shoulder to shoulder. She continued to watch the sky. The clouds were big fluffy cotton puffs. How can the day be so beautiful yet unbelievably ugly at the same time? That was her last thought before she slipped into a restless sleep.
Nallore I could not get past Wired's first paragraph (Not because it was bad but because it it strikes up a question.)

Are we having it if some one dies but not bitten they still come back a walker? (As is on the show and comic) Because if so Otto's father would be a walker (Zombie) after he had killed himself.
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