Lilith was still admiring her new school and home while enjoying her favorite candy. However her interest was not on the school any longer as her eyes caught new things to marvel at. The first was a giant of a girl. Lilith thought the girl looked a little boyish however this mattered none to Lilith. She could tell this girl had worked hard something about her radiated it. She made a mental note to keep an eye on her. Lilith continued to watch the girl more, taking in her features to help remember every detail. It would not be too hard to miss her though as to Lilith this girl was pretty much a giant. Still she continued with her silent notes.
The second was of a boy, no, a man who had his head down looking for trouble or expecting it. Lilith knew not. He stood away from everyone keeping a slight distance, making sure to never come to close. Yet another one Lilith would have to watch out for. She did not know what to expect from this school beyond the walls anything could happen and she felt that making an enemy out of this one would be very unwise. Maybe she could turn him into an ally. What if he is a teacher, no, to young. He could be a student here already told to report about the new arrivals? It would not be to unusual to have a student go undercover to seek out potential of who might make it. She would be a little disappointed if they did do this. Lilith felt they were brought by their skills so if they acted a way this should not define the skills they have made. However with this man she felt he was neither teacher nor student. He was a newcomer just like the rest. He did slightly look like an assassin. She shrugged at the thought.
Before she looked at the third and last thing that caught her interest a very energetic boy was bouncing around trying to mess with everyone’s weapons. Lilith tried her best to ignore this one but it seemed he now held his own interest in Lilith’s weapon. She wanted to get rid of this boy her face was just about an inch away from disgust. However once she heard the way he talked of her beautiful whip she could not bring herself to do it. She disliked certain types of people and this boy was that type. Yet, she could not seem to dislike him when he had an eye for beauty. He was about to ask question but the boy had no attention span he was gone after another one.
Once the energetic one was gone Lilith could finally look upon her last interest. He was deep within the shadows very hard to spot if you were not clearly looking for something to be there. He had a weapon that Lilith could only describe as a dark beauty. It seemed Lilith was not the only one who seen its beautiful forum. The energetic one flew past, she felt a slight breeze, and he stopped in front of the dark one admiring his lovely weapon more than the rest. Lilith felt very curious as to what the dark one would do. So she watched a bit longer. It seemed he now wanted to touch the dark beauty. Lilith could not hold in her slight half grin. Yes, touch the beauty little energetic one. I wish to see what the dark one shall do.