Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AirBear08


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Legends... Mankind has become quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains throughout time, forgetting so easily that we are remnants, byproducts, of a forgotten past. Man, born from nothing, was strong, wise, and resourceful. Sadly, he was born into an unforgiving world. An inevitable darkness, the creatures of destruction... The "Stalkers," set their sights on man and all of his creation. The forces clash, and in these times of darkness it was sure that man would no doubt be wiped out and sent back to the void in which he once came.

However, even the smallest spark of hope can be strong enough to ignite change, and in this spark they found, within them, a power that could help them even the odds. This power was appropriately named "Aura." Nature's wrath in hand, man lit his way through the darkness, and in the shadow's absence sprouted hope, change, civilization... Life.

But even the most brilliant lights begin to flicker and die. And when they are gone... Darkness will return....
The image of a woman flickered onto the screen, though most could hardly notice with the sound of the helicopter still distracting them. The inside was full of many nervous young adults, some talking amongst themselves and others merely fidgeting with their weapons. Regardless, a good amount of the group had noticed the dark haired woman talking to them, her hair worn up, her eyes a bright topaz, and wearing a formal black and white suite with a dress bottom that reached down to just before her knees.

"Hello, and welcome to Magister Academy," she greeted formally, her voice somehow drowning out the sounds of the helicopter without any sort of strain. "My name is Nora Valkery. You are among a privileged few who have been lucky enough to be chosen to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is going through an incredible time of peace, and as future Magisters, it is also your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated that you have the courage for the task, and now it is our turn to offer you the knowledge and the training to prepare you to protect our world."

And with that, the image flickered and she was gone. Almost immediately after, the helicopter lurched and haunted with a slight jerk. The young adults looked about strangely before the doors finally slid open and let light flood into the vehicle. As the students began to rise and make their way out of the helicopter, eager and excited, Anthony decided to join them from behind.

Upon stepping out I to the daylight, Anthony was taken aback by the sight. The wide open campus grounds with trees and benches spotted all around, the castle-like building that would act as their knew home and school, the large sparkling water fountain that might as well have been a pool, and the view... Magister Academy was rested on the side of a large hill, allowing it to look over Fortitudo city with ease. It was just... So much to take in...

"Th-Those are shotgun gaunlets!" Anthony cued suddenly, his eyes immediately from the stunning breathtaking scenery... To weaponry.... "Ah! & she has a Venom Aura charmed sword! I'd know those markings anywhere!"

& so he went, jolting about with arms outstretched like a small child who wanted a toy as he fawned over the weaponry of complete strangers...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The young adults looked about strangely before the doors finally slid open and let light flood into the vehicle.

Sin was still resting in his seat, arms folded behind his head and eyes closed, when the lights slowly blared into the helicopter's compartment, along with a sudden blast of warm, comfortable air. Amongst the excited murmur of both teenagers and adults alike, the hooded teen slowly rose from his seat, a small groan escaping his face-mask. Everyone passed him up, thankfully, because of his tactical spot hidden in a shadowy corner, where he had melded into the bench and wall.

As he walked out of the helicopter, jumping down from the ramp and disappearing into his own shadow, only to reappear, leaning on a nearby lamp post, Sin couldn't help but whistle quietly as he stared at the school. It was very impressive..just everything about it. His right arm clenched, before a mass of shadowy tendrils consumed it, and Shadowbane appeared, the spiky hilt clenched tightly in his gloved hands.

Sin stared down into the blade, looking at his own appearance. He couldn't wait.

Strapping the blade onto his back, and sticking it there with Darkness chains, Sin began to walk towards the school, a small pip in his step. This was, after all, what he worked for, right?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The helicopter finally landed at the school; she could not wait to get off the death trap. Lilith was not scared of heights she loved being high up in trees or sitting on building ledges. However something about helicopters and anything of the like just freaked her out and made her skin crawl. She kept her face blank not showing how nauseated she was. She did not need these people thinking she was weak. She knew she would have to prove herself to them just like she had to with everyone she had come across. These people would not see any fear from her on the first day.

Lilith slowly got up, walking with the other special students that had been accepted; she noticed that of course she was the shortest. Yet another thing she would have to prove, her height was not a weakness and these people will learn that. Lilith’s eyes went down toward her whip that was lightly swaying side to side gently hitting the lower part of her thigh. Twisting it to the way she likes for easy access, she tightens her hold on her beautiful weapon. Expecting to have a fight so soon Lilith? She thought to herself as she looked up toward the school.

It was a sight to behold. It was beautiful and powerful Lilith could feel the strength of this school. She could not help but give a little smile at her new home. She took out a little round sweet ball wrapped into a silver paper foil. After popping the small candy into her mouth Lilith’s face went blank again showing nothing of the pleasure she was having over her sweet treat. Hello sweet future.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dalyuk
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Dalyuk 你是狗脸

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The jolt of the helicopter landing startled Amaranth from her brief nap. The incessant rumbling of the engines had stopped, and light poured in from the exit where soon-to-be classmates where eagerly exiting the metal confines of the helicopter into the bright afternoon. She had completely slept through the introduction briefing, the person sitting next to her told her, though she was almost certain that she didn't miss anything. She would find out soon, anyway. Amaranth was one of the last to exit. Rubbing her eyes, she squinted at the bright sunlight, shielding her face. Blinking the residual dots away from her vision, she gazed out over the city.

Old but strong buildings, constructed from brick and terracotta were almost everywhere the eye could see, plants on rooftops and in beds peppering the landscape. The city's river wound its way through the middle, surprisingly pure for its location. It was a clear day, but the breeze was strong up where the students had landed. Amaranth pulled her vision to the imposing school in front of her. She began to walk, and met a few intimidated gazes, no doubt from her towering over them with her height. She started to pay a little more attention to more of the students, and noticed one, a boy maybe slightly younger than her (definitely shorter), eagerly darting around from bewildered person to bewildered person, inspect what weaponry they had with child-like enthusiasm. Amaranth shrugged, and kept walking. She quickly summoned her guan dao, the air rippling around where it materialized. She continued on her path, only stopping to look at another guy's sword, chained to his back with inky binds. The doors of the school loomed before her, and Amaranth entered them without hesitating, eagerly awaiting what was in store for her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He was the last off the helicopter, his eyes roving from person to person and child to child. This was all so new and strange for him. Having lived alone in mountains and woodlands back east. All these people were somewhat distressing for him. He kept a steady left hand on the blade that adorned his hip.

He had trouble understanding why people always felt the need to join together in packs. It made them easier targets, and it made them lazy. Yet all of them here to learn one art or another. Yet the most of them were nothing more than children. This was going to be difficult not to kill or harm anyone them. He could tell they were going to think he was strange. He never did fit in well in the towns. He also didn't play well with others.

His eyes scanned the building as he aproched following the others he had flown over with. There was something about this place, something he had never felt before. He enjoyed this... Feeling whatever ot is was. Still he reminded himself to keep his mouth shut and his head down. Keep quiet and stay to himself maybe he'd see the morning with out incident.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AirBear08


Member Offline since relaunch

There was no stopping him now... Anthony jolted all around, popping up from around corners and even bursting in between groups of people on order to get better view of their weapons, as opposed to the person with the weapon. He received some strange looks, some even trying to push the young man away in frustration, but before they could even muster up the thought he was gone, just as quickly as he had arrived.

"Ooo, look at that!"

With a slight gust of wind, Anthony had appeared at the side of Lilith, bending over to ogle at the whip strapped to her side. His eyes sparkled, overjoyed at the sight of such a beautiful weapon. "It's amazing!" He cued, hovering his hands over it as if it were a delicate piece of art. "A whip with serrated edges & a hook blade~ They don't make things like this that often. It's not a gun blade, but if you can't appreciate the classics! What kind of- What's that?!"

And just like that, he was off again. Bulleting toward yet another woman. This time it was Amareth, swinging her about as he tried halting himself and taking a good look at the piece of weaponry in her hands. "Oooooo, it's a halberd! Asian decent... China! Definitely China! Just think of the damage this thing could do on a Lupus or even a Feras... Now that's something!"

Off yet again, his winds becoming slightly stronger each time he took off this time it was to the man that had been closer to Lilith, though how he could have overlooked something like that was a mystery to him... It was even more amazing than the rest, though this sword seemed to have a strange aura to it. The chains, the dark presence, the barbed wire all around the hilt, everything told Anthony that this was not something that he should disturb...

"I wanna touch it~" he giggled, reaching out for the sword as if it was no one's business but his own. If there were two things he didn't know well, it was how to control himself, and personal space...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lilith was still admiring her new school and home while enjoying her favorite candy. However her interest was not on the school any longer as her eyes caught new things to marvel at. The first was a giant of a girl. Lilith thought the girl looked a little boyish however this mattered none to Lilith. She could tell this girl had worked hard something about her radiated it. She made a mental note to keep an eye on her. Lilith continued to watch the girl more, taking in her features to help remember every detail. It would not be too hard to miss her though as to Lilith this girl was pretty much a giant. Still she continued with her silent notes.

The second was of a boy, no, a man who had his head down looking for trouble or expecting it. Lilith knew not. He stood away from everyone keeping a slight distance, making sure to never come to close. Yet another one Lilith would have to watch out for. She did not know what to expect from this school beyond the walls anything could happen and she felt that making an enemy out of this one would be very unwise. Maybe she could turn him into an ally. What if he is a teacher, no, to young. He could be a student here already told to report about the new arrivals? It would not be to unusual to have a student go undercover to seek out potential of who might make it. She would be a little disappointed if they did do this. Lilith felt they were brought by their skills so if they acted a way this should not define the skills they have made. However with this man she felt he was neither teacher nor student. He was a newcomer just like the rest. He did slightly look like an assassin. She shrugged at the thought.

Before she looked at the third and last thing that caught her interest a very energetic boy was bouncing around trying to mess with everyone’s weapons. Lilith tried her best to ignore this one but it seemed he now held his own interest in Lilith’s weapon. She wanted to get rid of this boy her face was just about an inch away from disgust. However once she heard the way he talked of her beautiful whip she could not bring herself to do it. She disliked certain types of people and this boy was that type. Yet, she could not seem to dislike him when he had an eye for beauty. He was about to ask question but the boy had no attention span he was gone after another one.

Once the energetic one was gone Lilith could finally look upon her last interest. He was deep within the shadows very hard to spot if you were not clearly looking for something to be there. He had a weapon that Lilith could only describe as a dark beauty. It seemed Lilith was not the only one who seen its beautiful forum. The energetic one flew past, she felt a slight breeze, and he stopped in front of the dark one admiring his lovely weapon more than the rest. Lilith felt very curious as to what the dark one would do. So she watched a bit longer. It seemed he now wanted to touch the dark beauty. Lilith could not hold in her slight half grin. Yes, touch the beauty little energetic one. I wish to see what the dark one shall do.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dalyuk
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Dalyuk 你是狗脸

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Before Amaranth knew it, the energetic one had bounced right over to her. She stopped suddenly, surprised at the abrupt, whirling presence that was Anthony. He skidded in front of her weapon and began inspecting it fervently. Amaranth was not bothered so much, but the boy had a certain... quality to him. The only thing she thought at the time is that he was extremely annoying. Her grip tightened on her halberd, and one of her eyebrows started twitching.

"Oooooo, it's a halberd! Asian decent... China! Definitely China! Just think of the damage this thing could do on a Lupus or even a Feras... Now that's something!" He rambled to himself with Amaranth standing there, looking quite irritated. As soon as he had come, he dashed off once again, towards the sword-man she had seen earlier, peeking around at the sword on his back. This time, Amaranth got a closer look.

The sword itself seemed to be rather plain, yet omnious, made out of a strange, dark metal, with barbed wire around the hilt. It made her shudder looking at it. She hated barbed wire. There was no visible sheathe for it, and instead, it remained chained on the man's back by shadowy, black chains. A chill ran down Amaranth's spine as the mere presence of the sword brought back memories she would have... preferred not to remember. Her face contorted into a frown.

"Disgusting," she muttered, hatred dripping from her voice, eyes transfixed on the sword. "Absolutely disgusting."
The energetic one's voice, however, snapped her out of her anger-fueled stupor. She saw him reaching out for it eagerly, a finger extended towards the umbral blade, almost grabbing for it like a small, greedy child. While she would have normally stopped the boy from touching it, she was intrigued as to the result. What would it do? She kept walking, but slowly, her eyes kept on the two.
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