Jade Green
Jade’s eyes lazily went back toward her shoes her mind was not focused on the speech. It did not really matter to her. She just wanted this to be over with so she could go paint in her room. However she looked up once she heard the question about killing. A teacher walked up stating yes they would if attacked. After the teacher had introduced herself as Armonía Torres, Jade heard the whistles and cat calls. eh really how hormonal can you fuckers be. Jade listened to Armonia’s speech. She was very indifferent about what was being said by her new teacher of many subjects. She was certain she was not going to like Armonia Torres. It saddened Jade as art was her favorite subject and she had hoped to get along with the art teacher. After she went back in line kitty finished up the speech giving them freedom to do what they wished for the evening. Of course it would be good for her to look around the school get to know it better. However she felt she had plenty of time for that. Right now all she wanted to do was go paint something to settle her nerves.
Jade got up out of the chair following all the other students out of the auditorium. She kept her head down trying not to draw to much attention to herself. She had to back track a couple of times as she had got lost a few times. Once she reached her assigned room Jade walked to were her belongings were being kept. She had selected the bed on the left in the back. She still had her suit case packed and a couple of boxes untouched. Maybe I should deal with this mess before I paint. The room was very large with four beds, four desk, and four dressers. As far as Jade could see she had only two roommates. She had never shared a room in her life. She did not know if she should feel happy she would be sharing a room with two other girls, maybe even gaining some close friends, or frightened that she would be sharing a room with two other mutants girls who would be very moody once a month with the power to kill someone if they did not get their chocolates.
Jade shook the thought out of her head. She would just have to deal with that problem when it came to it. Right now her problem was to unpack. If by the time she had finished painting and she had time Jade wanted to go look around outside. The schools garden was beautiful and she wanted to take time to appreciate it. Jade started with her two suit cases. Jade would not call her clothing fashionable. Of course she had the money for that kind of clothing but Jade liked clothing that was simple. She only had blue jeans. She did not wear shorts nor dresses. Jade’s shirts were simple colors that she would always wear over white or black long-sleeve shirts. After she had placed her clothing, not so neatly, into the dresser she went for the boxes. Nothing much of value was in the first two. Bed spread, a simple lamp, picture of her mother and father, computer, shoes, and a small rug to place beside her bed. The last two boxes were filled with art supplies and a picture of her brother Cody. She placed her brother’s picture on top of the dresser the side closest to the bed. She set her art supplies and computer on the small desk.
Jade had not brought canvases in her room and she was glad. The rooms were very large but not large enough for her art. She would be in the art room a lot and this bothered Jade as she knew this meant spending more time with the teacher who had made a unnatural speech. Well unnatural to me.She was not sure the art room was open for the students now so she was not going to be able to paint. So instead Jade went to her desk sitting down she got out a drawing pad with charcoal sticks and pencil sets. She hated being interrupted when drawing so she hoped that if her roommates came in they would respect her enough to not interrupt. Just like she would respect them if they.
As jade was looking upon the blank white sheet of paper it dawned on her she had no one to sketch. The only time she used charcoal was to sketch a person’s features. Jade gathered up her pad and tools, putting them in her shoulder bag, she headed out toward the garden. Maybe I can find someone to sketch there. It took no time at all to find the way leading outside. She picked the biggest tree to sit under. After slipping her art supplies out of her bag Jade looked around for a perfect candidate for her new art project.