Name: Zaru
Age: Young [teenage years]
Gender: Male
Species: Chimchar
Ability: Blaze
Appearance: Appears like a typical Chimchar, however, he is smaller than the average of his kind. He has a couple of scars on his back from previous experiences but nothing to worry about. He has a distinctive green scarf tied around his neck that was given to him by his parents. Emblazoned on this green scar is a three circle formation that overlaps at the center surrounded by a fire symbol.
Personality: Adventurous and fun-loving, Zaru has never been the type to sit idly by. He tackles problems with a bright attitude and his full energy. He never leaves anything half-done as he feels like he should always finish what he started. One could even say that Zaru seems to have boundless energy, bouncing from place to place and helping wherever he can to earn some Pokedollars or two for his everyday lifestyle. With him, everything seems to speed up. He makes friends quickly, conversations go by quickly and he never stops and it makes one wonder why he feels the need to rush things.
He's grown accustomed to life in Cloudgate though resents the restrictiveness of his new life due to the Shade's influence. His parents always called him a free spirit like the rest of his family and ancestors, and it would only be a matter of time before he finds a way to be able to travel again.
Short Biography: Zaru's family never really called any place home. Travelers by nature, they hopped from village to village, sometimes staying days to months on end depending on the family's decision. They sold different kinds of wares that they had picked up or created during their travels and this had kept them afloat for many seasons. Zaru had enjoyed this kind of lifestyle, content with never staying put in one area for too long. Though this also contributed to him having little to no friends, faces always changing. This attributed greatly to his nonstop nature, making the best of every second that he has to cherish.
When the Shade had rolled in, traveling became difficult and soon impossible. It had only been a good thing that their family had reached Cloudgate before they were locked out. They had to settle into the big city and the family felt out of place first. They've never really thought about normal jobs. Thankfully, they were nothing if not adaptable. His parents soon found work that seemed appealing to them. Zaru spent most of his days in and out of places, doing odd jobs here and there for some extra pocket money and his parents didn't really mind. As long as he was enjoying what he was doing, then he was free to do whatever he had wanted.
Almost a year after that, during one of his errands, he had come across the flyer for Scorch's Guild. An exploration guild. That meant he could actually get out of Cloudgate - or at least, there was a possibility of it! Zaru didn't even need time to think about it. He wanted to enter almost immediately and he happily went on with his day. His parents had approved of the decision and just urged him to be careful.
Move Set:
- Ember
- Fury Swipes
- Flame Wheel
- Taunt
- Bag of berries for emergencies
- Flute
Other: Seems to be rather sensitive when talking about his scars. Knows how to play the flute well, which calms him when he finds that he isn't doing anything. He prefers agility over pure strength, greatly attributed by the fact that he is smaller than average.