Avatar of Polaris North


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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

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This is what I had in mind. I tried to blend Damage and Havok as much as I could in the history and I think I did well enough. Though I think I fell short on how many Amalgams were actually involved in his backstory XD

Oh shoot, for sure! I'll start working on a CS right away. Ohboi faceclaims though.
Damage and Havok are two of my favorites, so I'm game for seeing this get fleshed out. Our characters could secretly have the same dad or mother, one could be adopted, etc. I was thinking only one parent would die in my story and out of grief put the child up for adoption before going and having another one with a new partner.

For sure! I am angling more towards Reactor being the one that got adopted out eventually so I can run with Grant's storyline of looking for his biological family and stuff like that. Oohh maybe when the parent left and found a new partner, Reactor was conceived but eventually was left at a foster home after some issues. That way, he'd still be the younger sibling and keeping a solid plot line with Scott.

Then probably got found when he accidentally "blew up" because his meta-human genes activated at a very inopportune time XD
Hi, hi!

I wanted to throw my interest into the ring. I was considering Grant Emerson (Damage) combined with Alexander Summers (Havok) - their powers work pretty much the same though so I was thinking of them just absorbing energy, converting it to either a concussive or plasma blast by choice?

Could be interesting to have it so that he is still related to Scott but was raised in a foster family instead. Not entirely sure on the name yet, probably going to be Reactor LOL
S A M B L Y T H E | A R A L T U S

Home Sweet Home...? What...?

Sam shrugged. She supposed Anansi did have a point. No matter what, she was still chosen to get bitten by a spider and everything that entailed. Well, she supposed now she just wanted to make sure to keep the Spider-God on his toes when it came to her. Anansi was talking about manners as if he didn't just kidnap them and throw them into a fight for their life to protect some guy who gave them powers without even wanting any of it, but okay, sure.

It wasn't like Sam was given much of a chance to comment on it before the portals appeared beneath her.

This was the guy that was lecturing them about manners? The nerve.

The familiar bustle of the concrete jungle known as New York City was a welcome reprieve. Finally, they were sent back which meant she could continue on with her life or something along those lines. However, another look around and something seemed... off. Everyone seemed to have a pep to their step, unlike the sneers she would often see on the New York City dwellers. Something so distinctly different despite being one small thing— this was not the New York City she called home.

Then the billboards all seemed to be signed off by Fisk International and something boiled under her skin. "Of course he drops us in a place where Fisk is even more successful than he already is." Sam threw away her cigarette on the ground and snuffed it with a stomp of her heel as she lowered her mask to fully cover her face. "Dunno if you've dealt with that guy but he's a-"

A roar and an explosion cut her off and Sam's head snapped towards where it had originated. Osborn? Fisk?


"Oh you've gotta be fucking with me." Sam muttered to herself as she watched the fight before them. There was a certain method of cruelty and carnage that this Fisk, this Spider-Man, was displaying that pinged something in Sam's brain. This was still Fisk. She had fought him enough times to know that. "Who's bright idea was it to give the boulder spider powers? He could already snap a regular man in half before. Now look at him." She gestured to how brutally Fisk had ripped apart this goblin man's wings with little to no remorse.

A part of her wanted to fight him; see how she measured up on Fisk on Spider Steroids. First thing's first though. Sam turned to Danny and gave him a two-fingered salute before heading over to the fight. She landed close to Fisk, just a little bit out of his punching range. An irritating beep of her webshooters alerted her to its rapidly depleting ammunition. Right. Of course. She began adjusting her webshooters while talking.

"Need help there big guy?" She gestured to the Goblin who was still writhing in pain from just going through an unexpected amputation. Her spider-senses told her that the fight wasn't exactly over, but she couldn't help but talk. Maybe it would catch Fisk off-guard enough so she could witness a sucker punch. "Then again, looks like you got it all under control, Fisk."
S A M B L Y T H E | A R A L T U S

Where the fuck am I, Nowhere

Caty's brother— Danny— answered first and Sam had to swallow back a chortle. "Yeah, that explains a lot about what you guys do." It was someone with power's responsibility to help others? That was funny considering how there were probably a lot more people with powers who decided to use it for something more selfish. Besides, Moronov had just been like Anansi, making deals and giving them supernatural powers to commit countless crimes but she held her tongue. There was no use arguing with superheroes— she had already tried as much with Caty once before and it only exhausted her thoroughly.

So she just let out a sigh and listened to Anansi and his answers. How Oliver's mentor— Doctor Connors— would always be some sort of villain. How Anansi was simply an observer and that was why they had to step in to save his sorry ass because, you know, the spider totems should save themselves or what have you. And finally, how Otto's girlfriend, Anna, only died in this universe because he decided that he had a bone to pick with Fisk.


This really was all stupid.

Sam promised herself she wouldn't work under another damn person and, here she was, thrust into a situation where she couldn't exactly say 'no' and leave. She'd likely get branded as one of those corrupted Spider Totems. On the other hand, if she decided to leave and they visit, she'd either have to join or get killed herself. What a damn headache. Maybe she should have simply thrown herself into the line of fire back when the Crimson Court was being taken down en masse.

The older spider couldn't help but grin at the mention of why they had all been chosen; or rather, why she had been chosen. While the others were on their best behavior, it appeared that her willingness to just go with the flow of where she could get the most fights without getting into the other side of the fist of a hero who was relentless. "Had to get to me first before they could, huh? Think I'll join them?"

"Fight like how they fight, huh?" Sam muttered, clearly something else entering her mind. She had always played a bit dirty, a bit ruthless. They were fellow Spider Totems anyway, they could take a few bullets or three. Maybe if she could get her hands on something from the police or the military, it would be for the better. "Okay... okay, I think I'm hearing you." She took another drag of her cigarette, seemingly satisfied with the conclusion her own brain had made. Save them? Sam had a surefire way of "saving" them from this whole darkness in their hearts.

Oliver seemed to come to the idea before he finally noticed that Anansi had been using their real names this entire time. "Right? Like, look, I love not being known by everyone and their mothers. That's the whole point of secret identities." She huffed.

She looked over the the trench coated spider who was silent this entire time and nodded along. "Agreed. Let's just get this over with so I don't have anything to owe this... Spider-God."
S A M B L Y T H E | A R A L T U S

Where the fuck am I, Nowhere

"So much for secret identities, huh?" The older spider huffed with a roll of her eyes but made no move to remove her mask. This whole talk about Spider-Totems, about how they got their powers from this one guy... god... felt like some sort of hilarious joke. But hey, they lived in a universe where that was possible— where gods and devils and all the like existed and they handed off powers to the most random people ever whether they deserved it or not.

Her eyes narrowed as Anansi continued to explain his origins and then came the root of the problem. Of course, this wasn't just some creator saying hello to his creations. No, this was a recruitment. A forced one too.

"Hero...?" She muttered, the word feeling foreign and wrong in her mouth. Vigilante, thrill-seeker, someone who was too used to the battlefield to really leave it, those were the terms that could be used for her. A villain might have been even more appropriate term to use for her. To assume so much of her made Sam scoff around the same time as Oliver when he began speaking.

His question made some sense. From what she saw in one of those multiversal webs, there had been a Sam who was still working with the Crimson Court. Sure, she was getting her ass beat before Smoke had come over to get her out of dodge but that implied they survived in other universes. Did her getting bitten by this spider activate some weird butterfly effect that led to the fall of the Court? She wasn't complaining, per se, but it took her family from her.

"Besides, why are we so obligated to help you? If they're also Spider-Totems, then that means you chose them too? And even if it came from the Great Weavers of the past or whatever, couldn't you just take it away? You're a god. What are you so afraid of?" Sam clicked her tongue as she noticed her cigarette had run its life and she let it fall to the ground before stomping out the embers.

She turned to Caty, one of the few who knew Sam from a time when she wasn't some vigilante who saved people. "I don't get why you're so gung-ho about this hero thing. Look at what happens when you help someone, suddenly it's just a barrage of requests with no pay."
S A M B L Y T H E | A R A L T U S

Where the fuck am I, Nowhere

Araltus moved to the side once the mini-spider bots had come in like a locust swarm. She sat down on one of the buildings again and she took out a cigarette and lit it before pulling her mask up halfway to start going through it. Spider-Woman had begun to sing to the Spider-Monkey and that, mixed with whatever the spider-bots were injecting into it, had completely conked out their large enemy. For a moment, Araltus had expected it to fall but the beast was simply attached to the building as it slept.

Well, that was that. Araltus took another drag of the cigarette. She wasn't going to stick around for some sort of debriefing with the other spider-people. If Otto or Caty had something to tell her, they would just tell her some other time because—

Araltus couldn't even finish the thought when a voice reverberated around the area. "What the- urk!" The ground she was sitting on quickly disappeared into a portal. Now, Araltus was no stranger to passing through solid objects or going through portals; however, usually, there was a warning before it happened.

Araltus landed on her feet much like the others. Mainly, she looked down at her hand and let out a breath to see that her cigarette was still there. The area they were in looked trippy and Sam was reminded of when the Crimson Court would convene in that weird magic place Mikhail liked putting them in. Unlike that place, though, Araltus was looking at different worlds and different people.

What in the everliving fuck was happening.

Then someone appeared. This green-suited spider-guy who called himself Anansi and welcoming them to the Web of Life and Destiny or whatever it was. Spider-Man, or Danny Davis she now learned as he unmasked himself, began to ask his questions. Argyros was mumbling something to himself and appeared as lost as Araltus was.

"This isn't a no-smoking place, right?" She took another drag of her cigarette nevertheless, blowing the smoke away from the others as an act of courtesy.
S A M B L Y T H E | A R A L T U S

Cars be flying out here in New York City

Maybe Sam was speaking too soon.

She watched as the Spider-Monkey appeared to finally have free reign once his weapon was gone. He wasn't only on a defensive now, he was on the offensive. Suddenly, things seemed much more dire and, really, Sam should have taken the opportunity to just bolt. But that was life. She was in this situation now and she should just accept that.

Out of the Spider-Monkey's ass came out webs and locked Spider-Woman and Arachnid into their own webby prison alongside that other spider-folk she didn't know the name of. And as if that wasn't enough, he hurled two vehicles. And one of those vehicles was unfortunately headed straight for her and Spider-Man.

She felt a push, completely disconnecting her from the building and a minivan smashed straight through the building spreading the glass shards across them like some sort of makeshift hail. Sam was quick to slow her descent with a well-placed web and landed on the ground with a small hop. Spider-Man came soon after, fussing over her. This made Sam let out a chuckle. "Calm down, calm down. If that's enough to take me down, I wouldn't be here with you guys. Get back out there, kid."

Sam gave him a wave before brushing herself off, ridding herself of the glass that had fallen across her own costume. She was wise to have made this out of some pretty resistant fabric. The last thing she wanted to do was spend a few hours stitching her costume back. She stretched her back until it popped and she shook her head. Man, was she getting too old or something? It must be the swinging.

Those thoughts aside, Araltus ran forward and shot herself forward just as Spider-Man hurled a large ball of Spider-Monkey-made webs back at its creator and their colorful-costumed buddy had something planned it appeared like. Risky move. So, Araltus decided to hang back for a more supporting role as she followed behind Arygros. In the case that he would fail in his endeavor, she was planning to pull him away with a web to get him out of the way of the Spider-Monkey's wrath.
S A M B L Y T H E | A R A L T U S

Out in the goddamn open, New York Times Square wondering if she can get away with stealing some whiskey after

By some miracle, the plan was actually working. Or, working as well as it could work. After all, she could only think that the weird spider-monkey thing also had super strength but multiplied by a hundred compared to them. But working together and having a bunch of people doing other things to distract the beast was beneficial to their cause. Sam had half a mind to swing away and leave this to the others now that things were going right but she didn't doubt that Caty would nag her ear out for abandoning a mission halfway.

Scratch that, now that Otto had finally graced them with his presence, she would get nagged twice as hard by people who are younger than her. The thought was a little funny but she'd rather avoid that outcome for now.

With his additional help, the staff was successfully pulled away from the spider-monkey. It hurtled towards the ground at a surprising speed and Spider-Woman's voice resonated across the area as she barked off their orders. She chuckled as she swung to one of the buildings, temporarily leaving her post as the mosquito and waiting for Spider-Man to launch the staff. The window was shattered so she swiped her hand against the shattered glass and sat down. There was a surprisingly good view around this altitude; shame that it was so dangerous that no one could observe from here. Well, that was false. If her old teammates were still around, they would likely be perched just like this, watching in clear amusement as one of them breaks their back trying to secure a mission.

She cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted back. "It for sure means that you're a great match up for him, kid! Go knock 'em dead!" She then clapped her hands like some sort of adoring audience watching the destruction of New York City Spider-Monkey version. "Doing great guys! Tens across the board!"

Once Spider-Man made his move to bring the staff up, Sam would begrudgingly leave her perch and start to web up the staff against the building, making sure to apply as much as she could to ensure it wouldn't suddenly rip off mid-fight and fall onto the pavement below. Once it was done, she observed it for a moment and nodded to herself. "Not bad as a work of art."
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