Alvin Sims

- the first result on google for 'utter defeat man' that wasn't a meme
SpecialityInvestigative journalism, mainly by way of information trading and brokerage. Schmoozing the people who know more than he does, trading them a scrap for a steak, that sort of thing.
OriginAlvin lost his mother at a young age and was brought up by his dad, who instilled in him a love of the historical greats of journalism of Earth's distant past. Keeps a habit of ending every broadcast with an Edward Murrow quote - "Good night, and good luck." About as fantastical he gets is an occasional reread of the ancient graphic novel Transmetropolitan. Whereas loyal citizens worship the Emperor, and the pious worship their deity of choice, he worships Woodward and Bernstein. Prides himself on searching for the truth, and sharing it, no matter how inconvenient or dangerous.