Avatar of Prints Avoid
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    1. Prints Avoid 11 yrs ago


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I don’t think the order matters. Not every newbie starts their journey in Stow-on-Side

I think for the Galar Gym Challenge(TM) specifically there's a particular order. Milo talks about being first cause he likes to go easy on challengers.

But I guess we're free to do as we like with this RP
Zeke can go wherever, but ideally his gym is later in the order.
I didn't specify because I knew there would likely be overlap, but I'd always intended for her gym to be anywhere but her hometown. Or Ballonlea, but that's just because the aesthetic doesn't fit.

Okay, but I personally love the image of just like a stone brown stadium in the middle of Ballonlea (which I literally just learned is in fact Ballonlea and not Balloonlea)
Okay. I went and counted through the final types that are available:

Water. Grass. Bug. Rock.

None of the above have been claimed... well except for Grass because I just claimed it.

That makes, what, 15 applicants including the GM? Wow.

My character's below. CS needs some editing and teams need some tweaking. I don't think those are the final lineups, but they're close. I hope my one non-fighting (not fighting type and not battling, ha!) Pokemon is okay. It's more a fun joke than anything.


I expect to be making tweaks to my teams and nicknames until the last second, personally
Hmm... where do people typically look for anime-ish character pics? It's been a while since I had to find a Pokemon trainer
Exciting. I'll go ahead and reserve Fighting Type if that's cool. I got a fun idea.

It's based off a rejected idea for a Dark type gym leader. Super peppy friendly, not at all a stereotype. After their cute little Skorupi, Litten, Cacnea, Corphish, and Pancham evolved, they just kinda leaned into the accidental Dark Type theme. Anyway, the idea was too shallow, but it gave me a different better idea to work with.
Some ideas

Beekeeping Bug Type leader

A shy and/or boring guy with a flashy Gym Leader persona using Dragon/Flying/Electric/other flashy Type

Researcher studying Dynamax through a lot of time in the Wild Area exploring *dens* using some tough Type

An athlete with whatever Type because not everyone has to conform to some elemental archetype

Obviously I still have no clue what, if anything, I want to reserve. At this point I'm happy to take any type that somewhat fits the character I eventually choose. Decisions, decisions
Will consider it. Love the Galar region, just didn't enjoy gameplay as much this time around. Oh well

If we're reserving types... I should probably decide on one lol
Seems about time to try a Pokemon RP again. I'm interested!

Quick questions, out of curiosity. Won't affect my interest. Are we working with the limited Galar dex? Will knowledge of the DLC content be useful/necessary? Because I don't intend to buy them, personally
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