Avatar of Prints Avoid
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    1. Prints Avoid 11 yrs ago


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"You're presented."

"You're gonna present me? To who? The JL already checked me out."

"No I mean present-ed. Like the present. Like grounded but in the present."

"You mean the past? This is the past for me. For you too..."

"You know what I mean!"

Location: Uhh.... wherever the tour ended, right outside the Teleporter room?
Interactions: Jack

This was off to a bad start. This had to be the worst idea anyone had had. Putting him on a secret team? It was all wrong. He was supposed to be out in public, creating a spectacle. Judging by their reserved tour guide and the other quiet people on his tour group, it would prove to be a very unspectacular experience. Felix couldn't even bring himself to remark on Red Tornado's sudden departure he was so bored. And then he heard the voice. It was annoyingly familiar. And sure enough as soon as he heard that incantation, he knew. What teenager didn't know that voice? He was here.

Zachary Zatara. Well, it seemed there would be spectacle. Even more than Felix was looking for. Felix could only watch as the shit show unfolded from there. It seemed that he and Zach might just be permanently resigned to be the lives of this party. Them and that bird of the ghost boys. Felix opened his mouth to speak but was taken aback. The quiet boy... the quiet boy with Nightwing, his helmet. He had seen that before somewhere hadn't he? Beware. He had come with Nightwing. He had heard the bats had a new member. But this wasn't quite what he had expected. A knot formed in Felix's stomach. He retreated to a side hallway in all the ruckus.

Another Felix appeared by his side. Without missing a beat the other boy began. "Yeah I saw it too. Just gotta deal. There's supposed to be tons of them. This doesn't mean anything."

"I know, I know. And we're hundreds of years in the past. Everyone alive now will be dead..." he said as if reciting a familiar mantra.

"Blah, blah, blah," the other Felix continued. "Exactly. Besides, he's working with Nightwing apparently. You know how all these guys are..."

Felix nodded to himself and his pair disappeared. By the time he returned most of the group had moved on to the lounge. All except him. The Talon. "So uh... don't think I introduced myself by the way. I'm Felix. Most everyone knows me as Gold Rush though." He held out a hand. The guy had that "I don't follow pop culture" feel to him so he probably hadn't seen any of his commercials or social media. No point in mentioning them.
Getting a short post in, just to get my foot in the door before everything moves farther on ahead lol
Uh oh who's gonna be the last one to appear. Felix or Alisa?
The map is much appreciated
Just learned we're getting a Booster Gold and Blue Beetle mini-series. Hell yes
Oh god Zach's the ringleader isn't he
“Join a super group they said. It would be fun, they said.” - Viktor.

Joins an actual circus. - Also viktor.

Also-Also, Talon has been added to Cas' relationship sheet.

"Oh, come on. Circus is a bit of an exaggeration don't you think"

Cue the literal circus acrobat waltzing in
It seems there might've been some sorta timeline mixup. But I'll be writing with the assumption that Felix has been there the whole time. No worries either way.

Edit: By the whole time I mean he showed and was was present for Red Tornado's tour and then witnessed all this interaction
Will post tomorrow. I was supposed to get on writing tonight but ended up having to take my dog to the emergency vet. Spoiler Alert; it was nothing. I just overreacted to heavy breathing
Getting Bob the skull vibes from Coal there. Fun stuff
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