Avatar of Prints Avoid
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    1. Prints Avoid 11 yrs ago


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I'm holding off just a bit until I've seen Talon's full CS so I can have and idea of exactly who Felix is touring with. Seems it's all the quietest ones lol
That works for me!
@Prints Avoid

Hi ^.^
Quick question. With Felix arriving late did you mean arriving with the new members on Friday? Or after?

Ooh that's a good question. I originally meant late-late like after everyone. But that was presuming that the IC was gonna get started before the last two got approved.

He can arrive with the other new members as normal.
You just know there's in-world fanart prompting conversation on the ethics of shipping real life superheroes.
Lol Felix is ready to turn this into one of those things where the YouTubers all get a house together or whatever, and Zach's like no. Go away.
I can't wait for the clash of personalities.
Meet Felix, y'all. Protégé of the other-other-other Green Lantern. I can't wait for the clash of personalities.
Alright everyone, thanks a lot for your patience.
The co-gm and me decided on the two last spots. @Prints Avoid and @Courtaud you can add your characters to the CS tab.

To everyone who didn't get accepted this time around, it was a tough decision and maybe we'll see each other in future rp's!

Woohoo, thanks! Will share my character with everyone as soon as I've gotten home and finished some editing of his sheet. I'm excited to get going and playing with everyone, though I'm planning for him to be a later arrival anyway.
Green Lantern mentees represent!
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