Avatar of Prints Avoid
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    1. Prints Avoid 11 yrs ago


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Hey figured I'd say something here since I may be joining. My character would be a new arrival, maybe even late, if accepted. So nobody has to worry about being the last to join lol.

On the topic of canon characters, for what it's worth, in I considered doing my own take on El Dorado or Jaime Reyes.
Ah crap. Sorry to see this go. Holidays really took some time from me. But time to go back to intermittently checking out the interest checks. Good playing with y'all!

Zeke watched Isla go, the smirk never leaving his face. Of course he'd left himself wide open for the most obvious comeback. He turned back to the cameras, "Cute isn't she? Did she say... she brought home the gold? Well if any old award counts towards the League now, I better start carrying around my medals from the Lilycove Spring Break Beer Olympics." He laughed, and there was a boom from somewhere in the crowd. "These newcomers always get a big head, but it's cool. We can settle it on the pitch."

At that moment Fiona's Pokemon chose to do their display. The combined boom drew all their eyes upward. Zeke rolled his eyes. Flyers. But with the new arrivals and all the showing off, the cameras' attention drifted slowly away from him in different directions. After all, the major leagues were here. The smirk melted off his face as the last of them ran off.

The crowd was in a frenzy and an excited Loudred somewhere in that mass of people was only egging them on. Zeke chuckled to himself then grabbed a Pokeball and called forth his Gallade. The serious Blade Pokemon stood straight and tall and took a quick look at its surroundings. The expression it wore made it clear the celebrations and music and crowd did not impress Gallade. Zeke gave it a moment. And then a light breeze carried the scent of sugar and cinnamon to them. Gallade's head immediately turned in the direction of an array of dessert carts. "All right. Go find Loudred, please. I'm gonna need some extra noise at the Ceremony. Afterwards I'll get you all a donut or waffle or something. Maybe there's Casteliacones somew-" Zeke turned to find that Gallade had already disappeared. Likely at the word donut. He smiled to himself and went to join the other Gym Leaders, even greeting a few them in a friendly manner.

They were soon called to the locker rooms by the Chairman's assistant. Zeke was quick in the locker room. He'd come wearing his uniform shorts, so it was only a matter slipping off the hoodie and changing his shoes for some flip-flops he could slide off quickly. "Well, break a leg out there. Show these challengers what they're in for." He quickly checked his hair in the mirror, then gestured to the others before going off to find his seat.

There were a few seats set on the pitch opposite the entrance everyone would be watching, so Zeke slipped in and took his seat with only a few fans having noticed him. Zeke looked around at the stadium. Thomas's people had done good work. It was almost like they were in a city other than Motostoke. He'd have to pay Thomas a compliment afterward.

Zeke's phone buzzed. Then buzzed again. And again. Them again.

Isha: damn zeke you got rooooooasted
Abby: Yeah, that went beyond taking the piss out of someone.
Isha: whatd you do cheat on her?

Zeke sighed and began typing out a quick response. It might be a while before the ceremony started.

Brennan: He was acting like a jerk that's what he did.
Zeke: shouldnt you be getting ready for the ceremony
Zeke: and i told you to stop adding me to your grouptexts
Isha: did you really win the beer olympics
Brennan: Pretty sure that was a joke. do they even have those in Lilycove
Abby: We're all ready. We got here early and changed. We were just watching you be an ass.
Abby: And Isha's nervous.
Zeke: Isha is nervous? Isha?
Isha: its a lot of people
Zeke: All you have to do is walk out there. It'll be fine. You all walk in together. Just breathe. And I'll be on the other end of the pitch when you walk out. If you start to panic, just look at me and pretend you're running circles around my Lucario again.
Zeke: You're going to do great. Knowing you you'll get addicted to the cheering
Isha: i guess
Abby: No, he's right. You're going to become a monster
Zeke: anyway it looks like everyones ready. i think its time to start soon
Brennan: What if we can't find you
Zeke: oh you will

Zeke silenced his phone and slipped it back into his pocket as the other minor league leaders began to join him. And then Amaranth's voice poured from the speakers, and Zeke stood up to watch the ceremony. It was a familiar script. It didn't change much from year to year, but it never failed to give him chills. He noticed the figures forming up at the opposite end, ready to make their entrance. Zeke thought back to his own experience in that group. He could remember the first time walking out on to that field as a Gym Leader like it was yesterday. He glanced over at Malik. Could he be thinking about the same thing? But no, the other man had willingly given up his spot. It wasn't the same.

As they were announced, Zeke clapped and cheered as expected. His part had been played and he didn't have to be "on" for the ceremony, thankfully. And yet...

The stadium shook from the crowd's passion. And then Chairman Amaranth announced the challengers. In a flash, Loudred was at Zeke's side. "Ready to give these kids the full experience?" His words could not have possibly reached its ears, but Loudred nodded in understanding. Zeke cheered even louder as the challengers poured out of the tunnel to join the gym leaders on the field. He caught sight of a few familiar faces. As expected Isha took quickly to the cheers and was already basking in the attention. Brennan however, looked around a little timidly. Zeke gestured to Loudred who joyfully added his own booming cries to the noise. It was enough to catch the attention of some, including Brennan and Abby. He smiled and clenched a fist in solidarity. The returned the gesture, standing noticeably taller and more confident.

"Good work buddy," he muttered.

Zeke was in high spirits. This had been as good a send-off as any for these trainers. He'd made sure that they all kept him updated on their progress. Many of the challengers who'd come through his gym still didn't believe he was as invested as he claimed to be. But they promised to let him know.

As Zeke slipped his hoodie back on, he caught the end of a conversation about Victoria. He had noticed she was absent. Elijah too... Something seemed wrong but there didn't seem to be much reason to worry just yet. Even the Chairman thought it could wait.

"All right, so about that meal? What's the plan?" He glanced at Nordrin. "Also I kind of promised Gallade I'd take the team for something sweet."

Ah, Gym Challenge season was here again. The sights, the sounds, the crowds! ...the smells, the smokers, the opressive industrial air. Same as it had been for years. Growing up in the his parents' line of work, Zeke was well-acquainted with this time of year. Even if he hadn't been able to participate, he was well attuned to the big events of Motostoke. They meant work. In fact, Zeke had come into town a few days early specifically to give his parents some extra help around the inn. An oversized porter suit, some sunglasses, and simply keeping his mouth shut made sure nobody realized the guy carrying their bags was a gym leader. He was thankful to finally be on good terms with his parents, though he shuddered to think what his life would be if he had never left Motostoke.

None of that was on his mind now though. The Fighting-type gym leader was currently strutting through the mass of fans come to watch the opening ceremony. His trusted Grapploct accompanied him on his right side, and an excited Loudred danced along on his left. His little hype man would occasionally let out a cry, a blast of sound that could be deafening if not for the Pokemon's own self-restraint. Of course these blasts drew attention to Zeke and he made the most of it. He flexed for the cameras, his arms exposed in his unzipped sleeveless hoodie. He and his Pokemon got a few pictures with fans, made some boyfriends jealous, signed some autographs, insulted some challengers. The usual. There was almost an incident with some local fans of Fiona, but thankfully they backed down at his bluffs. Zeke causing any actual trouble would cause problems for everyone.

Soon a different Pokemon's cry drew the crowd's attention away from him. The roar came from above and was accompanied by a plummeting silhouette backlit with flames. Some of the spectators cringed in fear, but of course the familiar Charizard pulled up at the last second so it could descend a little closer to the gym. The momentary distraction had let Zeke and Grapploct step out of the throng of people before it started rushing the stadium. His Loudred remained part of it, however, and was carried along, adding his own noise to the growing uproar. He'd find his way back to them later. He always did.

"That Charizard's kind of an attention whore, eh?" Zeke muttered to Grapploct, holding back a grin. His Pokemon stared back at him unamused. The two took a detour through a smaller side street. Zeke noticed a passing Weezing and took a few deep breaths, thankful for the brief respite. Without Loudred drawing attention to them and with his hood up, Zeke moved quickly and efficiently, not sticking around long enough for anyone to recognize him. He came out on to the main street just in front of the stadium, and he and Grapploct squeezed through the crowd.

Zeke found Fiona, Hestia, and Isla hanging out in front. He took another deep breath and put his back hood down. Break was over. He approached the girls, noticing Isla was talking to the press. Good, he was glad she could keep them busy for a while. As he walked over to Fiona and Hestia, however, a snippet of Isla's interview drifted over to him. "...Victoria better watch out, because I'm coming for her title." Oh, well, that was just to good a setup. He winked at the Major League leaders then turned to stroll up to Isla and the press.

"Ha! YOU?" he punctuated the question with an exaggerated laugh. "Oh no, Isla's coming for the Champion's spot!" he pitched up his voice in mock worry. "That's cute, but how about you go back to playing in the snow and leave her to someone with some experience, sweetheart. Actually, I'll let you be my cheerleader and watch how I do it." It occurred to Zeke that this was the first time Isla had had to deal with Gym Leader Zeke. But she was a champion snowboarder, she'd certainly dealt with much worse from people who actually meant it. Even as he interrupted her, some jeers went up from the small crowd hanging around to get a look at them. Then a familiar call went out from somewhere in the larger crowd around them and more people joined in. Dammit Loudred...

Lucky was tagged twice. Do they have two characters or did someone not get tagged or are there actually only 12 of us?
Poggers. So, uh, how we divvying up the Gyms and Major/Minor leagues? Assuming Major/Minor gyms can stack in the same town, but otherwise, are we just calling dibs? I'd like either Hammerlocke, Hulbury, or Stow-on-Side, really.

Not sure if Ambra has anything particular in mind yet. But some possibilities

Stick multiple gyms in a city, more rivalry potential. With people in town choosing a side.
Have the minors use the Major gyms in the off season, or just have the minors battle wherever they are
Set up some extra gyms in non-traditional locations: small towns we make up, some of us wouldn't mind setting one up in the Wild Area, the DLC areas
I don't think we know much about the minor division other than it exists. But I think it might be a cool requirement to give endorsement rights to the minor leaders. You don't necessarily gotta beat em or anything, but definitely impress them

shrug, I figure we'll discuss it once the Discord is set up
Probably getting ahead of myself, but anyone wanna share gym puzzle ideas? I'm thinking Zeke's might involve like... Climbing the same stairs/incline over and over again. A bunch of trap doors or conveyor belts keep sending them back to the beginning.

Maybe there's like a series of two doors to choose between. The wrong choice sends them back to the beginning. There's no actual puzzle to it. It's just rigged so the last combination they try is the right one. Maybe he teases the challenger over the PA with every restart.

You know, something to test perseverance.
Idk, I wanna stick with my Knights and Dragons theme I have in mind, but since someone else already has a knight, I'm not sure now.

Seems like a perfect set up for a rivalry though. Since Eden is an actor I don't know how good his actual swordsmanship skills are? (The CS doesn't mention them specifically I don't think so it could go either way. Perhaps @Lord Orgasmo can enlighten us)

And Z and his Sirfetch'd and Gallade will be calling both of them out anyway :P
So naturally everyone goes out and catches six Snorlax before challenging Nordrin right?
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