Avatar of Prints Avoid
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    1. Prints Avoid 11 yrs ago


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Location: Happy Harbour
Interactions: The Team

Felix hadn't known what to expect from the Talon. But this wasn't at all it. "Talon." He seemed to be keeping his identity close to his chest. Bats... But otherwise he opened up quite easily. Noticeably, the other teen signed his words. It was a different form from what Felix had seen, but a few gestures were familiar.

Soon enough, other joined them and they moved on to meet the rest of the team. It was a real "ragtag bunch of misfits" scenario. But of course, it seemed everyone his age in this scene was some sort of misfit or another. Well adjusted normal people didn't become heroes... Mostly.

The rest of the day passed quickly. Felix acquainted himself with the base, particularly the gym. He'd missed some of the others working out but that left the gym clear for him to film a new fitness video for his channel. The rest of his evening was spent editing the video, scrubbing any information identifying the base, and arranging it for it to be uploaded from a remote location. Privacy and being an influencer did not go well together. Zach had been here a while. Maybe he had an easier way of getting his stuff online. Probably magic.

The next morning found Felix groggy and bleary-eyed standing in rank with the other young heroes. He hadn't slept too well and was content to just watch the proceedings. Black Canary and Green Arrow. He'd seen them in action once or twice. They didn't have the biggest exposure, but they were effective. They put on their show. Black Canary said something about fighting, running or freezing. For Felix it was nearly always fight back or run. He wasn't the kind to freeze. Which made it surprising that their other teacher beat him to the punch in volunteering to be a sparring partner. But these two seemed to know each other well. Nice.

The cheek. Yeah, the knew each other real well. Felix watched the quick skirmish, Green Arrow getting his ass beat. And with that class was in session? What had Green Arrow done wrong? Everyone had their opinion. All about what he expected. The bat-lings went on about taking the threat seriously. The magic-y guys wondered how this applied to them. Surprising him was Kass. She seemed the most grounded. Too bad she wasn't confident about it.

Zach's comments managed to get some of the others steamed up, so he figured it was as good a time as any to jump in. "Zach, man. Unfortunately sexiness isn't a weapon for us guys. Not unless you're Nightwing."

Instantaneously another Felix appeared behind the group. Drumsticks in his hand he played a quick rim shot *Ba dum tss*. And just as quickly disappeared.

Felix went on as if he hadn't heard it, "But hey, maybe one day you might reach that level of sexiness. I believe in you. But it won't happen if you get your shit wrecked, though." He gestured to Zach's face. "I get it. You don't want to mess up the moneymaker. You think I do? But that's why you have to learn to hold your own. Just in case. Maybe you don't have to throw the best punch. But at the very least you gotta be able to take one."

The conversation went on but something else caught Felix's attention. Someone else was here. And then Aleen'a made her entrance introduction. And Zach swooped in with his own. Someone who didn't know Zach would think he was making a move. But that was just the magician. Felix stood up straight and put his fist to his heart.

Putting on his best official tone, he spoke up. "Greetings, Princess Aleen'a of Tamaran! I am Gold Rush - Felix Fierro, of no house, son of strangers, blood kin to none. I come from the distant future, and I stick around 'cause there's nowhere else to go. I also welcome you to earth..." he paused to grin, "And I look forward to fortifying out relationship."

And this was usually the part where the buzzkill trainers got them back on task.
As someone who likes to read the whole conversation, coming back to a few posts on a thread is easier than who knows how many messages I gotta scroll through on discord if I'm inactive for a while. Not to say I dislike discord. But I would understand if someone didn't for reasons similar to that

Speaking of inactivity, I know I said I'd have posted by this morning but plans exist solely to be shit on. Anyway I've got my last school assignments to finish up. Then I can post before beginning finals reviewing.
Poor Kass just chose the wrong audience for that comment
Coming up on finals season so I apologize if I'm slow right now. Finishing up assignments and studying. Plus some traveling. I'll be posting tomorrow morning at the latest, but hopefully some time tonight.
I haven't sat down to read what's going on with the rest of the group, but now I'm excited
Which is great, cause I thought it would be funny to have Felix be afraid of the Court of Owls.
I think Young Justice was absolutely amazing. The first season. It got worse with every subsequent season. My opinion of course.

Kinda responding late but
I'm completely uncritical and will watch anything so I won't comment on quality. But I did love the invasion storyline just for it's focus on Jaime Reyes. Easily in my top 5 fictional characters since day 1. This Hispanic teen from Texas felt seen. I can see how expanding the cast kinda left less room for all the interactions we loved from the first season.

I tried to make a cute little avatar dude and got completely whelmed by the options.

And who else was completely thrown off by Jack responding so positively to Felix? Just me? Lmao.
Ooh fun. May try one myself.
I need to go back and watch the new season

...which means watching the beginning again
"Well I hear it's a lot better now."
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