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    1. PrivateVentures 8 yrs ago


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I write a little bit of everything. If you really want to know what sort of things my mind goes to, here's a link:Pens and Swords

In the end, I like to think I'm an easygoing, friendly, and personable fellow. And I would certainly consider myself skilled in the art of non-aggressive communicatio- WHATCHU SAY ABOUT MY MOM

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@MiddleEarthRoze I believe it's been decided that we'll ease the player cap as long as every application passes snuff. Sam has final say of course though.

@AquaAzura I like the idea of an Amazonian Asari, but I'm not sure if her Krogan father would have given her that kind of appearance. Asari only use alien mates to randomize their own genetic sequences, they don't actually gain any traits that way. Otherwise the sheet is shaping up well and you're free to have a ripped Asari anyway.

@The Spectre It's a good sheet but I can't really see why the Spectres would want him. As far as can be told, he's a Quarian of average skill; and it's not like the Spectres particularly need or want people with significant political ties. They're a covert group that works in the shadows. His supposed strategic skill is a start but it doesn't really explain where he got such skill from, how would he acquire those kinds of skills as a freshly returned pilgrim? It would make more sense if he was part of the Marines if you wanted him to have strategic aptitude; or have him grow up on a military ship.

It's also unexplained just what kind of position he had in his ship and how he acquired such power, and keep in mind the game is only one year post ME3.

@Dervish Looks great to me but Sam has the final word.

@PrivateVentures I like the character concept but I'm kinda iffy on him being good at basically everything as far as I can tell. He's got Tech, Biotics, and Combat. I would prefer if he be more specialized. Perhaps if you focused on his tactical skill and tech aptitude, it'd make sense for Cerberus to want to recruit him. Or alternatively he could have been a biotic who was recruited by Cerberus into an experimental program; and he's a biotic master who can levitate and shield himself thanks to Cerberus augmentations. But without them he's otherwise defenseless. Either way, I'd prefer him to not be quite so powerful.

@Arcarius It seems fine to me, a really great read. will wait to see how the sample post goes. I do hope people start branching out from beef muscle characters though :P Should his venom gauntlets be a power?

@Silver Fox I'm open to Geth characters and I believe Sam is as well. I'm very intrigued by the concept, but I will say that Legion was supposed to be the only unit of his kind and IIRC he was the only Geth who wasn't explicitly under Reaper control at the beginning of the battle for Rannoch. I'm also not sure that ME technology is advanced enough for someone, even a Geth, to Frakenstein a victim of an explosion in the field.

I figured his primary weakness would be his inability to work with others. I thought it would be interesting to have a technically proficient character who has no interpersonal skills. That having been said, his main physical weakness is electrical shortage, preventing him from being able to regenerate or use most of his abilities. As such, he'll have to manage his suit's superconductors extremely well to avoid shorting out. If he did short out, he would be virtually helpless.

I tried to touchon that weakness in the sample passage.

In any case, I figured his biotic abilities would have been essentially a replacement for prosthetics. The suit itself is what allows his tech proficiency, as well as his combat skill. Without that, he's just a psychic cripple.
@Leos Klien Show me the ability and explanation and I'll decide from there.

If I get approved, a Turian would provide interesting tension for my guy.
Ellis Taevon




Scarred, quadriplegic, cannot exist outside of a regulated, nanite reinforced/maintained suit. The suit is matte black, designed for blitz attacks, and built with oversized plating for intimidation. The nanites give Ellis extraordinary regenerative capabilities and resemble black smoke or vapor when changing outer forms.

Ellis grew up in a small family, cosisting of a brother, a father, and a cat. He never knew his mother. As a child, he was more interested in stories, games, and things of creative or imaginitive value. He had no interest in the guns or weapons of the life of an Arms merchant. His brother, on the other hand, took to it all too well, becoming their father's favored son. In a deal gone bad with a Turian militia faction, The Rising Eye, his father's cargo was detonated when they opened fire. Ellis' favorite place to read had been in the air ducts between the inner and outer hull. The fire rushed into the updraft. He only barely survived, his body suffering fifth and sixth degree burns so severe, they torched off his lower arms and legs instantly, leaving him with charred and tender stumps for the rest of his life. His older brother survived, having been in the ship's cockpit, far away from the blast. The cat perished in decompression. Ellis' father was vaporized instantly when the charges imploded. Ellis' brother became quite a prodigy in his own right, joining the ranks of C-Sec. Ellis was not so lucky. Ellis suffered debilitating loneliness as the world passed him by. He was not exactly helpless, however, as he worked as an information broker, as best he could, selling secrets from his father's files. He made many enemies this way, but was a very hard person to assassinate, as his condition required round-the-clock care. Fearing for his life, he opted for L5n combat implants. His mind unbound, he was able to develop biotic abilities at an impressive, inhuman rate. He began experimenting with them in attempt to give himself new limbs, or at least some semblance of his former mobility. He succeeded only in developing some of the most horrifying biotic techniques in Adept history. He enrolled in classes for a degree in Psychology at Oxford, but never completed his degree. He intended to use his new education to develop biotic psychological warfare. R&D is still in progress. At age 30, he received a message on his omnitool, encrypted with a biometric lock, opening only for him. . The letter was addressed Cerberus, and read "We have heard of your gifts and would like to utilize them. You will be given suitable compensation."

He became a hired terrorist, skilled in the art of fear. Morale was his enemy, and violence his weapon.

They gave him a body, human in nature, Geth in theory. He was famous, infamous, for his ability to soak up bullet after bullet after bullet, and still come back for more. Gradually, many came to fear him, earning him the nickname, “Ellis the Undying”. He yet harbored a great hatred of Turians.

Ellis never quite learned how to repair or maintain his suit. Any damage to vital areas required attention by a trained, skilled, and classified technician.

After leaving Cerberus for idealogical reasons, he worked as a gun for hire, always careful to monitor damage to his suit, as he would die without it. Word spread that Ellis the Undying was a free agent, and old enemies hunt him once more. There are too many, even for Ellis, and he alone knows that he is no longer Undying. Faced with mortality once more, he feels the fear he once forced on others. He now seeks companions, not only to protect him, but so that he can do something good, something decent before he dies. A change is at hand for Ellis.

Upon returning to Omega, one of his contacts sent him a classified message addressed to a prominent Krogan warrior, a "call up" from the Citadel. They needed an elite squad to ease tensions between races. Now was his chance to make right what was wrong. He answered the Call Up, ready to give his last breath for the greater good.

Psyche Profile:
Ellis was a human supremacist, though he hid it well enough. After leaving Cerberus, when it was discovered that they had a hand in both the Reaper attacks and the Collectors, he finds himself in an idealogical chaos. His paranoia is matched only by his newfound, terrifying need to redeem himself. Despite denouncing Cerberus, he still finds it difficult to ignore his past xenophobia. He is trying, though, and is even attempting to analyze and construct a new body, a hero's body, but alas, is still trapped in the guise of a monster. Ellis is lonely, and only now is he letting himself feel it.

He is most famous for two incidents, one in which he was nearly killed, though no one knows that fact. The first, one Earth, when he alone was able to break the Reaper ground forces’ enemy line in Atlanta, and held them off alone for two hours, until reinforcements arrived. The second, on Omega, wherein a platoon of Blue Suns got in the way of his objective. He killed them all, slowly and simultaneously. His biotic abilities range from elementary, such as pulling or throwing, to the advanced and sadistic, such as his signature Iron Maiden, in which an adversary’s armor becomes their tomb, crushing tighter and tighter at varying intervals. He cares little for technology, his suit providing basic hacking and cybersecurity. As such, he has great disdain for Engineers and tech specialists.

His Signature biotic manipulations include: “Iron Maiden”, aforementioned; “Dyson Sphere”, in which a victim’s shield or biotic barrier is turned into a kind of garbage disposal tornado; “Catch”, an ability that allows Ellis to transfer kinetic energy on impact to another object in physical contact with Ellis suit, i.e. a wall, another human being. He was regarded as an expert in the field of Omni-tool Close Quarters Combat
-Biotic Charge
-Dyson Sphere
-Cryo Ammo

Equipment and Resources:
Ellis wears an experimental survival suit that allows him extreme shock-absorbing capabilities, and bears an impressive combat history and variety of skills that make him more of a weapon than a soldier, comparable to a fire-and-forget missile.
He also carries a M358 Talon heavy pistol and M96 Mattock marksman rifle, modified for antimaterial ammunition.

Sample Post:
[indent]“Ellis awoke, his suit’s alarm system releasing an ammonia-based inhalant to shock his wetware awake. His hardware needed no such assistance, and the servos hummed to life like little buzzsaws, their characteristic tone music to Ellis' augmented ears. He stood, six foot six, head and shoulders, a boy who was once the smallest in the galaxy, (in his mind). His stature, his demeanor belied his loneliness and shame, but he was not one to be pitied. No, not Ellis the Undying. But he was not Undying, and berated himself for the fear that iced his blood. There was someone on his ship, and now was no time for fear. Intruders always went one way: through the airlock, in a bloody, wet cube.

A young girl, an Asari, maybe, or a human, stood before him in white armor. A biotic barrier sizzled over her body. The pistol shook in her hands as she raised it slowly, to meet Ellis' eye. He cocked his head, activated and fortified his own barrier, and waited. 'Y-you killed my dad.' Ellis withheld his surprise. It was a young boy! 'A-nd n-now you're gonna pay.' The boy was getting less confident by the minute. Ellis overclocked the servos on his right arm, like a batter winding up for a swing, and his hand shot out and snatched the pistol from the child's fingers before even fingers touched trigger.

'Boy', Ellis said, his own hands crunching the weapon to a mangled mess, 'How did you get on my schooner?' The child was terrified, literally shaking in his boots. 'I need to know', as the heat sink clattered to the floor, 'how you got on my ship.' The boy stayed silent, save for a panicked muttering. Ellis raised the gun-turned-steel wool so that that the kid could see it. 'When you come to a good party, you bring a good gift.' Ellis drew his own pistol, and called to his ship's VI. 'NERO! INTRUDER!' The ship's yoke flipped away, revealing an ultraviolet laser, humming to life, generally reserved for ship to ship to ship combat. NERO, spoke, a cool female voice like that of an emergency services operator,
'One intruder detected, sir. Initiate Purge?'
'Well, boy? How did you get on my ship?' The kid's legs gave out as he practically sobbed,
'I stowed away! Omega!' Ellis chuckled.
'Omega? Any family there?' The kid relaxed a bit, in surrender.
'My mom! Two sisters!' Ellis set his pistol back on his hip.
'You have a name, I presume?'
'Rakhtesh. My mom named me after a krogan.' Ellis tilted his head, puzzled. 'She fell in love with him before my dad.'
'So, he isn't "a krogan", he was your mother's love.'
'I guess. Are you gonna kill me?' Ellis laughed out loud, he couldn't help it, the voice synthesizer giving slight feedback to the sound. The boy was not amused.
'Of course not. NERO, shut that crap off. Rakhtesh, if your mother named you after her love, she must love you. Very much, I might add.' The kid was more uneasy than ever.
'W-what are you doing?'
'I'm trying.'
'If you're trying to scare me, it's working. If you aren't gonna kill me, can you just take me back?'
'NERO, set course for Omega. Rakhtesh, who was your dad?'
'John Taylor. You didn't kill him.'
'But you said-'
'That man was [i]not[i] my father.'
'Then who did I kill?'

Ellis hated society for their rejection of him, hated his brother for leaving him all alone, and hated Turians for killing his father. He has a lot of problems to work through, but is desperate to fix himself before he dies.

His primary source of income is selling information, both about his father's dealings, of which there were many, as well as classified Cerberus information.

In combat, his fury tends to overcome his common sense, and he overclocks his suit and augments in a blind rage. Afterward, his body requires a four new heat sinks, also forcing him to use his ammunition carefully.
@PrivateVentures Please look to the OP for a copy of the Character Sheet Skeleton.

Haha, I thought I had followed it. I'm new to the roleplaying world. I've mostly just been writing in collaboration.

Can you help me highlight exactly what it is I did wrong here?
Wellp, here goes.

• Ellis Taevon, “Ellis the Undying”
• Human
• Vanguard
• 34
• Male
• Scarred, quadriplegic, cannot exist outside of a regulated, nanite reinforced/maintained suit. The suit is matte black, designed for blitz attacks, and built with oversized plating for intimidation. The nanites give Ellis extraordinary regenerative capabilities.
• Ellis was the younger of two brothers. His older brother became quite a prodigy in his own right, joining the ranks of C-Sec. Ellis was not so lucky. In an attack by a Turian pirate frigate, his father was killed, and Ellis left paralyzed. His brother was unharmed. Ellis suffered debilitating loneliness as the world passed him by. His mind unfettered, however, he was able to develop biotic abilities at an impressive, inhuman rate. At age 30, he received a message on his omnitool, encrypted with a biometric lock. It opened for him, and invited him to join a program for the gifted. The letter was addressed Cerberus.

He became an assassin, learning to hone his long-contained rage in a new, nanite-fueled body. He was famous, infamous, for his ability to soak up bullet after bullet after bullet, and still come back for more. Gradually, many came to fear him, earning him the nickname, “Ellis the Undying”. He still harbors a great hatred of Turians.

• Ellis is a human supremacist, though he hides it well enough. After leaving Cerberus, when it was discovered that they had a hand in both the Reaper attacks and the Collectors, he finds himself in an idealogical chaos. But the Reapers are back. And this time, he’s ready. He has no interest in romance , as his primary motivator is revenge.
• He is most famous for two incidents, one in which he was nearly killed, though no one knows that fact. The first, one Earth, when he alone was able to break the Reaper ground forces’ enemy line in Atlanta, and held them off alone for two hours, until reinforcements arrived. The second, on Omega, wherein a platoon of Blue Suns got in the way of his objective. He killed them all, slowly and simultaneously. His biotic abilities range from elementary, such as pulling or throwing, to the advanced and sadistic, such as his signature Iron Maiden, in which an adversary’s armor becomes their tomb, crushing tighter and tighter at varying intervals. He is revered for his book, “Gods of War”, and is known to be an exceptional tactician.
• His Signature biotic manipulations include: “Iron Maiden”, aforementioned; “Dyson Sphere”, in which a victim’s shield or biotic barrier is turned into a kind of garbage disposal tornado; “Catch”, an ability that allows Ellis to transfer kinetic energy impacting his suit to the nanites, firing them like a shotgun blast with equivalent force. His suit’s cyberwarfare suite allows him impressive hacking capabilities. He is regarded as an expert in the field of Omni-tool Close Quarters Combat
-Biotic Charge
-Tech Armor
• Ellis wears an experimental nanotech-infused suit that allows him extreme regenerative capabilities, and bears an impressive combat history and variety of skills that make him more of a necessity in combat than an asset, comparable to a talented Krogan Berserker veteran.
• sample- “Ellis awoke, his suit’s alarm system releasing an ammonia-based inhalant to shock his wetware awake. His hardware needed no such assistance, and the nanites whirred to life like dense smoke to form the black armor that was so infamous over the naked grey exoskeleton that was so secret. His stature, his demeanor belied his loneliness and shame, but he was not one to be pitied. No, not Ellis the Undying. There was someone on his ship, and now was no time to feel embarrassment. Intruders always went one way: through the airlock, in a bloody, wet cube.”

Ellis hates society for their rejection of him, hates his brother for leaving him all alone, and hates Turians for killing his father. He is not a happy person.

• Please note, I myself am not a sadist, but I desire to be able to create a dark character. I hope that through this RP, I can explore the most morbid of character development.
RULES: Stay in character in IC. Do not choose the reaction of another character without the owner's permission. Please bring any ideas for new companies, weapons, concepts, NPCs etc. to me before giving them life. If you don't, it's cool, but I'll have no idea what's happening. Could be incredible, could be a recipe for disaster. I would appreciate proper grammar and spelling, as well as full character bios in OOC. The three selections I gave you are just an outline. Be as creative as you like.

Oh, and by the way, you're all on the same quest.
You have to hunt me.

I'll explain more as character bios are posted.
Pirates, Spaceships, advanced guns and extradimensional Gods await! Claim your exoskeleton and make a name for yourself in a world still dipping its fingers into the endless ocean that is the final frontier.

Any takers?
You are a citizen of Osiris Lunar Colony, of Sector 1, Industrial District; Sector 2, Military District; Sector 3, Agricultural District; Sector 4, Retail District; or Sector 5, Osiris Security Hubway.
Your parents were killed in the third world war, and you are left to fend for yourself in a new life fraught with pirates, soldiers, criminals, terrorists, explorers, and adventure.
Select your EVAS and trade from one of these three:

EVAS4.0 Schmidt RACE Reactive Armor Combat Exoskeleton- United States Space Command High Altitude Combat Specialist, Dishonorable Discharge

EVAS2.0 Harper-Michelin TekMek Mobile Cybersecurity Suite- Osiris Security Officer, Private First Class

EVAS4.0 SWISS MedX Emergency Services Survival Exoskeleton- Freelance Pilot/Pirate

Hero or villain, poison or panacea, you are the future.
“Gone are the days of Human vulnerability. Past is the time we should fear injury. Invalids, paraplegics, rejoice! Your salvation is at hand! The body you always wanted is yours for the taking! Now you can be strong enough to withstand any* disaster! Fast enough to escape your fears! Smart enough to bring the galaxy to your fingertips!
The EVAS 4 is here!”
-MitsuBrowning Enterprises advertisement for the first model of the fourth wave of Extra-Vehicular-Arms, Armor, and Augmentation System, the EVAS4.0, “built for skill and dressed to kill”, the MitsuBrowning M0.4 Jackal.

The EVAS gave us a new way to live. The space race had just fired up again with a fervor, the likes of which hasn’t been seen or felt since the 1960’s. Acts of terrorism, all too frequent these days, claimed few, and natural disasters took fewer. The first wave of suits weren’t sealed, more of an exoskeleton without a shell. They enhanced the user’s strength and allowed the viability of jetpacks to the military-industrial complex. Men could move with new freedom. By the time the first EVAS 2’s rolled in, jetpacking to work was commonplace to the average citizen.

“Since the Wright Brothers took that fateful flight in Kitty Hawk, mankind has reigned over the skies… clumsily. Bring finesse back to flight.
Zephyrtech Industries: the future of “Extra-Vehicular”.
-Actual internet advertisement for the first model of EVAS2.0, the Zephyrtech Industries Aeromancer One, the first self contained suit, with a vacuum sealed shell, pressurized compartment, collapsible wings, and a massive tri-bine™ system designed to spin the wind current projected through the jets, providing a more stable thrust. It was pricey, but only until the other EVAS2.0’s released.
War, more than anything, changed. World War 3 was considered the first real conflict fought exclusively in orbit. The stratosphere was the playground of infantry. What were once considered combat recon had become the “Bravo-Alpha Mike-Foxtrots”, the “Guardian Angels”, and “The Birds of Prey”. They were named “Skywalkers” by their admirers, and “High-Altitude Combat Specialists” by their superiors. The “Air Force” was all too eager to become “United States Space Command”, and specialized in high-altitude, orbital, and interstellar defense, (and offense), constantly dueling and at odds with the Navy over whose jurisdiction was whose. The Navy, meanwhile, focused on their excellent, incredible, and uncompromising Space Marine Corps. They were gods among men, the five-man company racking up over two hundred confirmed kills in just one tour in orbit. They each earned Purple Hearts, two earned Silver Stars, one received a Congressional Medal of Honor, and another was given the British equivalent after singlehandedly defeating a German SAK Assault squad and rescuing not only the son of the Prime Minister, but also his entire platoon. Also present was the daughter of a certain Second Sky Lord Alloa, a prominent figure in the war at the time. Nuclear weapons were never even placed on the table. The risk was considered too great even when China had Germany in a chokehold, and Mexico penetrated the U.S. border. Once they controlled the sky over their enemy, they could drop troops into any soft target, easily shooting down or evading any anti-air efforts. Mexico took Texas, Nevada, and much of California.

“The EVAS 3 was actually a secret development. It was born out of a new breed of Patriotic American hackers, that had been specially designed to destroy enemy suit programming, and kill its enemy computers, stealing information as it went. This is where the first real artificial intelligences come in. The cool thing is, the guys in the suits, operating these complex weapons and modified armor, these, these, fucking wizards were just American nerds. Oh, yeah, did I mention we built it in Mexico-controlled Texas? Yeah. It was awesome.”
-Mitch Grandeau, A.K.A. “L33C4”, (“Leech”), infamous “Tech Rebel”, self proclaimed “Technomancer”.
E e
The EVAS3.0 was horrifying to witness throughout Texas. It could march through a concentration camp, and with a wave of its hand, deactivate the guards’ weapons. Another wave, and they couldn’t move. It could short enemy superconductors, drain power, (L33C4), or even turn some poor sap’s suit into a bomb. It looked like magic, it felt like The Force, and Mexico’s robotics engineers couldn’t stop it when it sabotaged their drones. In the end, the U.S. declared Texas won, while Mexico called it neutral territory. The U.S. Army recruited as many former Tech Rebels as they could, and after much debate, and some playful cyber-vandalism, officially named the department of hacker warriors the “Technomancer’s Guild”. Their emblem changed several times the first year, but finally settled on a line pyramid. Some say it’s a four-sided die, others that it represents the All-Seeing Eye on the dollar, some still that it dates back to Egyptian warrior wizards. The Technomancer’s Guild has declined to clarify.

Mankind’s reach stretched throughout the solar system, the furthest space station being Atë Station, and on the opposite end, Allegheri Station, specially shielded to protect it from the sun’s heat and radiation. We found new secrets. We uncovered new evidence that either we are not alone, or we are not the first intelligent life here. A strange configuration of glass and hematite that had strangely resonant quality was found imbedded deep in the ice of Europa. We played this “instrument”, producing a fluctuating subsonic to hypersonic hum that could be felt in the orbiting ship. Still, no one answered. The subterranean moon colony stretched wide enough to warrant political boundaries between lunar territories. Short hair was in, Mohawks, fauxhawks, and other similar hairstyles were big favorites for all genders. Social unrest on Earth was particularly due to a small number of people who denounced the use of powered armor, claiming it to be an affront to God. After several acts of “righteous terrorism” on Osiris Colony, martial law was placed, and a power hungry General became a power-hungry Warden.

The EVAS4.0 was released not in a wave of corporations rushing to the same end, but in quiet personal research and development. Small independent EVAS firms popped up, Private Ventures, Lord Byron and Co., Durandal Arms and Armour, each bringing something new and different and amazing to the table. Private Ventures designed custom works of art that floated like butterflies and stung like bees, Lord Byron and Co. built a suit with such extraordinary cyber-warfare capabilities that it had to be sold illegally. Durandal Arms and Armour crafted an EVAS that could withstand antivehicle munitions and even meteorite impacts.
Twas the golden age of the Augmentation Generation.

The Augmentation Generation. What a name. What a title. We were the first generation to live, birth to death, encased in exoskeletons. We were the first to proclaim loudly and arrantly that the EVAS was the future of human evolution. How little did we know, how short was our sight, how conceited we were, to take evolution for granted.

Welcome to the new world.
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