Avatar of PrivateVentures
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    1. PrivateVentures 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
still in and out of doctors and chiropractors. at least i get drugs for it lol
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Locked into a new schedule. Only gonna be on here around 11:00 A.M. EST to 1:30 P.M. EST.
8 yrs ago
I don't understand why people like Supernatural so much.
8 yrs ago
Might have to move back in with my parents. This town is toxic and my leasing company is criminal. I'm tired of spending my free time with my attorney.
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I write a little bit of everything. If you really want to know what sort of things my mind goes to, here's a link:Pens and Swords

In the end, I like to think I'm an easygoing, friendly, and personable fellow. And I would certainly consider myself skilled in the art of non-aggressive communicatio- WHATCHU SAY ABOUT MY MOM

Most Recent Posts

@POOHEAD189 I agree. It follows the literary principle of "Show, don't tell"
@DervishThat is all very good advice. I've been solo writing for too long! I like stories with multiple perspectives from multiple different characters, so I tend to stray over in some ways. I'll keep an eye out for that. Killer Krogan, by the way.

Don't worry, I was very much like you when I first started. I believe I was actually in an old MrDidact superhero RP actually XD

Well that coincidence is nuts. Is Mr. Didact just everywhere?
@SgtEasy Okay, I thought maybe you were just really immersed in your role. Like, hard method acting. Like, Heath Ledger method acting.
@DervishSorry about that. I'm still learning. Probably won't ever stop learning.
By the way, I'm loving the caste guys <3 Good work!

The cast? Or the caste?
@DervishHe didn't intercept it himself. It was most likely traded to him for a favor, or in exchange for other information, possibly biotic weapons, possibly conventional weapon designs. Typically, information like that gets taken by someone close to the subject, traded or sold to someone who somewhat knows the subject, then to someone who knows of the subject, then to someone who doesn't know the subject, then to Ellis Taevon. I doubt it was a big job. Probably just a bodyguarding gig. Maybe even corporate sabotage.

He's NOT a battlemaster? Oh my god, I'm sorry about that. I'll make the necessary edits.
@Mega BirbWe don't have a Salarian yet. It'd be yet another culture clash! I think that'd be pretty cool, but it would set everyone's mind at ease, there being someone from each race involved.
@SgtEasyMost of us I think were selected for military prowess or commendations. Rayes, I think is here for his technical skill, Ellis stole the coordinates from the message sent to Ravanor Rykarn, who is here as a skilled Krogan Battlemaster. We have a very rare Turian, and who knows who else is gonna show up?
@SgtEasy Ja'Far could begin to adjust his speech over time with this new group. After all, people in close proximity pick up tendencies from one another.
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