Avatar of PrivateVentures
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    1. PrivateVentures 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
still in and out of doctors and chiropractors. at least i get drugs for it lol
8 yrs ago
Locked into a new schedule. Only gonna be on here around 11:00 A.M. EST to 1:30 P.M. EST.
8 yrs ago
I don't understand why people like Supernatural so much.
8 yrs ago
Might have to move back in with my parents. This town is toxic and my leasing company is criminal. I'm tired of spending my free time with my attorney.
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I write a little bit of everything. If you really want to know what sort of things my mind goes to, here's a link:Pens and Swords

In the end, I like to think I'm an easygoing, friendly, and personable fellow. And I would certainly consider myself skilled in the art of non-aggressive communicatio- WHATCHU SAY ABOUT MY MOM

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@Rithy I can't wait to see the horror that three biotic pointmen wreak upon xenophobe gangs and terrorist groups.
Oh, that's right, plus two krogans, backed by a crazy zealot sniper and a Geth infiltrator with literally no moral compass in combat.
@MrDidactGotcha, i'll make the modifications tomorrow ^^

<Snipped quote by Dervish>

Woot for the Geth and Krogan 1 being the first to join on the for sure dangerous adventure xD

Eyyy and there's our human!
Spectres, out from the wall! WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE? Apparently, this was far from what Ellis assumed. He had believed that this was a gathering of anti-human groups. His second thought was that it could even be a gathering of assassins, potentially even a coalition of political figures intending on staging a coup. But no, it was just a Spectre recruiting session. Spectres are so weird.

Phalanx, Ravanor Rykarn, and Rayes'Xum Vas Fowel were the first to volunteer their lives. Ellis reviewed the new information silently for a moment.
Possibility of death and great personal injury, little to no compensation, lots of action, no consequences, a chance at redemption, no holds barred, total freedom, TOTAL FREEDOM, ZERO REPERCUSSIONS- Ellis stepped forward.

"I am Ellis Taevon, former Cerberus Enforcer-slash-Vanguard. I bear an impressive combat history, and my dossier should speak for itself. I specialize in PsyWar, forward assaults, Search and Destroy, and Search and Rescue."

Ellis didn't much like the idea of being under the command of another human, not only one who worked for the Council, but one so young as Anderson. He much less relished being one of the Turian Partinax's inferiors. All the same, this was a big opportunity. The opportunity to have the almighty authority of a Spectre. The opportunity to do something good, to make things right.

But he didn't know quite how he fit in here, with the Geth, Quarian, and Krogan. Still they made him deeply uneasy. He swallowed that, and decided to spit out one of his deepest secrets:

"I also escaped indoctrination by the Cerberus-Reaper complex. Unlike many of my former colleagues, my body is 100% Reaper free."

To announce this so bluntly was to denounce all of the Cerberus teachings and training. Indoctrination had been one of the Illusive Man's pet projects, a program designed to turn normal troops into soulless killing machines. Ellis had recieved implantation, as well as the assimilation procedures, but had used his biotic abilities to damage them beyond repair, unbeknownst to his superiors. To admit this now would place him on a Cerberus black list. A hit list, of sorts. Old Cerberus agents both retired and employed would now have his name and likeness in their roster.

That is, if the information reached back to them. Looking around, he doubted that any of these, save Anderson, might have Cerberus connections. And even Anderson was a doubtful candidate. Ellis had lived in fear of Cerberus finding him for a while now,and he was tired of it. Throwing in with the Spectres would be the safest thing right now, but you can't think about that... He'd lived under the Illusive Man's shadow a long time.

But now, it was time for Ellis to take control of his own life. For once, this decision was his.
@Silver Fox Sorry about the laugh. i meant a like for all the percentages. they're very authentic.
hey, guys, what do you think of

July 7th, 1998: Just another night. Rats on the streets. Despair, rodents, for I am rain, I am storm, I am dark. Two in the alley. A prostitute, perhaps. A Jezebel in guise of a lamb. He hides nothing in torn jeans and beaten, stained, and crumpled leather jacket. He waves a knife. She sobs and cowers against a dumpster, the purest of filth. She clutches her purse, no doubt the sole remnant of her possessions, and screams to the night. He smashes her jaw with his fist, but still she shrieks. He shouts something, but I don’t hear it. This has gone far enough. I can feel this vermin’s pulse through my glove, bounding and leaping with the stimulants in his system. I pull his wrist backward, sharply, and his bone tears a new wound in his jacket sleeve. He thrusts his knife unsteadily. I grip the steel in my invulnerable fingers and snap off the blade. Its stinger removed, the scorpion retreats, backing against the brick of the alley. I unfurl my wings and leap, catching his armpits in my hands, trying to concentrate through his screaming. Almost there. The streets are dark, seemingly, deceptively empty. Mailboxes and garbage cans cast eerie shadows in the soft orange light. There it is. A blue backlit sign proclaims it, alongside an illustration of their golden shield: Darius City Police Department. I hurl my quarry through the window, admittedly happy to be rid of his noise. I raise my eyes to the sky, and call the cry of my people.
I am the Black Vulture.
This is my city.

I'm working on a vigilante story, sort an antihero thing.
@Leos Klien My power grows.
A-Okay with me. I'll get to work.
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