Avatar of Rithy
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    1. Rithy 11 yrs ago


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"That wasn't you using your powers of divination now, was it?" Adrianne asked with a slight tilt of her head as she regarded the eldar with a wry small, feeling confident that now might as well be a good a time as any to test the eldar. Better she conjure up a warpstorm here and now rather than when they were knee deep in chaos filth.

That was when her own dinner arrived, a large silver plate with some few vegetables, honey and a LARGE filet of some local creature; reddish meat with a faint trace of orange texture to the meat. Adrianne opened the palms of her hands, and a knife and a fork levitated up into them as she grasped them mid air, before putting them to work against the large piece of meat!

It wasn't until she had taken her first bite from the thing and washed it down with some wine from her goblet that she stopped and turned towards Medaira.

"Do not think me a fool. While I do love a challenge as much as anyone... or, perhaps a bit more than most, I'm not that dense that I'd try winning a drinking competition against someone who might as well be a veritable industrial water filtration plant! Emperor knows I have no clue what implants or cybernetics you got in your guts." Adrianne said, raising a finger to point it at Medaira while a wide, cunning grin was visible on her face; as though she had just foiled Medaira's best laid plan!

Which, may or may not be true or even both true and untrue at the same time, as the antics Adrianne had seen from the cog girl so far was enough to make one suspect Medaira might be a part-time servant of the Great Manipulator Tzeentch!
Bonus mission unlocked: Get the abstinent armsman and Eldar Farseer drunk !
"The mental image of you managing to trip a multi-legged chaos spawn would be something to behold~ "Adrianne mused with a slight smirk in Medaira's direction, before it came down to giving their orders.

Adrianne paused for a moment as Valkia appeared. Truly, the notion of giving food orders to someone like that was definitely a unique experience. But Adrianne choose not to overthink it; instead following her gut instincts, she levied the menu and opened a page for Valkia.

"I'll take one of this, and this, and this... oh, and do remember the gene-potatoe fries and imported spiced sauce." Adrianne instructed as she leaned forward, listing off half the page worth of foodstuffs. Something about this whole place was making her quite hungry, and Adrianne was not about to waste such an opportunity!

Yet, no sooner had she finished rambling off than her violet eyes were drawn back to Medaira.

"If I didn't know any better, then I would say you were attempting to get our armsman soaked." Adrianne mused with a slight accusatory tone and a chuckle. Which was also the same moment that another idea suddenly struck the psyker, and the ashen haired woman turned around to peer at the eldar sitting at their table.
"Do el,- ... can you handle alcohol?"

Adrianne suddenly asked, leaning forward slightly while holding her goblet in one hand; as if a great question had suddenly appeared in her mind that needed immediate answering, her eyes practically zeroing in on Maya!
The Eldar Farseer shrugged lightly before turning to nod her head at the Tech-Priestess, not entirely sure how to respond to the strange woman. "I am glad at least one of you are happy to have me here."

If only she knew...
Adrianne listened to Medaira spout some minor heresies, and nodded in agreement.

"It is a wonder the guard is so effective." Adrianne mused, reflecting on her own memories of the guard. She had been attached to guard regiments in the past, and even though she stuck close to officers; there had been more than one episode where friendly fire had been narrowly avoided. Often thanks to her own divination powers!

She felt herself getting hungry. It was probably a reason why the Eldar's presence upset her so much. The ashen haired psyker resumed to look through the menu, taking a note of the meals she'd order.

"One extra large beef with onions; one serving of local fish; one set of spiced ribs; gene potatoes; sour cream... " Adrianne paused mid notation, turning towards Medaira.
"Prank friends? If you can actually pull off a prank against an agent of the great enemy; I'd be willing to give you a reward~"

She added with a smirk; suddenly curious how in the world Medaira would pull something like that off, and quietly hoping she hadn't just set off a chain reaction that would lead to a lot of trouble for them in the later future.

I mean, not like you can blame Stukov's POV exactly, what with their usual mode of operandi ~

"Worry not Psyker friend! Box is very sealed as for Prank Friend Maya, I'm sure Prank Friend Maya will be of great pranking help in the future!"

"That does not answer my concerns... "

Adrianne thought to herself mentally, but simply shook her head. While she hjad displayed skill, she still had little hope of ever getting any sense out of the malfunctioning vox speaker that was Medaira.

As they sat down by one of the tables, Adrianne slumped down besides them. And when Andromedai ordered water, Adrianne motioned for wine to be delivered to her. She accepted the bottle and goblet as it arrived, listening to the tale told by Andromedai. In a way, it was an odd tale to come to grips with. The tales of primarchs felt all too far away for Adrianne to truly come to grips with, and although she had dealt with the after effects of black crusades before; she could only feel sorry for whoever ended up standing in the middle of their paths.

And it was as she was sitting by the table that Adrianne realized that her emotions towards the eldar was not simply her own prejudice, but rather the unnatural presence with her that hungered towards the eldar; like a ravenous beast presented with a delectable piece of meat just inches from its jaws.

But there was also another thing that bothered Adrianne about Maya.

"You are unusually humble... " Adrianne started, peering at Maya as she took a sip from her goblet; conveniently leaving out the 'for an eldar' at the end of her sentence.
"What is your stake in this? Why risk yourself for this world, especially when you risk so much more than the rest of us?"

Adrianne asked, placing down her goblet as she peered over the table at Maya with her violet eyes. It was during that gaze that a strange aura would fall over the table, making the food taste all the more delicious to any mortal at the table possessed with taste buds. Even the normal water served to them would gain a strange kind of sweetness to it, like an exquisite drink one could gulp down on for an entire day.
To say that Adrianne had a visceral reaction similar to Stukov was perhaps an understatement the moment the xenos psyker revealed herself to them; indeed, Adrianne would sense the farseer's aura the moment the eldar interrupted whatever concealing trick it had used up until now before she even saw the eldar with her own eyes!

"Eldar!" Adrianne bit her lips as she stopped dead in the middle of the Typhon, with enough suddenness that any who came behind her might stumble into the tall psyker.

Adrianne felt a mix of emotions at the revelation. In addition to the feeling of surprise, she also felt a distinct tinge of annoyance at the fact that she had not noticed the eldar's aura at all until now. She considered her own powers to be on par with that of some eldar, but the xenos' ridiculously long life spans allowed them to reach a power and mastery over the warp that human psykers would struggle to match; and of these farseers were some of the worst!

But there was also something else she felt; the presence looming over her, as if it felt just as surprised as she had been at the sudden revaluation; a surprise that soon took a turn for great curiosity, lust and desire!

"Oh what an exquisite gem! To think she has been so close all this time all along! I could almost just reach through the veil and snatch her for myself... !"

The sickly-sweet voice reverberated throughout Adrianne's mind with an intensity she had not felt before, triggered by the close proximity to such a potent eldar soul. A faint trickle of violet energy sparked around her fingers before she could extinguish it, and for a brief moment; every living creature aboard the Typhon would feel their breath stolen from their lungs, as if a giant, invisible hand had clamped down around them. But the bizarre sensation left as sudden as it had arrived.

"I... have my concerns about this." Adrianne said, as if to wave away the awkward silence.
"Whatever their seeming intentions, allying with the eldar for any prolonged period of time always results in treachery."

Adrianne warned, though seemed to be more in a hurry to get away from Maya as she quickly moved to the co-pilot seat.

It was not until they had arrived Saints Respite that Adrianne hurried out of the Typhons with the rest of the crew as they dismounted; quickly seizing on Stukov and Medaira as they were entering the place.

"Listen." Adrianne spoke, using a single flick of her finger and a subtle gesture of her powers to pull Medaira and Stukov in front of her, as if by an invisible string of rope. She placed her staff gently on them, motioning for them to continue to walk as they were a small ways away from Maya and Andromedai.
"I do not know what's going on here, but that thing is a genuine eldar psyker. I do not know if she's an actual farseer, but her powers are very real. Perhaps we will learn some more during this dinner, but until then we should be wary. I fear Sanguinella may excite some of our enemies. And your box may become a target, Medaira."

Adrianne whispered to the two in a hushed voice as they walked inside, pretending to act as normal as she could; even if subtlety was not her greatest strength.

<Snipped quote by Rithy>

Don't break my incredibly primitive toys, even if I have a plan to up the arsenal once the opportunity arises!

Stukov: "Now as my shotguns have suspiciously malfunctioned, I finally have a good excuse to use this plasma gun!"
pshshh.... details details

I think our local armsman miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight have a little issue with that idea ;p
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