@MrDidact I see what you're saying. I'll hold off on the planning for now, and work on a rewrite. I would posit, however, that the Genophage was not psychological, so much as biological warfare, designed to prevent reproduction, a trope of average unconventional warfare, just as Agent Orange was in Vietnam, or the Atomic Bomb in Japan.
It's not so much an underhanded tactic I'm referring to, so much as a different style of warfare, designed to attack the mind, rather than the body. I understand why the concept of conventional warfare seems more honorable, though. PsyWar has a bad rep, as it should. I would like to mention a more modern version of PsyWar: some American personnel leaving the middle east brought back accounts of painting or writing "Infidel was here" in areas of combat. It wasn't so much warfare as it was Psychological reinforcement, but I think it applies.
And yeah, the Salarians, FOR SURE, know how to fuck up a mind. They've got just as many creepy experiments as Cerberus.
I would also like to mention that holy shit, Salarians are scary. They've got that creepy abusive-mental-health-doctor feel.