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    1. PrivateVentures 8 yrs ago


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I write a little bit of everything. If you really want to know what sort of things my mind goes to, here's a link:Pens and Swords

In the end, I like to think I'm an easygoing, friendly, and personable fellow. And I would certainly consider myself skilled in the art of non-aggressive communicatio- WHATCHU SAY ABOUT MY MOM

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@1Charak2 I figured at the very least, the Dimir would have knowledge of these things. Phyrexians are still pretty legendary among the dark magic circles, going off flavour text, and the Eldrazi, well, I'm 99% certain everyone knows and no one talks about it.

Aside from that, she could've even heard legends passed from planeswalker to passerby.

Oh, also, the knowledge that kills thing, I address that with the concept of the Dimir hunting those who spread the legends, or even multiverse artifacts. If snyone would be trying to silence the information, it would be the Dimir, even if it happened to be for the greater good. Can't have folks knowing that stuff. Look what it did to Erich Zann.

I doubt she understands what the Phyrexians really are, and she definitely doesn't comprehend the nature of the Eldrazi. But, I suppose, she'd be pretty superstitious with that sort of knowledge. To be honest, I was actually thinking it would be wise to remove mention of the Phyrexians, and leave it as "She was told stories of great horrors that lived in the sky, and would someday come back down to take what is theirs" or something like that. I'm also tinkering with an idea, that her only knowledge of the Eldrazi comes from the runic engravings on her armor.

EDIT: NVM, you were right about the Phyrexians. I was literally confusing them with certain other horrors. Oh, and yeah, I included mana count, just so I could keep track of the spells.
@Vulkan Oh jeez, nah, Ethan would be up to like, Tiberius' knee. Dude is huge. All other Turians are knee high to THAT grasshopper.
Now rip off his arms.

Way ahead of you.
@Vulkan Tiberius is our most accomplished pure biotic, it seems. At least our most trained. Ellis is self-taught, Vella is Asari, Sicaria is trained fairly heavily, etc. But the only two who specifically specialize in biotics are Ethan and Tiberius.
Thst having been said, I think the two could use one another for some insane combat training. It's a biotic wizard vs. A biotic telekinetic. It'd be insanely productive if the two learned to cooperate. Like, imagine if Ellis and Ethan trained together to create their own biotic manipulations.

The shipping has begun, but only for Phalanx.

And yes, I used the word 'insane' for a reason.
@Mega Birb Sicaria is lucky Ellis knows he's no good. Otherwise, dude might have ruined the Infiltration team's op, to profess his love/hatred for the Turian beauty.
@Vulkan Aaaand that's the biggest issue. Ellis has a strong barrier, and his armor is specifically designed to resist blunt force, making explosions, kinetic charges, and other shock-force weapons virtually useless. But, Ethan could work to speed up his Overheat and Overclock processes. If Ethan applied enough heat for enough time, he could burn Ellis out.

Honestly, I think Tiberius is gonna be Ethan's real rival.
Unfortunately, Ethan's malnourishment will prevent him from being able to output his full potential. Ellis, on the other hand, relies on his suit to maintain a number of bodily functions, minimalizing the amount of energy he must expend. This leaves Ellis with more biotic ammo than Ethan.

Ethan's physical capabilities would fare badly against a suit with the strength of a krogan, so once his biotics failed, he'd be hard pressed to survive, let alone survive without horrible psychological scarring.

I just reread both Character Sheets. I gotta stand by my original observation.
@VulkanAh! So the power itself is his fetish! That's the big difference, then. For Ellis, it's the fear, the destruction. For Ethan, its the capability that he likes. Just,
Like, the knowledge that he has the power to destroy
@Vulkan Agreed. No one looked at Vella as a sincere, war-minded veteran. To us, she was a bumblng, trigger happy idiot.
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